Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Health Risks Of Eating Too Much Cheese

Cheese must be one of the best dairy products ever processed. A lot of Americans and other people over the world love cheese so much and the cheese-making industry has grown to be a thriving business. All types of cheese that tingle the taste buds line the supermarket shelves, deli and gourmet shops.

You'll be surprised to know that there's a thing called cheese addiction. A scientific study conducted in the eighties revealed that traced of morphine can be found in milk and dairy products, and the highest among them can be found in cheese.

Now you ask - how did the morphine get there? I was too surprised myself, but a specific milk protein called casein was found in cow's milk. The same protein releases opiates when digested, and it occurs more in cheese than in any other dairy product since cheese in concentrated milk protein after lactose sugar and water are extracted in the cheese-making process. So too much cheese can actually develop into a form of addiction.

And just as much as it can lead you to specific cravings, too much cheese can also be bad for your health. It contains high levels of saturated fats which are directly responsible for the bad cholesterol that builds up and blocks the arteries.

Above average cheese consumption has also been observed to trigger migraine attacks and arthritis flares. In fact, the high fat content in cheese has been directly correlated with about 50% of rheumatoid arthritis cases. It also interferes with vitamin D absorption since an excess of calcium from dairy products can suppress the activation of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D insufficiency increases your risk for prostate cancer by the way. It also causes an increase in testosterone production, which is also linked to prostate cancer.

Cheese takes 70 percent of its calorie from fat, so apart from being addictive, it can also be quit fattening. It is also loaded with high levels of sodium, which is a critical contributing factor to elevated blood pressure.
It hurts as I write this since I am a self-confessed cheese person! I'm already thinking about all those cheeses in my fridge, but it should be wise to motivate ourselves out of our cheese cravings, knowing too much of it can cause a lot of critical health issues.

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