Saturday, September 21, 2013

Arthritis - An Explanation

Arthritis, which affects the musculoskeletal system, generally refers to the slow erosion over time of the cushioning cartilage that is situated in the area between the bony joints and which normally protects them as they move against each other during normal exercise.

When I was eventually diagnosed with this condition I was told I must have had it for about 15 years although for much of that time I didn't know I had a problem. It is not always immediately apparent even though early arthritic symptoms can sometimes include some stiffness and restriction in movement. By the time it eventually shows up or is diagnosed, often the damage has been done, is irreversible and can only be corrected by surgery.

So prevention is definitely better than cure in this case and needs to involve taking special care to look after the cartilage in your body. As in the case of all living cells, specialised cartilage cells called chondrocytes normally go through a natural and continuous process of dying and being constantly replaced and require the right nutrients and environment to thrive.

In the case of Rheumatoid arthritis or following an injury however, inflammation can arise which produces an environment that is detrimental to and can attack and kill the cartilage cells more quickly than the body can replace them, especially if there aren't enough of the right nutrients available within the body to make joint repair feasible.

Arthritis can be a localized to one or more joints in the body such as the hip, shoulder or knee. Or it can be experienced as a more generalized condition throughout the body as a whole, generally affecting the muscles and soft tissues. Fibromyalgia or inflammatory Rheumatoid Arthritis would be a common type of arthritis under this category, as well as gout and as the condition varies so would the treatment although it is possible to have more than one type of arthritis at the same time requiring several different approaches.

This condition can start as early as infancy or childhood although it is not so common at this stage of life. It is much more common among adults in the over 60's, and shows up mostly in the form of osteoarthritis. As the American population ages, the number of people suffering with it is increasing and it is considered to be more common amongst people who have practised high impact sports for some time, thus increasing the wear and tear on the joints. The prime cause of disability in the United States of America these days is considered to be arthritis.

If you want to help prevent the onset of this debilitating and very common and painful disease I recommend you take the time to follow a few easy and simple, yet possibly life-changing steps.

* Watch your diet and seek to maintain your appropriate ideal weight

* Regularly consume plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit. They are a really good source of vitamins D and C

* Take the time to make sure that there is enough enough calcium in your diet

* Take regular low to medium- impact exercise and take care to reduce the risk of sports injuries

* Natural therapies have also been found to be very useful in both preventing damage and alleviating the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis, even sometimes curing it completely

* Take steps to reduce the level of stress in your life such as taking up meditation or setting aside some restful 'you time'

Low Purine Diet For Gout

A low purine diet for gout is necessary if a person wants to relieve himself from all the aches and pains associated with the disease. But first, what is purine? Purine is a natural substance found in our body and in all the food that we eat. it is found in plants, animals and in our genetic chemical structure.

Some seafood like mussels, mackerel and sardines, have a high level of purine concentration. Animal sweetbreads too, for that matter. How then can purine be harmful to our body? When purines metabolize, they become uric acid which in normal amounts, act as an anti-oxidant to our body.

An influx in the production of uric acid will make it difficult for the kidneys to catch up in keeping the uric acid blood levels balanced. This would lead to the uric acid buildup into crystals. These then would deposit themselves into joints, tendons and other organs in our body making us feel pain in some areas. This condition is called gout.

To prevent this, a low purine diet for gout must be followed. Protein rich foods that we are commonly eaten every day, unfortunately, have a very high concentration of purine. Goodbye steak and lobster. Red meat and seafood must be avoided at all cost. Limit alcohol intake.

Alcohol is said aid in purine production which leads to an increase in uric acid levels in the body.

No more high fat food. Fat sticks the uric acid to your kidneys. Well it doesn't actually - but if you have that thought in your head it might help you make better food choices!

Eating a lot of vegetables would do you good. Choose green leaf ones like spinach and kale. Cauliflower, asparagus and mushrooms will also be good for variety, but do have some purines in them.

Eat carbohydrates like enriched bread and pasta. These foods would help you eliminate uric acid in your body. Fruits, fruit juices, and a lot of water reduces the chances of your developing kidney stones.

A simple one day meal plan would include soup, toast with fruit jam, and coffee for breakfast; a salad and a small burger for lunch and a grilled, skinless chicken breast and rice with lightly buttered broccoli for dinner. Desert could be a fruit sherbet or a fruit salad with very little or no cream. Not bad for someone with restrictions.

Eating right, following a low purine diet for gout is one of the first steps into recovery.

While you're at it, try losing weight gradually. If you lose weight too fast you can actually trigger a gout attack.

Gout Symptoms - Is It Gout Or Something Else?

There are a few conditions that can produce results similar, with slight differences, to gout symptoms. Gout is a form of arthritis so you may have a form of arthritis such as Rheumatoid arthritis, also known as RA, or Osteoarthritis. You could also have an infection of the joint, with swelling and redness which would require antibiotics. Knowing the differences will help you find a remedy for your gout attack. Gout affects the joints, just like the more familiar forms of arthritis.

The most common joint for gout symptoms is the big toe, (called Podagra), which is where 50% of people get it, but it can attack other joints also such as your knees, fingers, wrists and ankles.

The most common gout symptoms are extreme pain and tenderness, redness (could be purplish as well, resembling an infection), swelling and warmth. It differs from the other forms of arthritis mentioned above in that the symptoms come on rapidly and usually at night when your body temperature is lower and you are not moving around. The pain can be so intense that even the weight of a bed sheet can cause terrible pain and discomfort. It will usually last a few hours and then start to dissipate over the next few days or weeks.

Some people don't get the common symptoms like those above. Some develop nodules, called tophi, on their ears, hands, knees or elbows. These are painless deposits of uric acid crystals. You could also develop tophi in your kidneys, resulting in stones. High fever and fatigue are other signs. Fatigue is a common complaint in arthritis sufferers.

The only way to know for sure if to have tests done by a doctor.

Blood tests: Research has found that while some conditions such as hyperuricemia (an abnormally high level of uric acid in the blood) is a classic sign of gout, it only appears in roughly half of the people that develop gout. Some people with hyperuricemia never develop gout.

Synovial fluid: is fluid that normally cleans out your joints. Checking for MSU crystals in your synovial fluid or tophi if you have those would be the best way to tell if it is gout or another condition.

Discover Alternative Therapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Because rheumatoid arthritis medications are known to have side effects -- some quite serious -- there is a growing interest in alternative therapies.

For rheumatoid arthritis in the early stages, an anti-inflammatory is usually the first choice. Typical anti-inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis medications include aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen.

Aspirin, as most people know, can cause stomach upset and eventually ulcers. Ibuprofen has caused liver damage, anemia, intestinal bleeding, diminished vision and meningitis. People who have aspirin sensitive asthma may also be sensitive to ibuprofen. It has not been proven safe for use by children and should not be used by pregnant women or nursing mothers. These side effects and possible dangers are some of the reasons that people look for alternative therapies for rheumatoid arthritis.

Naproxen is another of the fast acting or anti-inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis medications. In clinical trials of patients taking naproxen, one to ten percent experienced one or more of the following adverse reactions: heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, lightheadedness, vertigo, itching, sweating, hearing problems, visual problems, cardiovascular edema, heart palpitations, vomiting, gastro-intestinal bleeding, ulcers, anemia and other side effects.

Natural anti-inflammatory botanicals, nutritional supplements and herbal remedies may be considered as alternative therapies for rheumatoid arthritis.

Zinc, an essential mineral, has been shown to be capable of inhibiting the inflammatory response, but most studies of zinc supplementation in rheumatoid arthritis patients have been inconclusive. Like many supplements and alternative therapies for rheumatoid arthritis, zinc seems to help some people and has no side effects, unless high doses are used.

Botanicals and herbal remedies which may be considered as supplemental or alternative therapies for rheumatoid arthritis include ginger root, bromelain, feverfew, turmeric and mangosteen.

Ginger, turmeric and mangosteen have all been used historically by native peoples to treat pain and reduce swelling. The effectiveness of ginger as an alternative to rheumatoid arthritis medications has been studied in clinical trials and indicates that it does show promise.

A small clinical study (18 patients) concluded that turmeric was nearly as effective as one of the anti-inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis medications, but it is not clear whether this was a placebo effect, since there was no control group. Additionally there is some disagreement concerning whether it should be used in the powdered form or as a tea.

Mangosteen is a relatively new and exciting addition to the western world as an anti-inflammatory. It was used historically by the native peoples of Thailand, Vietnam, India, China, Malaysia and the Philippines to treat a variety of bodily aches and pains.

The mangosteen is a fruit and its most readily available form is a drink that contains a puree of the fruit and its rind. It is important when purchasing mangosteen products to consider only the ones that include the rind, because anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory components and even Cox inhibitors are concentrated in it, as well as numerous vitamins and minerals.

While no human clinical studies have been completed to date concerning mangosteen's efficacy as an alternative or supplement to rheumatoid arthritis medications, numerous laboratory studies have shown that certain of the "xanthones" (powerful anti-oxidants) are anti-inflammatory and Cox-2 inhibitors.

Alternative Therapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

According to Dr J. Frederic Templeman, M.D. in response to the question "Will the Mangosteen help with pain?" he states: "...Presumptively the mangosteen inhibits the pain-related action of the Cox-2 enzyme in the CNS [Central Nervous System] and blocks pain impulse generation.

So yes, the mangosteen may significantly reduce any pain you might be experiencing." [End Quote]

Prescription Cox-2 inhibitors are being shunned by a great many people due to their numerous undesirable and serious side effects. Indeed, the Cox-2 inhibitor, Vioxx(TM), was taken off of the market worldwide for a time because of the health dangers associated with it and has embroiled Merck in a nightmare of legal woes.

Lab rats or cell lines have been used to conduct mangosteen research and there were no reported side effects. It is believed that because the mangosteen contains the anti-ulcer compounds ascorbic acid, beta carotene, fiber and pectin, it would not have any of the gastric side effects common in anti-inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis medications.

Other compounds found in the fruit may promote heart health and are anti-hypertensive, so health problems associated with prescription Cox-2 inhibiting rheumatoid arthritis medications should not occur with mangosteen usage.

It is possible that mangosteen could one day be considered an effective supplemental or alternative treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. Hopefully, at some point, clinical studies can confirm this, but research is expensive and usually funded by pharmaceutical companies, which is why there are so few studies of the effectiveness of herbal and botanical remedies, particularly in the United States.

Studies of alternative therapies for rheumatoid arthritis have shown that diet plays a possible role. Patients who have used a diet that excluded common food allergens such as grains, milk, nuts, beef and eggs reported being symptom free for as long as five years, as long as they stuck to the diet.

In addition to or as an alternative to anti-inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis medications, some doctors prescribe corticosteroids like prednisone. But, while these may be effective for short-term relief of symptoms, long-term use of corticosteroids is known to cause many other health problems including diabetes.

In addition, they tend to lose their effectiveness, and can be habit forming. When a patient has been taking corticosteroid rheumatoid arthritis medications, they must be "weaned" off of them, meaning the medication must be gradually reduced before switching to alternative therapies for rheumatoid arthritis.

Diet That Helps Rheumatoid Arthritis - Find Out Amazing Natural Ingredients That Never Fail!

Diet plays an important role on our health and well-being. Consuming a healthy diet that helps rheumatoid arthritis and contains all the essential nutrients is one of the best ways to overcome arthritis symptoms such as pain, aches, swelling and lack of mobility. Find out the expert facts in this article.

Herbs and spices

Herbs and spices have been used since ages in the diet that helps rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, aspirin that is widely used to overcome the pain associated with arthritis was originally derived from a plant Willow bark and meadowsweet. A lot of herbs and spices have extraordinary anti-inflammatory and immunity building properties.

2 well-known spices that play an important part and should be included in a diet that helps rheumatoid arthritis are --

1) Celery -- it is a very common vegetable. Celery seeds have been used since 30 AD to achieve pain relief in arthritis symptoms. You can purchase them in the form of whole seeds or in combination with salt. However, salt aggravates swelling by increasing fluid retention, so it should be avoided in the diet for rheumatoid arthritis patients.

2) Turmeric -- it contains the complex that is known as curcumin. Curcumin is very effective to counter inflammation and reducing arthritis pain. It has similar anti-inflammatory activity such as Cox-2 inhibiting drugs.

Fruits, whole grains and vegetables

Natural foods such as fruits, whole grains and vegetables provide a good amount of nutrition with low calories. They are the least processed and also contain a good deal of anti-inflammatory properties which are highly beneficial for patients of arthritis. Therefore they should be included as a part of a healthy diet that helps rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Fish and Fish oil

Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They are very beneficial for arthritis patients as they are an excellent anti-inflammatory. Clinical studies on patients of rheumatoid arthritis showed that their symptoms of painful joints, swollen joints, morning stiffness, etc. were greatly improved when they were given 1000 milligrams of fish oil per day for a period of 4 to 8 months.

Fish oil supplements can make up for the Omega 3 deficiency, if you do not consume fish more than 3 to 5 times a week. It can be one of the best natural ways to reduce pain and counter inflammation and should form a supplementary part in a healthy diet that helps rheumatoid arthritis.

A Key to Solving Auto-Immune Diseases Like Rheumatoid Arthritis

A Thomsonian Naturopathic Doctor's View of a Common Sense Way Out of the Autoimmune Disease Mess

I am a Thomsonian Naturopathic doctor and follower of Dr Samuel Thomson (the founder 1822). He believed as I have learned from his teachings and my experience that all diseases are actually simple to explain. That the more you complicate disease and medical techniques the more that people are removed from the healing process. One of the results is what you see today in these auto-immune disease epidemic nightmares.

When I was looking at autoimmune diseases in 2004 there were at that time 65 and everyone was shocked at the high number. Sadly these diseases have nearly tripled in that short period of time and today I believe the number is close to 150. But this is not the true number as anyone of those autoimmune diseases can have any number of sub-diseases with their own symptoms. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) for example, has about 100 sub-diseases.

Autoimmune diseases like RA are a disease where your immune system does not recognize you and attacks you as though you were something foreign. Here is a comparison that shows just how crazy this really is. Imagine, that in your city one day for no apparent reason the police department starts shooting at the employees of the water department, crazy huh?

Modern medicine's answer seems like a good idea, suppress or control the immune system. But wait a minute that is like answering your city's problem by taking away the policemen's guns. This is unrealistic; because like your immune system the police have a vital service to perform. Shouldn't the realistic solution be to find out why your immune system is attacking you in the first place, why the confusion?

Let me see if I can make something clear for everyone so it is easier to understand. When each cell is created by your body it gets an identifying signature a code that says it is part of you and do not attack me. You might say it is like the license plate on your car. Well, when your immune system senses this code it automatically knows that this is you and do not attack. Modern medical science calls this code a major histocompatibility complex (MHC).

As long as you have been alive your immune system has checked each of the trillions of cells in your body two times a day. The question is why, after checking the identification of your cells successfully all your life, does your immune system suddenly attack as in RA? What has happened to these cells of your body such as those in your joints that it once protected and now attacks?

Naturopaths like myself, believe that RA and all other autoimmune diseases are a symptom of a modern lifestyle and genetic weaknesses. Making the pain or symptoms go away without addressing the underlying root of the immune confusion will give your body cause and effect to bring you another autoimmune disease. And so it is, someone with an auto-immune disease tends to get another auto-immune disease and possibly more. It is like the child's game where you knock the peg down with a hammer and another one pops up.

What is needed to prevent the immune system from making these errors? Simply eliminate from the body those things that are causing the immunity confusion. These are things that never have and never will be naturally accepted or beneficial to the human body or mind.

Objective Autoimmune Disease Causes

There are combinations of toxins in everyone's bodies today that have never been there in all of human history. Our bodies were never designed to carry them nor do we have any use for them. Some of them are objectively toxic in nature like the heavy metals aluminum, cadmium, lead, mercury and thallium. Then you have the industrial chemicals that include hydrazine, herbicides, preservatives, dyes, plastics, bisphenol A and rubber products that are released in the environment and they number somewhere close to 85,000 thanks to the EPA and the FDA.

Note (In 2005, researchers from the Environmental Working Group found something very frightening: a cocktail of 287 pollutants - PFOA's, pesticides, dioxins, flame retardants -- in the fetal-cord blood of newborn infants from around the country).

Medical Drugs That Can Cause Autoimmune Diseases

It has been known for some time that medical drugs can trigger an autoimmune disease. Now it has been found that many medical drugs are the direct cause of various autoimmune diseases.

The Prescription Drugs

Alferon N, Allopurinol, Atenolol, Atorvastatin, captopril, Carbamazepine, chlorpromazine, Chlorthalidone, cimetidine, Ethosuximide, gold salts, griseofulvin, Hydralazine, Hydrochlorothiazide, Infergen, Inerferon Alfa, Interferons, Interleukins, Intron A, Isoniazid, Levodopa, Lithium, Lovastatin, Mesantoin, Methimazole, Methyldopa, Methylsergide, Metoprolol, Minocycline, Minoxidil, Nitrofurantoin, Ophthalmic timolol, Oral contraceptives, P-aminobenzoic, PegIntron, Penicillamine, Penicillin, Perphenazine, Phenylbutazone, Phenytoin, Pravostatin, Primidone, Procainamide, Propylthiouracil, Quinidine, Simvastatin, sulfasalazine, sulfonamides, streptomycin, Sulfonamide antimicrobials, Tetracyclines, Tiotropium Bromide inhaler, Trimethadione, Tumor Necrosis factor, Valproic acid.

Why would a medical drug that you take for your health cause you to become sick? Basically medicine is not made to help you to become healthier. Medical drugs are developed to suppress your symptoms. You would never take a pharmaceutical drug to feel healthier as you would a vitamin or herbal supplement.

Mercury in Medicine

Of course everyone knows the dangers of mercury, but modern medicine insists on putting mercury in just about everything they give us and the FDA allows them to, why? Because mercury is cheap and it works to suppress your symptoms even though over the long haul it poisons us all. How dangerous is mercury? It is the second most dangerous element on the planet next to plutonium.

Yet mercury is even found in over the counter medical drugs (OCMD) such as topical antiseptics, stimulant laxatives, diaper rash ointments (yes for babies), eye drops, nose sprays, Preparation H, Calomel body powders and talc, Mercurochrome, Merthiolate, Laxatives containing Calomel, Psoriasis ointments, Calamine lotions, Contact lens solutions and Vaginal gels - especially those that are contraceptives. And of course mercury is highly suspect as a cause in all these new autoimmune diseases and the alteration of our children's behavior such as ADD, ADHD and Autism. Easy to see why we have health problems, isn't it?

Why is the FDA afraid to do what is right and pull mercury out of all of these products? Because the use of mercury is so cheap and the pressure is high in the drug industry to leave it that way.

"Lawsuit to Force FDA to Comply With Law and Ban Mercury" (News of the Day 11/13/2006)

The lawsuit, originally filed in August 2006, asks the court to force the FDA to comply with existing law and regulations and provide proof of the safety and efficacy of mercury in drugs. The suit was filed because the FDA failed to answer issues raised.

Mercury is found in at least 45 different prescribed or over-the-counter drugs, including eye ointments, nasal sprays, and vaccines, most importantly, flu vaccines administered to children and pregnant women.

In a 1999 internal email, obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request, an FDA official wrote that the agency's failure to evaluate the cumulative amount of mercury in medicine "...will raise questions about FDA being 'asleep at the switch' for decades by allowing a potentially hazardous compound to remain...and not forcing manufacturers to exclude it from new products...."

In a second email, the same official wrote: "...the greatest point of vulnerability on this issue is that the systematic the FDA could have been done years ago and on an ongoing basis."

Citizen Filed Petition, Aug 4, 2004, by CoMeD representatives

FDA Sued Over Mercury in Medicines, News of the Day, 11/13/2006

Subjective Autoimmune Disease Causes

Would you be surprised to learn that something subjective like losing a loved one or getting a divorce can trigger an autoimmune disease just liked mercury can. To eliminate these and others you need to address the whole person which takes work and willingness on the part of the patient.

Your Genetic Weaknesses and Autoimmune Diseases

The genetic connection to autoimmune diseases are well established but very few people are aware of the Naturopathic Medical view of genetics and disease. A chain is the perfect object to use as an example of genetic weaknesses. There is a very old saying that goes like this, "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link". So, there is no chain that does not have a weak link and that link can be found by exerting enough stress on the chain to break that link.

Now imagine each organ in your body alphabetically beginning with your adrenals down to your veins is a link in a chain. This chain of organs has a weak genetic link somewhere you just need to apply enough stress (through diet, toxicity and lifestyle) on the organ chain to find the weak link. Knowing you have a weak link how would you protect yourself from getting a disease in that organ? The answer is as simple as the cure for all disease. Simply do not put stress on your genetic chain with your lifestyle.

Those people whose genetic chain is already broken need to reverse what they have been doing all their life. This will take the stress off of the weak organ and give it a chance to recover. By doing the opposite I mean cleansing, detoxing, no refined foods, lots of produce, live juices and lifestyle adjustments.

One of the miracles of the human body is the replacement of each and every cell and organ over an 8 year period. To take advantage of this process you give your body everything it needs to do this to the optimum level. In other words treating your body just as I said above with the best cleansing, detoxing and the most nutritious foods, herbs, supplements and lifestyle adjustments to get the most from this building process.

Specifically What Can You Do?

Naturopaths believe disease and ill health attack you from five different areas of your life. One, what you bring into your body via food, water, air. Two, what is not eliminated; the toxins that build up encouraging the disease to start. Three, a lack of movement and exercise cause poor blood flow encouraging toxic buildup, low oxygen and poor nutrition to cells. Four, the stressful people and situations in the work place and at home. Five, a poor spiritual foundation, no belief in higher power. To reverse auto-immune diseases like RA and bring good health, the above five areas are addressed at the same time with rigorous cleansing, detoxing and lifestyle changes

Few people today realize how intensively healing and powerful Naturopathic medical treatments really are. They think of using a few herbs for this and that disease, drinking an herb tea, do a few yoga stretches etc. Which is as weak as it sounds and is also very far from the truth.

The truth is that Naturopathic Medical therapies are intense, invasive and rigorous. Juice fasting, colon, liver and kidney cleansing and detoxing, cold sheet treatments, hydro therapy, caster oil packs and blood cleansing using substantial doses of herbs, etc. All of these treatments plus making permanent changes in your lifestyle and more are part of Naturopathic Medicine's treatments to undo RA and all auto-immune diseases. Anyone who gives these techniques their complete attention and focus will see RA and any disease including cancer disappear into their past.

I know, I used the above techniques on myself against a life threatening disease twenty years ago and they wiped my health slate clean as when I was a boy. I am 65 now; healthy and strong as a horse with zero diseases and zero medications.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Glutathione Supplementation - Why Supplementing on Glutathione Can Be Key To Your Health

Glutathione supplementation is definitely something to consider adding to your diet. It could be hard to get all the glutathione you need from food alone so it's a good idea to take a supplement. If you're going to supplement on glutathione, also make sure you're getting enough selenium, alpha lipoic acid and B vitamins.

For maximum protection, get at least 100 mg to 200 mg per day of glutathione.

Before we get into supplementing on glutathione supplementation, let's discuss those who are likely to be deficient and who especially needs glutathione supplementation.

Are You Deficient?

It's especially important for elderly folks, if you have an illness (like the cold of flu) or injuries, exposed to a lot of toxins, have a chronic disease such as asthma or rheumatoid arthritis, or abuse alcohol that you're getting more than enough glutathione in your diet.

If you are deficient in glutathione then you'll need to take more to get the full glutathione benefits.

Supplementing Glutathione

Remember, glutathione is made up of 3 amino acids - cysteine, glycine, glutamic acid. If you're low on glutathione to begin with, you'll probably absorb a lot more of it.

Glutathione supplements are extremely safe. Even taking several grams at a time is harmless. Take your glutathione supplements with meals to get the best absorption (more "bang for your buck").

Alternative Supplementation Methods

Cysteine. If you don't want to take a glutathione supplement you can eat foods high in cysteine or take a cysteine supplement instead.

You have to have plenty of cysteine to make glutathione because it has the sulfur needed to make it. Your body cannot store sulfur so it needs a constant amount to make sure enough glutathione is made PLUS all the other functions cysteine has to perform in your body.

If you're going to supplement with cysteine, it's best to get it in the form of N-acetyl cysteine (NAC). This is the easiest form absorbed by your body. Get at least 300mg of cysteine.

Glutamine. Most people have plenty of the other 2 amino acids - glycine and glutamic acid. Taking extra glutamine can help raise your glutathione level. Your body converts glutamine to glutamic acid very easily. Plus, glutamine has their own benefits as well. Take 1,000mg to 5,000mg of glutamine if you're going to go this route.

This seems to work because glutamine stimulates your liver to make more glutathione. And the liver is where the most glutathione is stored. Glutamine is found in most foods, especially high-protein foods. These include lean meats, eggs, wheat germ and whole grains.

Best (and Most Effective) Thing To Do?

These are options you have. But to be honest, the best thing you can do when leveraging glutathione supplementation is by taking a simple glutathione supplement. It is by far the more effective, timely and safest thing you can do.

Glutathione supplements are extremely safe and are a great addition to your diet.

Remember to get at least 100mg to 200mg of glutathione per day.

Arthritis Bracelets - What's The Story?

Arthritis is a general term for many variations of the same disease. Among them are osteoarthritis - the most common, reactive arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis, the last being one of the worst forms of arthritis. This chronic disease is painful but there are traditional and unconventional products and treatments available today to provide the patient with as much comfort as possible. One of the most controversial alternative treatments for this disease is arthritis bracelets.

What Are Arthritis Bracelets?

Arthritis bracelets contain permanent magnets inside them. These magnets produce static magnetic fields that can reportedly cure individuals from arthritis when placed in the right areas. The effectiveness of arthritis bracelets are based on founding principles of magnet or magnetic therapy, also known as magnotherapy.

Studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of arthritis bracelets. These studies will typically divide subjects into three groups: one would wear arthritis bracelets using standard magnet strengths, another would wear arthritis bracelets using weak magnet strengths, while the last group would use arthritis bracelets using no magnets at all. All users would have to wear their bracelets for twelve weeks or a span of three months.

The results favored the use of arthritis bracelets. Firstly, the study was able to rule out any lasting influence of factors like the use of painkillers and personal beliefs of users on the effects of the magnetic therapy products. Secondly, the study revealed that those who reported with the most favorable results came from the group wearing arthritis bracelets using standard magnet strengths.

Other Benefits of Magnetic Bracelets

Of course, magnetic bracelets are not only used for treating arthritis. Searching history vaults revealed that magnetic bracelets have already been utilized for thousands of years. Egyptians and Greeks were the first to report its therapeutic benefits. In 2000 BC, Chinese texts also revealed that magnets used in acupuncture had yielded positive results. Today, athletes of various sports have expressed their satisfaction after using magnetic bracelets.

Studies have shown that magnetic bracelets are also able to prevent the spread of cancer cells in animals. Lastly, magnetic bracelets have been claimed to successfully treat bacterial infections, stress, and chronic fatigue and magnetic field deficiency syndrome.

How Do Arthritis Bracelets Work

To understand the healing process used by arthritis bracelets, you first need to recall your old lessons about magnetic fields. These are produced by various factors like the weather and other natural forces and generated by items like computers, microwave ovens, television sets, and other electronic products. When exposed to magnetic fields, our bodies experience decreased pH levels and weakened immune systems.

Magnets have both north and south polarities. They come from the two magnetic poles in our world - the North and South Pole. These allow magnetic bracelets to penetrate our skins more easily and have stronger effects. An arthritis bracelet with the appropriate magnetic strength will create a magnetic field. This magnetic field will then penetrate your skin and reach your muscles and tissues. Any noted inflammation or swelling may be alleviated by the magnetic field.

More Benefits of Arthritis Bracelets

Here are some of the things you could enjoy when trying arthritic bracelets:

Affordability. Compared to other alternative treatments and medications for arthritis, magnetic arthritis bracelets are more affordable. And since they have been acknowledged to be safe to use, there is relatively little harm from trying them out.

Ease of Use or Convenience. It can be tedious having to remember the right time of the day to take your medicine. Fortunately, there's no need for timetables when you're using arthritis bracelets. The healing process commences the moment you wear an arthritis bracelet, and after that, you need not do anything else.

Improved Circulation. Exposure to magnetic fields allow air and blood to circulate more freely and deliver the necessary nutrients to your organs, blood vessels, muscles, and joints. Better circulation means lesser pain.

Pain. The greatest benefit arthritis bracelets can provide you with is pain relief. This has been supported by data from various studies. There is no need to take a lot or even any painkillers. Pain is eased bit by bit the longer you have your arthritis bracelet on. And with the pain lessened significantly, you'll experience greater freedom of movement.

Lastly, arthritis bracelets also claimed to contain anti-inflammatory properties, potentially making it an aid in solving the root problem of arthritis instead of being simply effective against arthritis symptoms.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - The Basic Effects of Reiki Therapy

If you are tired of trying treatments for rheumatoid arthritis then here is an alternative solution for you. Reiki therapy is a different approach to rheumatoid arthritis that is being used by people wanting a change from ineffective conventional methods of treatment. It has no harmful side effects like conventional medicine and has the potential to make you feel better.

What is Reiki therapy?
It is the transfer of life energy from the therapist to the patient. It is transferred by light touching of the hands over the entire body or by raising the hands directly over the patient. This is just the basic concept. The principle of Reiki therapy is to treat a disease by unblocking spiritual and emotional blocks that may be causing a disease. This is done by unlocking energy and transferring it in the body. It works on a similar principle to acupuncture but no needles are used.

How can Reiki therapy help me?
It helps you to relax and feel better both mentally and physically. It will put you in a state of peace and harmony. It will also energize your body.
If you are in severe pain Reiki therapy can help to decrease it. This is because this treatment helps your body to relax and allows you to absorb energy to combat pain.
When you are relaxed and have more positive energy your body will have more chances of healing itself.
It will help your body get into balance and function better. When your body is stronger you will find it has more resistance to disease and can help to decrease the symptoms of arthritis naturally.
It will relieve stress. Stress aggravates any disease that you have especially a painful chronic one like rheumatoid arthritis. When you relax and are stress free your body will have less pain and it can help decrease inflammation.

How can I get started? You can look up Reiki therapy on Google and you will find many websites advertising this therapy. Check out these places and find some that are in your locality. Make sure that they are experts in the field. Do your research before attending sessions.

Bear in mind that to be effective you will need several sessions until your body is working in harmony with itself. It can only be effective if you are ready to receive the energy from the therapist and come with a positive attitude. Reiki therapy can also be used with aromatherapy to enhance its effectiveness.

Arthritis Causing Food - White Flour

White flour is used to make white bread, pasta, noodles, cakes, biscuits, doughnuts, pies and many other foods. White flour is one of the foods in our diet which result in many chronic diseases including arthritis. We must make a concerted effort to avoid food made from white flour. White flour is made from whole grains. What starts out as a natural whole food, whole grains, become something that is poisonous to our body through processing. Many of us are familiar or have some idea about the white flour making process.

First of all, the bran which is the outer shell of the grain is removed. The outer shell contains most of the fibre content in the grain and is then either thrown away or sold at a health food shops as fibre supplement. This means that white flour has little or no fibres. Subsequently, the germ, a small part congregated at one end of the grain and which contains all the nutrients is removed because it sticks to the processing machine. The remaining part of the grain called endosperm is ground into a fine powder.

This powder, at this stage is brownish in colour is then bleached with chemicals just like you bleach your clothes. This residual chemical bleach remains in the flour and will enter your body as toxins. Flour mills use different chemical bleaches, all of which are pretty bad. Here are a few of them, chlorine, chloride, oxide of nitrogen, nitrosyl and benzoyl peroxide mixed with various chemicals of the salt family. All of these bleaches are extremely harmful to the body. Chloride oxide, when combined with proteins left in the flour, produces alloxan which is a poison and has been known to produce diabetes in laboratory animals. Chlorine oxide also destroys the vital wheat germ oil.

The flour is now white and containing no fibres and vitamins and minerals. To give it some desirable effect for commercial purposes since no one would by such a product, some artificial coal-tar derived vitamins and minerals are added and the flour is then labelled as "enriched". These artificial nutrients are of very low qualities and unnatural compared to those in the removed germ. Besides, in the process of making flour white, half of the valuable unsaturated fatty acids are lost in the milling process. As a result, the flour in the white bread and some other foods contains only poor quality proteins and fattening starch and lots of harmful chemicals.

White flour is therefore dangerous to eat and no wonder why many scientists belief that it is one of the main culprits of many serious diseases.

Foods made from white flour should be avoided in order to cure arthritis. Chemicals in white flour will become toxins in the body and encourage the body to produce more free radicals which attack the cartilage in the joint causing pain and inflammation. The toxins also cause blockages of blood vessels in and out of the joints and therefore lessen the amount of the nutrients going to the joint cartilage. A combination of chemicals and the lack of nutrients in white flour is therefore detrimental to our general health and contributory to the severity of arthritis. White bread should be replaced by others such as brown rise, potatoes in your diet.

Foods made from white flour include bread, pastas, noodles, pancakes, cakes, biscuits etc.

One thing to note is that whilst brown bread is better than white bread and is often recommended by your doctor, you should only eat it in moderation as they contain yeast which some scientists say is not good for your overall health and can even shorten your life expectancy. I have given up eating bread of any kind altogether and feel much more healthy. If you normally eat a lot of bread, on giving it up you will feel a remarkable improvement healthwise as well as arthritis-wise. Avoiding bread is one of the many things I did with my diet which resulted in a successful cure of my arthritis.

The best substitutions for bread are rice, especially brown rice and potatoes.

The Anti Inflammatory Diet - How to Beat Inflammation Naturally

Most people who experience inflammation have heard all about the medications that are available to cure the pain and swelling that can occur during a flare up. But how many know that there are some great anti inflammatory foods that can affect how you feel and reduce the pain associated with inflammation. Following an anti inflammatory diet will help you beat inflammation naturally.

Inflammation is a swelling that may cause pain, discoloration and even the loss of movement. Usually most people experience severe inflammation when they are the sufferers of arthritis and when they have problems like heart disease and strokes.

Usually your doctor will recommend that you get sleep and exercise in moderation. He may also suggest lowering your weight and taking steroid based drugs or undergoing joint replacement surgery. The medications do work fairly well in reducing the inflammation but often come with some serious side effects, such as ulcers and kidney problems. This may make you wonder if they are worth taking and whether using them is trading one illness for another.

Just like there are some foods that decrease inflammation, there are some that will increase the likelihood that you will get inflammation. These foods are junk foods, fast foods, sugar, and fatty meats. Processed foods that contain Trans and saturated fats also increase the risk of inflammation. Other large contributors of saturated fats are dairy products and eggs. By simply choosing low fat milk, low fat cheese and leaner cuts of meat, you can lower the risks of inflammation, as well as cut down on the chances of chronic disease and obesity. Other foods that increase inflammation include presweetened cereals and soft drinks.

In addition to these, there are foods that are high in sugar and foods that come from the plants labeled as nightshade type. These add to the risk of discomfort associated with inflammation. Eating whole fruits and vegetables will give you the natural healing factors. However, not all vegetables work that way. Potatoes, eggplant and tomatoes can actually make inflammation worse.

So remember the best foods to have are whole fruits, fresh vegetables, lean meats, low fat milk and cheese, as well as fruit and vegetable juices that contain carrots and celery. These types of foods will reduce inflammation and help you get on with your life without pain. Eating right will help you beat inflammation naturally.

How Food Can Affect Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a debilitating disease. It is an autoimmune disease that causes persistent inflammation of the joints and the tissues around them. It can also affect other organs of the body if the disease is allowed to progress. An autoimmune disease could be explained as the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues. An arthritis patient has to deal with the fact that his own immune system is attacking his body tissues.

Is There a Cure?

There is no known cure for rheumatoid arthritis as its possible causes are still merely theories up to now. Though there is no single cure for this medical condition, there are available drugs that can control flare-ups and inflammation. There are also exercises and some innovative joints protection and self management methods that have made rheumatoid arthritis patients lead happier, healthier and less "painful" lives.

Can Food Affect Rheumatoid Arthritis?

There are two schools of thought regarding this matter. The Arthritis Foundation and majority from the medical sector say that the food has no direct connection in the rheumatoid arthritis development and arthritis cure as there are no scientific proofs or study that is conclusive regarding this theory. On the other hand, there are other medical practitioners and alternative medicine practitioners who say that somehow, food can affect arthritis.

Despite years of studies, there is still no irrefutable evidence that proves that a particular food has a direct effect on arthritis. Decades ago, it was believed that nightshade plants such as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant will aggravate the symptoms. However since rheumatoid arthritis is inflammation of the joints and tissues around the joints, does not it follow that a patient should avoid arthritis food that causes an allergic reaction on his person?

Allergic reaction to a particular food causes the immune system to produce immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. The body produces antibodies that go to every part of your system including the joints where they might add to inflammation. Avoidance of such food might or might not help your rheumatoid arthritis, but it would definitely control your allergies. If you have known food allergies then eliminate them from your diet.

Are There Foods that Could Reduce Inflammation?

Some studies have shown that there are certain foods that could reduce inflammation of the joints. Fish rich in omega-6 fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids could help reduced inflammation. Mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines and trout are some of the fishes that were reported to have reduced symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Avoid food that has arachidonic acid. This fat is found in animals. Animal fat (pork, beef, poultry and dairy products) has been associated with various ailments aside from rheumatoid arthritis. History evidenced that there were no cases of rheumatoid arthritis on cultures who ate natural and meatless food.

There were studies that showed that fasting also help alleviate the symptoms. Fasting flushes out the toxins from the body and those toxins could very well be allergens that added to the inflammation of the joints.

Inconclusive as the studies may be it still follows that eating a healthy and balanced diet is beneficial. Exercising and keeping your weight down would also do you good in the long haul.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Shoulder Resurfacing & Replacement - Avail Low Cost Surgery & 5 Star Service

Do you need to get your shoulder replaced or resurfaced. You can get this done for a low cost but at a five star service in India.

Shoulder arthritis is the second most common form of arthritis of the peripheral joints. Rheumatoid arthritis, post traumatic arthritis can all cause arthritic damage. Till now the treatment has been a total shoulder replacement. Shoulder resurfacing is now emerging as a superior alternative to replacement in India.

It is being provided for affordable costs in state of the art hospital facilities in India. International medical travel is bringing many western patients to India for shoulder resurfacing. Many international patients come to 5 star hospitals in India seeking value medical treatment like shoulder resurfacing.

Shoulder arthritis is less common than hip & knee arthritis in India. It mainly affects older individuals.

Causes of shoulder arthritis are:
rheumatoid arthritis
avascular necrosis
rotator cuff tear arthropathy
post traumatic arthritispost septic arthritis
post tubercular arthritis

In shoulder arthritis like any other arthritis, only the top surface of the upper end of the arm bone (humerus) is affected. The socket is usually not damaged. There is no bone loss. The traditional operation for a shoulder arthritic problem is a shoulder replacement. However this involves sacrifice of bone. A shoulder resurfacing on the other hand preserves bone and can be performed in 95% of cases for the above mentioned conditions.

Shoulder replacement vs shoulder resurfacing

In a conventional shoulder replacement, the damaged parts of the joint comprising the shoulder joint are completely removed and replaced with a metal and plastic prosthesis. The metal portion is buried into the shaft of the arm bone (humerus). It has a stem and ball shaped end. The socket is made of polyethylene with a metal back and stem buried into the outer end of the shoulder blade.

In a shoulder resurfacing on the other hand, the top end of the arm bone is shaped to a hemispherical shape with cheese grating reamers. A central hole is drilled in the centre of the head of the humerus. The prosthesis made of Cobalt chrome, molybdenum and coated on the inside with hydroxyapatite is impacted in. Hydroxyapatite allows natural bony in growth over time and fixation.

The operation is done through a minimally invasive approach under either general or regional anesthesia.

The implant helps in preservation of natural bone and tissues of the patient.

It is seen as an ideal option for the younger, active patient who wants to lead a normal life. This cement less implant utilizes a patient's natural t issue growth. It can also be used in the older arthritic patient with good bone stock.

Shoulder resurfacing prosthesis

The Copeland shoulder prosthesis from Biomet is an example. This is the only surface replacement with the longest follow up. It was recently introduced in India.

At Indian hospitals, cost of surgery is low and is affordable by most international patients. Hospitals have state of the art infra structure and could be called as five star hospitals. The OR's have clean air which ensure a safe outcome after joint replacement. Rooms cater to all budgets ranging from suites general wards.

Shoulder resurfacing in Indian hospitals therefore has a chance of becoming a much sought after operation for international patients seeking treatment in India. You will get a high quality service at a very affordable cost.

Natural Home Remedies For Rheumatoid Arthritis That Work Effectively

Arthritis is a growing illness all over the world. Arthritis affected patients suffer from the acute pain in their joints. Arthritis is a growing concern for people in early age too and is worse for old people. A type of arthritis known as Rheumatoid arthritis is described as an inflammatory chronic pain in joints. Doctor often considers that the arthritis is passed down in generation. There are various treatments available to treat arthritis. It is very important to be aware of the arthritis type before taking any treatment.Here are some home remedies been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

Home Remedies:

1. Nettle herb is considered to be very effective. Doctor advice to rub the leaves of nettle on the painful area. During rubbing you might feel a sting, which is of nettle leaves.

2. Nettle herb can also be used as tea. You can have a cup of nettle tea on a daily basis and see the difference yourself. A cup of nettle tea is over all good for health too.

3. Another herb used for treating arthritis is Cinnamon. The bark of cinnamon is consider to improve blood flow and improves kidney functioning. Cinnamon helps to clear up the blockage that can possibly be the reason of acute pain in arthritis.

4. An effective herb used in Chinese preparation to treat arthritis is Angelica. This herb is available worldwide. This herb is considered an effective painkiller, but this herb is not used alone, it is mixed with other herbs.

5.Omega-3 a fatty acid found in fish oil is also effective in reducing the rheumatoid arthritis pain. So does Castor oil is also consider helpful minimize the pain.

6. Certain home remedies suggest keeping the body warm, using warm water for bathing since warm water helps in blood circulation. Alternatively steam and sauna can be used.

7. Doctor also advice the rheumatoid arthritis patient to also participate in workout specially designed for them. Arthritis patient cannot undergo just any kind of exercises, they should perform workout under supervision.

8. Healthy diet. Rheumatoid arthritis patient to follow a certain diet plans, which eliminate foods are known to aggravate an rheumatoid arthritic condition such as processed foods, alcohol, coffee and citrus fruits.

9. Ginger species is also considered effective in the treatment for rheumatic and arthritic conditions. Ginger can be used in the form of extracts, tinctures, ginger capsules and essential oil

Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful illness. But with proper and timely treatment it is possible to minimize the pain or get completely rid of it.

Sore Joints and Food Allergies - Is Your Diet Making Your Joints Ache?

Might you have a food intolerance that makes your joints ache?
If you thought your joints felt achy after a meal, only to doubt yourself after hearing that no evidence links food allergies to rheumatoid arthritis, you're not alone. Until now science offered little evidence to support this connection.
Most studies have focused on antibodies (proteins that attack foreign substances) in the blood, but that focus may have been wrong. Food-related antibodies may not show up in the blood but in the gut of people with rheumatoid arthritis, and that's just where researchers at the University of Oslo, Norway, looked. They found that, in test tubes at least, the intestinal fluid of people with rheumatoid arthritis had higher levels of antibodies to proteins from milk, cereal, eggs, cod and pork than in people without rheumatoid arthritis.
Gut to Brain: Here Come the Allergies
Since your gut welcomes food first, the gut's immune system is the first to recognize potential substances that cause allergic reactions.  
Food allergies occur when your immune system mistakenly believes that something you ate is harmful. To protect you, the immune system produces immunoglobulin E  -  also called IgE antibodies -  against that food. The antibodies set off a chain reaction that causes symptoms. 
In some people, the antibodies and proteins bind together and form immune complexes in the intestine. These immune complexes then circulate and get into every nook and cranny of the body, including the joints, where they may contribute to inflammation.  Once antibodies are made against a particular food, the body instantly recognizes that food the next time it is consumed, and the cycle begins again.
Do Certain Foods Make Your Arthritis Worse?
If you think certain foods affect your arthritis, you could try eating the standard Stone Age Diet, which includes only fruit, vegetables, meat and fish, for one month, or follow the elimination diet, which is discussed in the book The Real Life Diet. Studies have shown that if a person is food-sensitive, this type of diet can help reduce morning stiffness and pain, improve range of motion and lower inflammatory mediators in the blood.
In a recent study British researchers noted that when on The Real Life Diet, more than one-third of participants with rheumatoid arthritis felt better and had less morning stiffness. A few study patients were able to return to walking and all other previous activities.
Investigate the Food Detective for Food Intolerance
Self-diagnosis by diet alone can be difficult, as food intolerances often have a delayed onset. This means that symptoms can arise hours, days or weeks after you've eaten a problem food.
An alternative way to check whether you have food intolerance is to use a new test called the Food Detective. A first in the world, the test can be done at home with a simple pinprick of blood, which will yield a result in 30-40 minutes.
The test results will show which food(s) you should eliminate from your diet to alleviate your symptoms. These foods include gluten, rice, cocoa beans, mushrooms, yeast, nuts, soya, shellfish, eggs and dairy products. More than 70% of testers who eliminated offending food groups from their diets experienced an improvement of their ailments.
If you're suffering with aches and pains or diagnosed arthritis, it might be worth it to eliminate the guesswork and get yourself properly tested. If you have food intolerance the symptoms can range from anxiety, constipation and diarrhoea to insomnia, migraines, arthritis, asthma and chronic fatigue syndrome.
The Food Detective is a useful tool and not very expensive, which makes it even more attractive as it takes much of the guesswork out of the process. Once you've identified the foods that may be causing the problem, it's ideal to omit those from your diet for a month, making sure you have plenty of alternatives to replace the missing nutrients. Within a month or two you should notice a significant difference to your symptoms, if it's diet-related.

Arthritis Natural Cure - Arthritis-Free Foods You Should Know About!

The best way to cure arthritis is by doing two things!

1. Understanding what caused your arthritis.

2. Realizing the best way to treat arthritis is to prevent arthritis.

In this article, we will address both of those topics to help you cure your arthritis. However, did you know that only in recent decades, did researchers begin to believe that there is a cure for arthritis?

Fact! Researchers were dumbfounded after discovering indigenous tribes in undeveloped countries whose members consistently live to be 90-100 years of age. What was even more amazing is how tribesmen would work (hunting, gathering, planting, harvesting) up to their dying day. And the the kicker! These primitive tribes have not one known case of arthritis. How could this be? After years of questions, researchers finally concluded that the tribes' diets are the cause of such a healthy life.

What Causes Arthritis?

Understanding the cause of arthritis can allow you to know how to treat arthritis.

So what causes arthritis? Arthritis is typically caused by the following: poor diet; unbalanced diet; inactive lifestyle; stress; inefficient vitamins; improper breathing; and lack of sleep.

Did you notice that you can control most (if not all) of the arthritis factors. In fact, the biggest cause of arthritis is your diet!

Naturally Treating Arthritis with Your Diet

Did you know that the FDA allows over a thousand additives and preservatives to be added to our food? In fact, thirty-year-old landfills recently opened were found to have hotdogs which still have not decomposed. How disgusting does that sound? Now think of the other foods (with preservatives) our body digests on a daily basis?

So why am I telling you this? Because the resilient tribes who live to be one hundred years of age have never consumed one additive or preservative in their life! And note, these tribes have also not one case of arthritis.

Arthritis-Free Dieting Tips

1. Stop drinking soda! Typically anything in a can is loaded with preservatives and additives.

2. Drink less coffee and more herbal teas.

3. Stop eating white flour. Anything with the words 'enriched' is not a good choice for arthritis.

4. Lower your sugar intake. Most arthritic symptoms are associated with high amounts of sugar.

5. Stay away from dairy products.

6. Eat raw fruits and vegetables. These water-soluble fiber foods are great for arthritis sufferers.

7. Eat protein from any lean meat, eggs, beans, grains and nuts.

8. Drink 8-10 glasses of water each and every day! This is extremely important for curing arthritis.

9. Stay away from fast foods and processed foods.

10. The best foods are always fresh and raw. Eat foods that will spoil after a couple of weeks.

These simple and helpful tips will get you started on the right path for treating your arthritis with no medications and no surgery. However, don't stop with these tips. To discover an array of foods to eat and not eat; various breathing exercises; fitness ideas, natural anti-inflammatory herbs and other tips to naturally cure arthritis; please check out our safe and secured website today.

Naturally Cure Your Arthritis with No Drugs

A Diet For Gout - What You Should (And Should Not) Eat If You Have Gout

Gout, a form of arthritis, normally affects men in their mid to late 40's. It is often quite a painful condition and can flare up at any time. For gout sufferers, there is good news regarding your diet...

Gout: An Overview

In order to successfully treat and manage gout, it is important to understand the condition. Logically, there is good reason why this condition manifests itself in men in their 40's. At that age point, bad habits begin to catch up to the body and in essence, serve as a wake up call.

Gout can be hereditary, but it is almost always brought on by a combination of factors. These include lack of exercise, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor dietary habits. usually, other medical problems arise in addition to gout, like high blood pressure and cholesterol issues.

Symptoms usually start on a fairly mild basis and then intensify. One of the big toes is the first to serve notice by becoming swollen, red, and painful to the touch. Without getting too technical for the sake of this discussion, the condition is directly caused by too much uric acid in the blood stream which then crystallizes. These acid crystals lodge themselves in joints like the big toe, resulting in pain and discomfort.

There is no known cure for gout, nor are there any miracle drugs. If you see someone pitching a miracle pill, turn the other way. You can manage your condition though. Doing so requires a combination of dietary changes and exercise. Let's focus on dietary issues in this article.

What Gout Sufferers Should And Should Not Eat

First of all, it is important to evaluate your own personal situation and health condition. If you are only at the beginning stages of gout, feel fortunate because you have an excellent chance to manage your condition.

In general, a healthy diet is also the ideal diet for gout sufferers. Avoid fatty meats in excess. Add more fruits and fresh vegetables to your meals. Also, substitute water for other beverages like soda pop and energy drinks.

Berries are one food group you should seek out and eat frequently. Cherries are known for their anti swelling properties and can help your condition. The same is true with blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. They are all low in calories and will help satisfy sweet cravings.

Lean protein is another important element. Add lean chicken and fish to your diet, particularly lighter fish like tilapia. Be sure to prepare them in a healthy manner, avoiding extra fat.

As for foods to avoid, we touched upon fatty meats. Gravy is especially bad for those with gout. Beer is a beverage to avoid or at a minimum, consume in moderation. The same holds true for harder alcohol.

Beyond maintaining a proper diet plan, you will want to add consistent exercise into your daily regimen. This helps monitor your weight and improves circulation and overall health.


If you suffer from gout, you can manage your condition with a proper diet. Avoid fatty meats and gravy, while adding more lean protein and vegetables to your meals. Berries are another excellent choice.

While there is no known cure for the condition, many sufferers have effectively rid themselves of symptoms and chronic pain through a combination of diet and exercise.

Diet Suited For People With Arthritis

Millions of people who suffer from arthritis must take necessary precautions so the disease would not progress. Usually, arthritis starts from small areas of the body such as hands, ankles, knees, wrists and eventually spread to larger areas such as arms, shoulders, back, hips and neck. To prevent this from happening, some lifestyle changes are necessary for people with arthritis. This includes modification of one's diet so it can result to weight loss that lessens the load on the joints.

For a start, people with arthritis should minimize consuming red meat such as beef and pork since these meat products can elevate uric acid and thereby lead to gout. Also, consuming meat products can make you gain weight is not advisable for people suffering from arthritis. However, falling into fad diets such as fasting and vegetarian diets are extreme measures which should be not be the diet for people with arthritis. Some studies made as compiled by reputable website's about arthritis diets suggests the following:

Avoid eating food that has high purine content. This promotes inflammation so that's why the following should be avoided: meat organs, mussels, yeast, herring, sardines and sweetbreads. The misconception that peanuts, beans, mushrooms and cauliflowers have high purines should be avoided since they are not bad for people with arthritis or gout. Cola products like soft drinks must be avoided at all costs since they have high phosphoric acid that depletes calcium needed for the repair of bones. Intake of coffee and other high caffeine beverages must also be minimized.

Food that have high omega- 3 fatty acids are helpful in preventing inflammation among people that have rheumatoid arthritis. Fish oil in salmon, mackerel and tuna contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acid. On the contrary, food with omega 6 fatty acids should be avoided like vegetable oil. Also, recent studies assert that food cooked in high temperatures contribute to inflammation. The best way to counteract this is by taking pure olive oil which acts like ibuprofen according to Dr. Beauchamp of Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. Besides, olive oil contains omega 3 oil which is good for over-all health.

Diet for arthritis need not be severe or overly restrictive. The key is to have a healthy balance of the food group and avoid those that trigger inflammation. Diet for people with arthritis can also be properly advised by a doctor or nutritionist.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Using a Far Infrared Sauna As an Arthritis Treatment

If you read my last article on using Far Infrared Portable Saunas as a means to combat your body aging, then you may already see where I'm going with this. But let's summarize real quick for those of you who are new.

Last time I wrote about how the human body at the tissue level is made up of proteins which happen to be polymers. And polymers can be heat treated to remove defects, soften the tissues and repair damaged material. Since human tissue is a polymer then human tissue can also be heat treated using Far Infrared Portable Saunas to repair damaged tissues, imperfections, and soften the tissues, which restores them to a more natural and healthy state. For more info please take a look at the links at the end of this article.

Well if you're familiar with Arthritis then you probably know that there are tons of different types, but mostly they all involve damaged cartilage and tissues in the joints, along with inflammation and severe pain. The inflammation comes from the damaged fiber particles from the joints blocking fluid movement in the joint. This causes swelling (inflammation) and heat in the joint from the fluid friction caused by the blocked passages. Between the swelling, pressure and damaged tissues there is considerable pain. There are all types of treatments, including drugs, dietary, physical therapy and more. But none of these treatments help repair the damaged tissues or cure the Arthritis. They mainly deal with helping reduce the pain and the inflammation or in the case of dietary treatments, reducing the weight placed on the joints in order to lessen the damage being caused. Physical therapy is highly recommended as it helps increase the joint tissues strength and flexibility while stimulating your body's metabolism and its natural defenses.

What You need to know is that since the tissues are hardening and defects are being created due to the damage being done the use of heat via a Far Infrared Portable Sauna can help anneal the damaged joint tissues. This will help soften the tissues, increase the strengthening caused by physical therapy, help remove defects and lessen the effects of Arthritis on the victim.

I will advise caution in one area though, if you use a Far Infrared Portable Sauna to help as an Arthritis Treatment you need to be careful of the inflammation as the sauna heat may make it worse during an episode of bad swelling. Typically I would recommend a cold ice pack to bring down the swelling in a soft tissue injury but since the damage is in the joints cartilage, heat may help as it will expand the fluid passages in your joints. But if you try the heat during a bad case of inflammation and it seems to make it worse, then stop and try a cold treatment. The Far Infrared Sauna is probably most beneficial if used when there's little or no inflammation so that it doesn't make the inflammation worse. The Far Infrared Portable sauna should be able to help repair the damaged joint tissues and increase your flexibility and reduce the affects of Arthritis in the joint by annealing the polymers that make up your bodies tissues.

Since physical therapy is so highly recommended I would suggest that you use the Far Infrared Portable Sauna as a quick warm up of your muscles as it only takes 5 minutes to come up to temperature. Just turn your sauna on and sit in it for 10 minutes to warm yourself up prior to physical therapy. Then when your exercises are done get back in and cook for 20 minutes then turn off the Far Infrared Portable Sauna and just relax in it for 15 minutes while your body slowly cools down. Then don't take a cold shower, but a warm shower would be fine. Cooling down to room temperature slowly is very important because during the cool down is when the polymer molecules are reforming, and a slow gradual cool down lets them do it without defects.

Hot packs are not an effective means of putting heat into a joint, they are slow and the heat doesn't penetrate well as the heat is only transmitted via conduction. Heat by conduction alone creates a heat gradient in the tissue, which means un-even heating as the heat isn't the same at all levels of the tissue. The heat that does manage to penetrate is so low that it's not effective and if you got the heat source hot enough to be affective then the outside heat may damage the skin. It just isn't a good way to get heat where you want it.

But a Far Infrared Portable Sauna is affordable, easy to use and most importantly the infrared rays emitted by the sauna will penetrate your body and be absorbed evenly within the joint tissues at a mild temperature that won't damage your tissues. Also, you'll be helping treat the other tissues of your body that a normal heat pad wouldn't touch. Don't forget your bodies a complete system, if you suffer from Arthritis in one area of your body then other areas are susceptible. At the very least the Arthritis pain you're currently dealing with is producing toxins that aren't helping your body. Relaxing in a Far Infrared Portable Sauna is a method to help combat the additional stresses placed on the body to help prevent Arthritis spreading to other joints.

In conclusion remember that a Far Infrared Portable Sauna is an emerging method for applying heat therapy for people who suffer from Arthritis. Heat therapy has been recommended by Doctors for years now there's an effective way to get the heat to the tissues that need it.

Gout Foods to Avoid - Is Diet Important in Managing Gout?

One of the major triggers of gout is diet. Although gout can be as a result of factors other than diet, some foods and beverages - ones high in purines are known to be contributing factors behind gout attacks. To avoid future flare ups and to manage your condition it is vital that you know what are the gout foods to avoid?

As a rule of thumb, foods that are high in purines are those that are most likely to cause a spike in the levels of urates in your bloodstream and therefore trigger an attack. Purines are a chemical which are found naturally in the body as well as in certain foodstuffs. When the purines are broken down in the digestive system they are converted into uric acid and urate.

Amongst the list of foods high in purines there are some which are well known to be "risk" foods. These include items such as offal and organ meat - liver, kidneys and heart. There are also some which are at odds with recent studies into a healthy diet. These include most seafood, oily fish such as sardines, mussels and shellfish. Whilst these are promoted as beneficial to cardiac health, they are all on the list of offenders when it comes to gout.

You may have heard rumors about how red wine is also bad for gout, think again before you break open the celebratory bottle of beer. Red wine is actually relatively moderate in purine levels and conversely beer is very high and likely to promote an attack of gout. Surprisingly carbonated soft drinks with artificial sweeteners fare no better - they have an above average pH level and therefore are to be avoided or at least consumed in moderation. As an aside it can be noted that a lot of processed foods and those containing artificial sweeteners are on the cusp of being risk foods when it comes to gout including most sweets, jellies, white pasta and foods with high levels of processed white flour. Where possible, if you are prone to attacks of gout then in reality it is best to try avoid these foods totally or take a calculated gamble and have them in very moderate portions.

So the question is what can you eat and avoid gout and what are the gout foods to avoid? Again the word is moderation in all types of food but if you eat some of the following in reasonable quantities you should be ok.

From the meat counter, veal, pork, turkey, are all middling in purines - you do not need to avoid them totally but some restraint must be exercised when consuming them. If you like fish - anchovies, trout, salmon, scallops and haddock are similarly high but relatively safe in MODERATION. Most fresh fruits, vegetables are good for you, and in fact some foods such as cherries have a positive impact on purine levels.

I think the obvious thing is the total avoidance of foods that have been overly processed - the processes and additives in the processed foods appearing to have a negative impact on the purine and/or pH levels of the foodstuffs.

Arthritis Diet - Prevent Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis can be of two types: Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the condition that occurs due to ageing and it results in pain in the joints. People who are overweight are at a higher risk of suffering from joints disorders. Another condition called Rheumatoid arthritis can result in swelling in the joints and it can cause pain.

It may happen that after taking up a meal you feel pain in the joints and it has been found in various studies that proteins attacks certain foreign bodies present in the body but sometimes protein particles attack friendly bodies due to miscommunication. It is found that the intestine of people suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis have higher amount of antibodies that comes from the food products such as cow's milk, egg, pork, codfish and cereals.

To prevent arthritis one should monitor the diet and try to find out which particular diet is aggravating the condition. The various diets prescribed for arthritis by physicians has been contradictory. Some people were benefited by shifting from non vegetarian to vegetarian food and there are certain food products which can cause allergies and intolerance. Sometimes the effect is visible immediately on taking such diet. One should try to eliminate it from the diet.

There are certain food products which can be eliminated or included in the diet such as:

Sunflower oil and corn oils can be replaced by olive and canola for cooking.

Cod liver oil supplements can be taken. It is assumed that omega 6 fatty acids can cause inflammation but omega 3 fatty acid reduces inflammation and therefore, it can be taken.

Reduce intake of milk and dairy products and observe the changes.

Eliminate beef and pork from diet as it can aggravate the condition.

Include anti inflammatory herbs such as turmeric and ginger.

Increase intake of unsalted nuts which contain a good amount of vitamin E.

Certain vegetables can cause the problem such as potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes and capsicum.

Baked food and food containing a good amount of saturated fat should be eliminated from diet.

Food product low in carbohydrate and starch should be taken. One can eliminate wheat and cereals from diet and observe the changes.

Although there are no studies to support the claims but it is assumed that alkaline diet should be taken to prevent both Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. It is assumed that the condition is caused by excess intake of certain acids and one should eliminate food products such as coffee, sugar and citrus fruits from diet.

It is advised to reduce weight if one is overweight to ease pressure on the joints and research has been done to prove that vegetarian diet showed improvement in condition of people in four weeks. The follow ups indicated that the effect was visible even after one and two years.

Green tea is effective in the condition. It can be taken three to four times in a day. Even raisins and grapes have a good amount of anti inflammatory properties. It can be taken in regulated quantities.

7 Techniques To Finally Stop Gout Pain

Statistics indicate in 2006, that gout affected approximately 3.5 million people in the United States.

Gout is a form of arthritis which is caused by uric acid deposits in the joints. A rise in the blood's uric acid level is called hyperuricaemia. It occurs predominantly in men over 30, and in post menopausal women as the estrogen level lowers.

A salt called monosodium urate (from the uric acid) forms needle like crystals in the joints. These crystals cause inflammation and pain. Gout sufferers describe a flare-up as a piercing stabbing pain in the swollen joints.

What causes gout is very simply an over abundance of uric acid. So what you need to do to combat the symptoms is to get rid of the excess uric acid. There are 7 easy ways to do this.

1. The first thing that most doctors agree on is the diet. High protein foods cause a build up of a chemical called purines. The purines raise your uric acid level and increases risk of another gout attack.

So we have to limit or avoid foods such as: organ meats, sweetbread. anchovies, herring, mackerel, red meat, poultry, shellfish, fish roe, scallops, asparagus, mushrooms, cauliflower, dairy foods, peas, lentils, and beans.

Foods that are recommended help to counteract the purines. These include cherries which contain flavonoid compounds that can lower uric acid and reduce inflammation.

Some other good choices are blueberries, strawberries, raw pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, raw foods like sprouts, wheat grass, and fresh salads. Also include more grains, fruits and vegetables instead of high protein foods.

2. The second way of combating gout symptoms is drinking water. If you will simply drink 8 ounces of water with each meal, and between each meal, the water will help to flush out a lot of the impurities.

3. The third thing that helps to control gout is losing weight if you are overweight. When you are overweight your body does not metabolize food as efficiently as it could at a desirable weight.

Doctors advise a sensible weight loss plan in the attempt to lower uric acid levels. But take it slow. Crash dieting can actually increase the amount of uric acid produced by the body and bring about an attack.

4. The fourth way to lower gout symptoms is to cut out the alcohol. Alcoholic beverages increase uric acid in the body, and they also inhibit the excretion of uric acid.

Red wines such as port and Madeira contain the highest levels of purines. Eliminating alcohol ends gout attacks for many people who suffer from gout.

5. Exercise is the fifth way to lower risk of gout attacks. Stretching exercises helps to strengthen the joints, and also increases your endurance and stamina. A sedentary lifestyle is not recommended for gout sufferers.

6. Supplements is sixth in line. Cod liver oil, and Vitamin E is beneficial because they help reduce joint inflammation.

Using an alkaline supplement to reduce and prevent acid build up in the joints. Maintaining the proper pH balance in the body helps to retain a healthy immune system. When the blood has a slightly alkaline pH the body is healthier.

7. Herbs can also be instrumental in fighting gout. Some of the herbs that are frequently used are sarsaparilla, and celery seed which helps clear toxins from the body and reduces inflammation.

A cup of fresh parsley tea helps to lower excess uric acid. It also doubles as a diuretic which is useful for relieving water retention.

Tea tree oil, dandelion, and nettle are also used on gout patients. You can soothe the foot joints by soaking in a cool foot tub with a few drops of rosemary oil.

When you can bear to touch the affected area, combine juniper oil and olive oil and massage into the joints.

Levels of uric acid in the blood can also be raised by stress, injuries, and aspirin.

By implementing these 7 easy ways to reduce gout pain, you should be well on the way to pain free joints.

Gouty Arthritis Symptoms - Oh My Aching Big Toe!

Gouty Arthritis - Do You Have It?

The joints in your big toe have been hurting really bad, and you've noticed that it has turned warm, red, and seems to be swelling. For a while, you ignore the pain, and thankfully it disappears for a while, only to come back at odd times with a vengeance. If you're no longer too young, but just young at heart, then chances are, you may want to go see your doctor and ask if you might have symptoms of gouty arthritis.

This kind of arthritis is just one of the more than 100 types of diseases in this category. However, gouty arthritis is one of the most painful among these and is caused by needle-like crystals of uric acid that form in your joints (usually, in this disease, the big toe, although other joints can be affected as well, like the heel, elbow, knees, wrists, fingers, etc.). So, if you can imagine those "needle-like crystals" pricking your joints, then you can understand why there is so much pain involved in this disease.

Gouty arthritis has four stages, namely:

1.Asymptomatic - At this stage, the person may have tested to have elevated levels of uric acid, probably in a general medical screening, but is not experiencing any pain in any joints. The doctor usually will not prescribe any treatment at this stage, but may suggest some diet changes to prevent the condition from worsening.

2.Acute Gout - At this stage, the person begins to feel pain, and swelling and redness of the joints, leading to what is called as a "gouty attack". These attacks can happen intermittently. It is a good idea to visit your doctor once you feel any acute pain in the joint area to prevent the disease from progressing.

3.Interval - This is the "interval" between gouty attacks, when a person is not experiencing any pain at the moment. Many people mistakenly think that the worst is over when they are in an interval stage and refuse to visit the doctor. What they don't know is that this is exactly what it is named, an interval, and there may be an attack waiting just around the corner.

4.Chronic Gout - When there is no or very short interval between attacks, and there is already permanent damage to the joints. Constant pain medication is needed for this type of gout and it is essential that a physician oversee this disease at this stage. If proper treatment is adhered to in the Acute Gout stage, then one may never progress to this stage.

How is Gouty Arthritis diagnosed?

If you think you are already are experiencing the attacks, when you visit the doctor, then chances are, he may ask for any one or all of the following tests:

1.Synovial Fluid Analysis - Synovial (joint) fluid is extracted from your joints through a sterilized needle inserted in the space. The fluid has a straw-like color and is then analyzed in a lab. Normally, joint fluids that look cloudy or is thick may be abnormal.

2.Uric Acid Test - This is done through a simple blood test taken from a vein or capillary. The blood is then tested for levels of uric acid. If it is high then it will confirm gouty arthritis

3.Joint X-ray - An x-ray of the joint may also be needed to properly see how the arthritis has progressed in the area.

How is Gouty Arthritis treated?

Treatment of gouty arthritis is usually geared toward immediate relief and stopping the pain and inflammation that come with the attacks. Medication is also given to prevent future attacks.

One of the drugs prescribed to reduce the pain, inflammation and swelling is Colchicine and often makes the pain settle in 12 to 48 hours. This medication decreases the inflammation and therefore the pain, but it does not alter the uric acid levels in the blood, although daily use of it helps to prevent subsequent attacks.

Over-the-counter pain relievers can also be effective if it is taken at the onset of the pain.

At times, a diet low in purines is given to lessen the uric acid levels. Some foods that may have to be abstained from are beef, pork, poultry, fish, shellfish, gravy, soda pop, beer, wine, etc.

5 Best Foods to Eat With Gout

Gout is a disease hallmarked by elevated levels of uric acid in the bloodstream. In this condition, crystals of monosodium urate (MSU) are deposited on the articular cartilage of joints, tendons and surrounding tissues. Best foods to eat with gout should be low fat and low protein.
The serum level of uric acid is the primary risk factor for the disease. The serum level is the result of both intake (diet) and output (excretion). A diet low in purines reduces the serum level of MSU, unless these levels are caused by other health conditions and not as responsive to dietary changes.
Foods that cause gout such as animal flesh sources of purine (example - beef and seafood) should be avoided during flare ups and eaten in moderation at other times. Asparagus, Cauliflower, Mushrooms and Spinach are rich in protein but do not pose any risk in the development of the disease.
Best Foods to Eat With Gout Are:
1.      Dairy products such as milk and cheese. They significantly reduced the chances of gout.
2.      Tart cherries - They are reported to reduce uric acid. The juice is believed to help dissolve the needle-like crystals that deposit themselves between the joints and connective tissue.
3.      Fresh fruit and home made freshly squeezed fruit juices.
4.      Celery - It is recommended for its anti-inflammatory action. It is believed to by many to reduce monosodium urate (MSU) levels.
5.      Fresh Vegetables, Eggs and Nuts - Are low in purine (with the exception of the vegetables listed above).
To come up with a list of foods to avoid that causes gout in your case; you should record on a daily basis your reactions if any to what you eat. By a process of elimination you will end up with what works for you.

How to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis Naturally

Have you been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis? You're not alone - over 2.9 Americans suffer from this disease, and tens of millions suffer worldwide. Yet many are able to effectively manage the illness using natural methods. This article will briefly describe how to treat rheumatoid arthritis naturally!

First of all, receiving an early diagnosis will make a huge impact. This is why it's important to recognize the early signs and symptoms of RA so you can see a medical professional immediately and form a plan of action. The sooner you begin treatment, the more positive the outcome.

Next, one of the biggest issues you'll need to tackle is your diet. Completely eliminating your consumption of saturated fats will go a long way in alleviating your symptoms. This means cutting out red meat, bacon, butter, cream, and any other meat or dairy product high in fat. In fact, many recommend cutting out meat and dairy altogether. You should also avoid sugar, caffeine, processed foods, excess salt, MSG, and even night-shade vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, etc).

In addition, make sure you become aware of any possible food allergies and eliminate them from your diet immediately. Sometimes people do not realize when they have a food allergy. Common overlooked allergies are to corn, gluten, and dairy products.

Many people learn how to treat rheumatoid arthritis using herbs and vitamins and minerals. Make sure you consume lots of Omega-3 fatty acids, as these act as anti-inflammatory agents. A few herbs, like Boswellia and Devil's Claw, actually provide the same amount of relief as some prescription anti-inflammatory drugs. However, these herbs are relatively harmless and contain no harmful side effects, so they will benefit you much more over the long run.

By utilizing these tips you can effectively learn how to treat rheumatoid arthritis naturally, without having to rely too much on dangerous medications or surgical treatments.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Why Does Arthritis Affect Women More Than Men?

Even though Arthritis does not only affect one sex or age group for some reason it tends to affect women more than men.

Below you will find out how Arthritis affects the day-to-day lives of many women across the globe:

Women with this condition find that their sleep will be affected more than if they were suffering with any other chronic illness.

Women who have Arthritis often do not have young children.

Depression is quite common amongst Arthritis sufferers, especially when compared with other chronic conditions.

Women are more likely to need help with their daily activities than men.

Around two-thirds of all Arthritis sufferers are female, which works out at around 41 million Americans.

37% of females have this condition, compared with only 28% of men.

Around the world there are 16 million women with Osteoarthritis. This figure is 3 times higher than the number of males with this condition. You will also find that this condition develops earlier in women too.

1.5 million or 75% of all Rheumatoid Arthritis patients are women.

African-Americans are more susceptible too with the development of Lupus 3 times more likely than Caucasian females.

Why is Arthritis so prevalent in women?

At the present time there is no clear reason why this condition affects women more than men. There are however a few suggested reasons that may be worth exploring in more detail:

Autoimmune diseases are more common in women.

Women have a number of hormone changes throughout their lives, for example through puberty, pregnancy and the menopause.

Often women are not as active as men, which raises the risk level of developing these types of conditions.

Women store more fat than men, resulting in higher cholesterol levels that have been linked with the development of Arthritis.

What's the best way to manage this condition?

Even if you have this condition this does not mean that your life is over as there are ways to help manage and alleviate the symptoms.

By taking a little time to research a suitable treatment will help to relieve the pain and inflammation caused.

You do not need to rely solely on surgery or prescription medication either as certain foods can help, plus there are exercises and techniques shown to help.

Finally herbal supplements are a great option to give you the relief from pain and a chance at being more active in your life.

The benefit of an herbal supplement is that unlike prescription medication you wont have to discontinue its use after a short amount of time.

An effective supplement can reduce the inflammation and pain and will be a safer option to those prescription medicines that often cause side effects.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - What It Is And How DHA and EPA From Fish Oil Can Help

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition involving inflammation of the tissues and joints, accompanied by swelling, soreness, stiffness in the joints when waking up, and general fatigue or malaise.

The condition is not well understood by conventional medical doctors, but there are several theories about what the causes could be, with two of them being the most prevalent.

One theory is that it is an autoimmune disease. That is, a condition in which the immune system loses its balance and begins to attack its own tissues as though they were foreign invaders. Some have proposed that the immune system is not actually attacking its own tissues, but instead is attacking a bacterial or fungal infection that has attacked the joints and tissues and has become resident there. This is the reason that some prominent doctors are now using antibiotics to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Antibiotics, however, involve a lot of risks and my personal experience has shown that taking strong antibiotics can cause more harm than good. By killing all the beneficial bacteria in your colon, they can actually promote fungal growth and cause more problems than they solve.

Another theory is that rheumatoid arthritis develops because most people actually eat a pro-inflammatory diet which in turn causes severe inflammation in the body, and disrupts the immune system so that it becomes confused and disorderly. So, what is a pro inflammatory diet? Any diet high in omega 6 fatty acids and processed foods and low in the polyunsaturated fatty acids known as DHA and EPA.

Inflammation almost always involves high levels of interleukin-1 and C-reactive protein, two highly inflammatory substances in the blood. The first thing you have to do up to keep this inflammation under control is to eliminate the pro inflammatory foods that cause it. You have to eliminate all processed foods and junk foods as well as severely limiting all omega 6 oils, such as corn and seed oils and replace them with olive oil (an omega 9 oil) and fish oil (an omega 3 oil).

Plenty of studies have shown that the polyunsaturated fatty acids DHA and EPA found in fish and fish oil supplements can decrease the level of the two inflammatory chemicals mentioned above and therefore help moderate the immune response and the pain that goes with it. Fish fat has potent anti-inflammatory properties, and I know this from personal experience. Several years ago, while suffering from a severe candida (fungal) infection, I had all sorts of aches, pains and stiffness. All of those have disappeared after going on a strict anti-inflammatory diet and taking a strong omega-3 supplement daily. It took over six months, but the effort and investment were worth it!

Natural Arthritis Pain Relief and Heart Health - Healing Power Of Nature's Acai Berry!

Do you want true natural arthritis pain relief? Do you need help with your high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure?

Now there are many different extraordinary natural products available, which feature super fruits, like the amazing brazilian acai berry, and many other potent body-beneficial fruits from around the world. These newly discovered fruit compounds which are contained in these super fruits are now being used to target specifically, heart health remedies and arthritis pain relief with natural ingredients, and are achieving fantastic real results.

Arthritis joint health - plant derived glucosamine and esterified fatty acids for natural arthritis pain relief use, have been scientifically proven to maintain lubricating fluid in joints, promote flexibility, increase your range of motion, reduce pain and inflammation caused by arthritis, and helps you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Most glucosamine sources are extracted from crushed sea shells, but generally only reduce inflammation of the muscles and tissues around the joints. Plant derived glucosamine is better for the body and can actually penetrate your joint tissue cells for maximum benefit, helping you achieve real natural arthritis pain relief!

Heart health - a healthy blend of fruits specifically chosen for their ability to nutritionally support cardiovascular health in your diet, would supply your body with healthy levels of plant sterols. Clinical studies show that they are a key factor in lowering cholesterol absorption and helping you maintain healthy cholesterol levels. These compounds will dramatically help reduce your heart disease risk. Also, with resveratrol included in your diet with using natural supplements, they can help support your cardiovascular system with proven results, showing it can also protect your healthy blood vessels and blood cells.

Resveratrol has many benefits being attributed to it, mainly the fact that this natural compound can and will slow the ageing process dramatically.

*What has been discovered about many human ailments.

Health scientists around the world are now concurring that chronic inflammation in the body is a precursor to a frightening list of serious health conditions and ailments. With the media constantly reporting the potential risk and dangerous side-effects associated with using anti-inflammatory arthritis pain relief drugs and heart health drugs, it has created concern with people worldwide and there has never been a time when the quest for safe alternative natural remedies has been more important.

Arthritis - Health scientists also now know that a multitude of free radicals damage our bodies healthy cells constantly, which can be slowed down or reversed easily by including potent natural antioxidants included in your diet. We now know that natural esterified fatty acids are incredibly important essential fatty acids needed in our diets to reduce and stop free radical damage to your joints. Esterified fatty acids have been proven to help improve joint function dramatically and slowly regenerate the protective tissue between the bone's and joints. These fatty acids help obtain painfree movement and natural arthritis pain relief for people struggling with the aches and discomforts resulting from their arthritis.

The wear & tear seen in osteoarthritis is actually due to the excess action of proteolytic enzymes that break down joint tissue and cartilage causing inflammation and pain. Published twice in the internationally acclaimed journal of rheumatology, studies show that esterified fatty acids offer great arthritis pain relief by providing youthful cell fluidity and elasticity, improved cushioning of bones and joints while also providing, cumulative and restoring benefits to joint tissue and cartilage. Esterified fatty acids are all natural ingredients scientifically reported to inhibit these destructive enzymes, and are known to reduce inflammation and pain. These vital compounds will give arthritis pain relief with outstanding results, and best of all, they are all natural compounds which have no dangerous side effects at all!

Heart - plant sterols have been proven to lower the amount of bad cholesterol absorbed by your body in a tricky but very simple way. The body absorbs the plant sterol compounds instead of the cholesterol in your digestive system because it cannot tell the difference between them. If you have a regular supply of plant sterols in your diet, the body absorbs less cholesterol because it is absorbing the sterols instead, which will then lower your bad cholesterol intake. It is a simple but very effective and safe way to help reduce your heart disease risk.

Resveratrol is also a very effective antioxidant which can stop free radical damage and improve your whole body health, which will help reduce the stress on your heart. Resveratrol has been studied extensively for its health promoting benefits and has been proven to slow down the ageing process and extend your life. Most importantly, is the fact that it can reduce the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, which are known to play a big role in heart disease. This natural compound also improves insulin resistance, making it effective in the treatment of weight loss and the management of diabetes. It also has anti-cancerous properties, inhibits the formation of tumours and can help delay the onset of Alzheimer disease.

*Natural health product benefits.

The synergy of properly combined body-beneficial fruits can produce an extraordinary delivery of the resources and nutrition of powerful anti-oxidants and phytonutrients your body needs to fight free radicals. These natural products help maintain your bodies overall health and give excellent arthritis pain relief, and provide heart disease risk reduction while improving your heart health with amazing results.

Enjoy the benefits of increased energy and better health today, and let the power of nature help you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle!

To learn more and read some product reviews, follow the links below. Natural arthritis pain relief and heart health products have improved greatly in recent years as we learn more about human health.

Natural arthritis pain relief and natural heart health products are a much better and safer option for yourself or your loved ones. They are easy, convenient, better for the human body and they are achieving excellent results!

Thanks for listening and good natural health to you.

Regards Shane Nolan.