Saturday, July 27, 2013

Rheumatoid or Osteo-Arthritis Misery, Which Is Worse?

46-million people have "arthritis", a term that encompasses some 100 conditions and afflictions - including fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, gout, and my sub-category if you will, Lupus (SLE). Today we're talking about two of the most common and potentially miserable, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Osteoarthritis (OA). Which one is worse?

Well, first off, it's a trick question, isn't it? It is absurd to even entertain the premise that one is worse than the other - ask anyone who suffers from either of them. They both have the potential to be devastating, and to being linked with heart disease and diabetes. Perhaps a better question would be: What is the difference between the two?

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a condition which afflicts more than 1-million Americans. In RA the body's own immune system attacks the membrane that lines the joints, eventually causing the destruction of the joint unless stopped. In addition to pain, swelling and inflammation are well-known hallmarks of RA.

Osteoarthritis is far more prevalent, affecting 27-million Americans. With OA it is the joint's cartilage that is broken down. When this happens, that tough "shock absorber" is damaged and wears away; bone can come in contact with bone, resulting in the stiffness and pain so notorious with OA.

We're going to briefly touch on a couple of things I would really like to bring to your attention:

It is not uncommon for a person to have heart disease and/or diabetes in addition to arthritis.
25 percent of people with both heart disease and arthritis do not exercise regularly or choose to have an active lifestyle.
Arthritis is currently the number one cause of disability for a woman, and number two for a man.
Losing weight to help with diabetes management or with heart-health can also help with managing arthritis.
There is a connection between gum disease and arthritis.
The same omega-3 fatty acids that are found in salmon, for example, and connected with being good to your heart, can also help the inflammation caused by arthritis.

Though one is neither better nor worse than the other, there are things that both can benefit from:

Become an active partner with your doctor in managing your health.
Pain, swelling, stiffness, redness, fatigue - these are messages from your body. Pay attention.
Educate yourself. There are so many wonderful organizations and foundations dedicated to your health and promoting education about arthritis in all its forms. Don't know where to start? Ask your doctor, do an internet search - just enter the type of arthritis you want to investigate, hit enter, and prepare to be provided with many, many places to start reading.
Do eat heart-healthy; it will help with your arthritis, too. This includes the things I'm sure that you already associate with being good to yourself like limiting your sodium intake, eating a diet that is varied and includes colorful fruits and vegetables, lean meats, choosing vegetable oils over trans fats, etc. If you're stuck, ask your doctor, check out the library or bookstore, or again, use the internet.
Don't get stuck on the term 'diet' - just be good to yourself in your choices, embrace being kind to yourself by what you choose to put into your body. Remember, if you lose unnecessary weight, not only will your heart benefit, but so will your joints. And so, by the way, will a body affected by diabetes.

Well, we've touched upon some important information here. Please do follow-up by getting active in your own treatment and educating yourself - what you do and don't do can have a dramatic effect on your comfort and the pace at which your arthritis progresses. Next time we'll continue our series of articles on arthritis, Is Arthritis Hereditary?

穢 2010 Kathryn Jensen
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Pomegranates - Antiaging Miracle Fruit?

Is there really a fruit that can cure deadly diseases and prevent aging? Maybe not. But the pomegranate comes close.

Pomegranates, native to the middle east but now grown in tropical climates throughout the world, have a lot going for them: they're exotic, nutritious, high in flavor and low in calories. A medium-sized pomegranate delivers vitamins C and A, dietary fiber and iron in a delicious 100-calorie package. But it's the fruit's amazing antioxidant properties that make it an antiaging powerhouse.

The Most Antioxidants Of Any Natural Food

Pomegranates contain extremely high levels of antioxidants, which are the body's front line of defense against aging. Antioxidants are molecules that can prevent or repair the effects of free radicals, which are chemically imbalanced molecules that scavenge and damage the cells with which they interact.

Free radical damage has been implicated in a host of age-related illnesses and disorders, ranging from conditions as minor as wrinkles and age spots to conditions as serious and life-threatening as heart disease, adult-onset diabetes, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Ounce for ounce, pomegranates contain the most antioxidants of any natural food; even red wine and green tea, both well known for their antioxidant properties, only deliver about a third of the antioxidants that you can get from a pomegranate.

Effective Against Cardiovascular Disease

Laboratory studies and clinical trials indicate that pomegranate juice can actually have a powerful positive effect on a number of conditions. It has been shown to effectively reduce factors that are closely associated with both atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, including improving the efficiency of blood vessels and reducing thickening of the arteries. The resultant increase in blood flow even helped improve erectile dysfunction.

A 2001 study by Israeli researchers showed that participants who drank approximately two ounces of pomegranate juice daily for a year effectively reduced their systolic blood pressure by as much as 21%.

Extracts of the fruit have also produced positive results in tests of their antibacterial ability with regard to the development of dental plaque, which is one of the key factors in periodontal or gum disease.

Cancer Fighting Potential Possible, But As Yet Unproven

One of the most exciting potentials of the pomegranate is the possibility that it may be able to slow or even halt the progress of certain types of cancer. Some preliminary studies appear to suggest that pomegranate extracts can halt the proliferation of breast cancer cells and a 2006 UCLA study suggested it was effective in stopping the spread of prostate cancer, but experts stress that no clinical trials have demonstrated its effectiveness as a specific anti-cancer agent.

In 2010 the Federal Trade Commission filed suit to prevent suppliers from claiming that pomegranate is a proven anti-cancer treatment, calling those claims misleading. Nevertheless, ongoing research continues to spark hopes the phytochemicals in pomegranates can slow the progression of some types of cancers.

Caring For Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Rheumatoid arthritis defies race, ethnic groups and age. This form of arthritis can affect people of all ages including children and young adults. However, the occurrence of rheumatoid arthritis is more frequently seen in older individuals despite the fact that this disease often begins in middle age people.

People affected with chronic illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis often experience anxiety, depression, worthlessness and the feeling of being helpless. People with rheumatoid arthritis may experience difficulty in doing their normal activities. Others may even find limited job opportunities because of physical deformity. Family life may be altered and some patients may find it difficult to attend to the responsibilities they hold in their family. Moreover, the cost of both medical and surgical treatment for this type of disease is often extensive. This can hurl the patient into further emotional and financial dilemma.

It is important that people with rheumatoid arthritis be given proper emotional and physical care to be able to function back normally if possible. Experts suggest some helpful tips to aid a rheumatoid arthritis patient ease some of the burden the illness has brought them.

1. Hot showers or baths, either in the morning or at bedtime, are beneficial for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Hot showers can considerably reduce the need for pain medications.

2. It is important that patients should adapt a well balanced diet. However, patients should be made well aware that even special diets will not cure rheumatoid arthritis. Weight should be well controlled, since any extra pounds will pose added burden to the affected joints.

3. Patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis should not cease to do their basic daily activities. They should be advised to perform simple activities like feeding themselves or dressing or combing their hair. Enough time should be given to them to perform and finish each task calmly. Provide them items that will make their task easier like providing them packed foods in easy to open packaging or easy to grip glasses or light cups and unpackaged silverware. When dressing up, dressing aids can be very helpful. These include a long-handled shoehorn, "reacher", zipper-pull, elastic shoelaces and buttonhook. Household items should also be made friendly to rheumatoid arthritis patients - including easy to open drawers, handrails and grab bars. All these will help patients perform daily activities easier.

4. It should be made known to the patient how and when to take his medications. His doctor or nurse should be able to inform the patient about possible complications or side effects, if there are any, accompanying his medications.

5. A competent medical practitioner or nurse should teach a rheumatoid arthritis patient how to stand, walk and sit correctly. It will be beneficial for patients with rheumatoid arthritis to use chairs with high seats and armrests. These will enable him to get up more easily with his knees higher than his hips. Elevated toilet seats will also be helpful.

6. Patients should learn how to rest every few minutes within an hour's activity. He should learn to alternate sitting and standing tasks. Adequate sleep is also important and should be done in the proper sleeping position. A nurse can teach the patient how to adopt a proper sleeping posture.

Finally, proper emotional support should be provided. It should be well kept in mind that patients with chronic disease like rheumatoid arthritis can be easily depressed, discouraged and irritable. Patients should be encouraged to freely talk about their fears or anxieties concerning their situation.

Psoriasis and Diet - How What You Eat Affects Your Psoriasis

While it is clear that diet has a great impact on how healthy we are, is diet a factor in whether or not a person has serious psoriasis? What impact does diet have on psoriasis, if any? Some healthcare practitioners are recommending a gluten-free diet for those with psoriasis. Gluten is a storage protein found in barley, wheat and rye. This means that pasta, bread and many other foods contain gluten. Some people can be allergic to gluten and can have a condition known as celiac disease, which is triggered by a component of gluten called gliadin.

It appears that most people with psoriasis have more anti-gliadin antibodies than in the normal population. This means that some people with psoriasis can have a marked improvement in their symptoms if they don't have any gluten in their diet. Still, the percentage of people with anti-gliadin antibodies and psoriasis is not that great but it may be worth pursuing in patients with refractory psoriasis. Those with palmoplantar psoriasis have a higher degree of these antibodies.

Fish oil and a diet high in fish containing omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids seems to help psoriasis. This includes cold water ocean fish like tuna and salmon. Eskimos who eat a diet high in these fatty acids have a much decreased risk of both psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. Omega 3 oils have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the inflammation of the skin seen in psoriasis. On the other hand, a diet high in red meat seems to make psoriasis worse.

One study found that psoriasis was made worse by eating carrots, fresh fruit and tomatoes. Vegetables high in antioxidants, such as red peppers, beets, cauliflower and broccoli, among other brightly colored vegetables seem to be beneficial to those with psoriasis. Antioxidants get rid of toxins from your system which may be making psoriasis worse.

Other experts recommend drinking plenty of water every day - at least two quarts or two liters a day. This flushes toxins out of your system. You should also eat a lot of leafy green vegetables which contain vitamins and healthy minerals. It may not cure the condition of psoriasis but it does have a positive effect on how it looks.

There are some foods that are considered triggers for psoriasis. These include soda, red meat, red wine, food with MSG in it, junk food, oily foods or deep fried foods, hot spicy food, strawberries or other berries, acidic foods and tomatoes. The worse your diet is and the more processed foods you eat, the worse your psoriasis will be.

Diet alone will not be cure psoriasis but it will help improve the symptoms. Diets high in selenium and zinc or supplements containing these minerals are known to make psoriasis look better but nothing in the diet will affect a cure. Still, it is a good idea to remove offending foods from your diet and eat a healthy diet in its place. It can prevent flare-ups of the disease and can help the treatment of psoriasis actually work better.

Debilitating Disease Arthritis and the Treatments of Arthritis Symptoms and Anxiety

Inflammation in the bone joints and its associated part is commonly referred as the Arthritis. The term "arthritis" looks in singular number though, it comprises of more than chronic 150 disorders of the rheumatoid disease. All these disorders take the full toll of the human life. Some time it confined the human body from his daily activities. At these points of time people search for the treatment for the arthritis symptoms and the anxiety.

The main symptoms of arthritis are the inflammation of various joints, stiffness, and swelling associated with redness and warmth. Due to all these symptoms people have the restrictive movements for long time. Tenderness of the joints can be present along with the temperature. The many forms of arthritis can involve symptoms affecting various organs of the body that do not directly involve the joints. Symptoms in some patients can also include non-specific fever, weight loss, fatigue and feeling unwell and the patients are bound to have the arthritis best treatment in order to suppressing the pain and inflammation in the joints.

The disease arthritis is commonly of three kinds. These are Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and the Gout. There is some more type of arthritis along all these. These are Fibromyalgia, infectious arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and lupus.

Osteoarthritis is the most common among all the arthritis that are found among the people. More than 21 million people suffer from the disease Osteoarthritis. The most common reason behind Osteoarthritis is the repetitive movement of a particular organ. Osteoarthritis mainly affects the cartilages. Cartilages provide with the cushion for the bone-joint to avoid friction during the time of the movement. Cartilages are being decayed off by the invasion of the osteoarthritis.

In many cases what happen that a number of childhood injuries may turn into the Osteoarthritis. Low back relief is the major concern for the people who are affected with this. Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects joints in the body. It can involve any joint, but usually concerns hands and weight-bearing joints such as hips, knees, feet and spine.

Rheumatoid arthritis is the most deadly among all the arthritis. Generally it is know as the autoimmune disease. With rheumatoid arthritis, the antibodies attack the membranes around the joints that cause swelling, pain and stiffness. In some cases, rheumatoid arthritis can cause deformity. Rheumatoid arthritis also causes inflammation of the sheaths around the tendons, the one that join muscles to bones.

Coping with arthritis and its associated symptoms can be minimized with the proper arthritis vitamin supplements and the dietary changes and the some physical work out.

Joint Pain - Help Yourself Prevent It

Joint pain affects hundreds of thousands of people in our country, causing everything from minor twinges and inconvenience to total, crippling disability. The causes vary between individuals, as do treatments, but one thing all sufferers share in common is that they would all feel more comfortable and mobile without it. The major causes of joint pain in our society are osteoarthritis, inflammatory types of arthritis such as rheumatoid or gout, and physical joint injury (which, in the long term often leads to arthritis in the affected joint).

Osteoarthritis is caused by the deterioration and wearing away of the protective cartilage at the bone ends, causing bone to grind against bone, causing actual bone damage, deformation and sometimes inflammation of surrounding soft tissues. This is usually the type of arthritis seen in the elderly, affecting knees, hips, spines and hands most often. It can be totally debilitating with no remissions, and is a frequent reason for hip or knee replacement surgeries.

Rheumatoid arthritis and gout are inflammatory conditions of the joints that cause severe, acute bouts of pain, redness, swelling and joint deformity. The exact causes are not definitely known, but certain bacterial or fungal pathogens and diet are thought to be connected to the conditions. These diseases alternate between flare ups and remissions, with no particular duration for each stage. It is believed that, in rheumatoid arthritis, some type of environmental factor triggers an offbeat reaction in the autoimmune system, causing the system to attack one's own body cells. Over time this type of arthritis will also cause debility and joint fixation.

Injuries result in joint pain for obvious reasons. A very common injury is is a torn meniscus or cartilage in the knee that usually requires removal of the torn piece to prevent it from interfering with movement of the joint. This also leaves a compromised area in the knee with less protection than it should have. Depending on the amount of lost cartilage, intermittent pain with certain moves can cause pain for years or become lifelong. Damaged ligaments, also very common in knees, can result in weakened structure that does not hold the joint together in a stable position. These types of problems create perfect situations for formation of arthritis as years go by.

Protecting our joints is key to preventing or relieving joint pain. The best thing to do is avoiding movements that are not in line with the natural bend of the joint. Makes sense! Antiinflammatory medications are useful in decreasing the inflammation that causes pain, but many have side effects, like causing bowel or stomach ulcerations or increased bleeding, so not everyone can take an adequate amount for very long. Eating a nourishing, well balanced diet for adequate bone, cartilage and ligament production is necessary. Particularly important for this are the nutrients calcium, magnesium, boron, vitamin D and essential fatty acids, found in substantial amounts in dairy products, fish oils, navy beans, tofu, turnip greens, bok choy, tuna and whole wheat flour. Additional supplementation of particular substances such as glucosamine and chondroitin have proven to be highly beneficial at restoration of damaged areas within the joint.

Enzymes, specifically seapeptase and bromelain are also being shown to fight inflammation either by blocking or destroying causative factors, greatly decreasing the pain and damage of arthritis.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Fighting Arthritis Through Nutritional Healing

If your aching joints are giving you enough problems to last you a lifetime, you can be just another victim of arthritis. Of the many forms of arthritis, two forms currently stand out as the most common aggressors besieging the American population - osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It was reported that a staggering 15.8 million Americans are afflicted with osteoarthritis while 2.1 millions more are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Now, that's quite a large number of people, isn't it?

It is also interesting to note that there are more women who are going through this painful experience - thrice as much for osteoarthritis and twice as much for rheumatoid arthritis cases. And if this doesn't seem enough, even young people are not safe from this disease. In fact, it was recently reported that more than 70,000 American minors, are afflicted with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis!

Being afflicted with arthritis might be downright debilitating and extremely discomforting at times, but you do not need to suffer like that indefinitely. You can do something to fight back and reclaim your life. And one of the most effective strategies in handling arthritis is through nutritional healing. By incorporating herbs, vitamins, minerals and other food supplements, you can definitely break from the chains that bind you with arthritis!

Here are some nutritional healing strategies that you might find especially useful in handling the pain brought about by the many forms of arthritis:

o Bring out the primrose oil. Taking 2 capsules of primrose oil two times a day can help control the pain and inflammation resulting from arthritis. You can also try salmon oil for this purpose - it exerts the same action as primrose oil.

o Ever heard of superoxide dismutase? Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is a proven destroyer of free radicals. It can help in preventing the disease from getting worse.

o Take calcium and magnesium supplements - These minerals are required to prevent further bone loss. For best results, take 2,000 milligrams of calcium and 1,000 milligrams of magnesium daily. It would be advisable to use the chelate form of these supplements - they are by far the most effective.

o Coenzyme Q10 - This has been proven to increase tissue oxygenation and aids in repairing damaged connective tissues.

o Try the power of garlic - Taking 2 capsules of odorless garlic 3 times a day will greatly inhibit the formation of free radicals that wreaks havoc to your joints. A word of caution - take garlic capsules along with your meal to avoid any untoward side effects.

o Don't forget your B vitamins! The B vitamins can be very good for you, especially now that you are suffering from arthritis. Vitamin B3 plus B6 dilates the small arteries thus increasing the blood flow to the affected joints to help reduce the swelling. Vitamin B12 plus folic acid, on the other hand, aids in the production of myelin (the protective covering of the nerves) and prevents nerve damage.

o Never underestimate the power of vitamin C! Vitamin C is one of the most powerful destroyers of free radicals. For best results, take 3,000 to 10,000 milligrams (in divided doses) daily.

o Take vitamin E - A daily supplementation using 400 IU of vitamin E can also bring you great rewards. Vitamin E is another powerful antioxidant that can take care of those damaging free radicals and it may also help in mobilizing your joints.

A Natural Diet For Gout Sufferers to Bring About a Cure

Gout is a type of arthritis. It manifests itself in the extremities of the body, particularly the feet and toes. It is caused by having too much uric acid in the bloodstream. This causes the formation of tiny sharp crystals which congregate in the joints muscles and joints. It causes swelling and inflammation which can be extremely painful. However, it is possible to cure the condition naturally by following our specially targeted diet for gout sufferers

Under normal conditions, uric acid should dissolve in the bloodstream. However, this dissolution will be impeded if the kidneys are not functioning correctly. Also, if your diet includes too much purine, or your body naturally creates too much uric acid, it will not dissolve completely.

The incidence of gout in more prevalent in people who are overweight. It is therefore strongly advised that your weight should be kept within the recommendations for your gender and height. Drinking lots of fluids (excepting alcohol) can flush out the troublesome crystals. However, following a low purine diet to avoid too much uric acid being produced is an important factor.

Foods that are high in Purines and which therefore should be avoided include: Offal, Game, Beer, Sardines, Scallops, Herring, Mackerel, gravy, yeast, and meat extracts.

Foods that have a moderate amount of purine in them, and therefore can be eaten in moderation, include: Fish (including shellfish and eels, but excluding those listed above), meat, poultry, asparagus, bran, cauliflower, cereals, eggs, meat, mushrooms, oatmeal, poultry, wheat germ and wholegrain breads.

Low purine foods, of which there is no restriction, include: Vegetables, Soups (without meat extract), low fat cheese, nuts, tea, coffee, fruit juice, sugar, and soft drinks.

There are certain foods which reportedly help to eliminate gout and these include: Oily fish such as salmon (but not Mackerel), tofu, fatty acids, cherry juice and strawberry juice. A good, healthy, well balanced diet for gout sufferers should include foods with complex carbohydrates, but which are also low in fat and protein.

If you suffer severe gout, a proprietary, natural herbal remedy, from any good natural heath food store will help, and once the gout is eradicated, adhering to your gout diet will keep it at bay.

Ways To Alleviate The Pain Associated With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that mostly affects women, but men are also susceptible to its effects, where the joints or more accurately the lining between the joints becomes inflamed. This can also do a great deal of damage to the joints themselves and as you can imagine causes immense pain to the sufferer. It tends to start in early to late middle age and affects approximately double the number of women as men. No one who suffers from the symptoms is immune from the great pain this infliction causes for its sufferers. However, there are some things that you can do, if not to totally alleviate it, then at least to help a little.

Although you may feel like not doing anything that could disturb your joints some doctors believe that exercise is very important and can give positive benefits to the rheumatoid arthritis suffer. Many people find that gentle exercise that limits the impact can be beneficial. Some people favor walking, while others prefer something more supportive, such as swimming or even cycling. A good low impact activity should allow you to exercise without placing any undue stress or extra strain on your joints. But before starting on any exercise program, it is a good idea to contact your doctor who can advise you on the best type of exercise for your particular condition.

Some people also believe that hot or cold compresses can help to alleviate the pain associated with or brought on by rheumatoid arthritis. Although this probably will not replace the need for medication it can help to make you a little more comfortable. Many people find that an ice pack can help to reduce the pain considerably and allow you to feel a little more comfortable when relaxing at home.

Rheumatoid arthritis seems to be an increasingly common problem among the late middle-aged people and can be very painful. But with a little care and attention that are ways to decrease the amount of pain experienced from this condition. Many doctors are now advising patients that a good diet containing plenty of zinc fish oils and antioxidants can have positive effects on their arthritis conditions. Although most people will still require some form of pain relief there are ways such as exercise, ice packs and improved diets that can make a positive contribution and help you to avoid the need to rely solely on the us of pain relieving drugs.

The best person to speak to about alternatives that you can take to help to improve your condition is your doctor or health specialist. They should be able to give you some good advice on improvements to your diet and exercises that can help make you more comfortable.

Gout Diet Plan For Fast and Easy Recovery

There are many cause of gout but, one of the main factors is excessive amount of uric acid in the blood. This condition is more commonly found in people those who are overweight, alcohol addicts, meat and fish lovers, taking drugs such as diuretics. If you seriously want to treat your gout then you need to follow a gout meal plan in order to cure your gout problem.

If you are suffering from gout then, try to lose your weight by eating a low fat diet. Try to avoid purine rich foods like heart, herring, smelt, yeast, mussels, sardines and sweetbreads. In order to flush out excess uric acid from your body, try to drink at least 8-9 glasses of water throughout the day. Eliminate complex carbohydrate containing foods from your diet menu. Your diet should have about 25-30% calories in fat, animal fat being only 10%.

Try to avoid or limit your protein intake. Eating small amounts of protein will not cause any harm to you. If you want you can take your protein from vegetables bread, pasta and cereals, fruits, fat and sugar. There are many fruits which are very beneficial in the treatment of gout. Some gout healthy fruits are berries, cherries, banana, strawberries, tomatoes, pineapples, celery and oranges.

In order to get a fast recovery, try to include lot of vitamin C rich sources in to your diet menu. Vitamin C is very beneficial for boosting your immune system. Include vegetables such as cabbage, parsley, kale, tangerines, red bell peppers, potatoes and green leafy vegetables in to your diet menu.

Stop Arthritis Pain - Make Wiser Food Choices!

The pain associated with arthritis can definitely be very intense. What's worse is that every time your arthritis flares up, your normal range of motion can be limited to a significant degree. As a result, you cannot do all the things you used to do before arthritis took over a great part of your life.

There are many different forms of arthritis, the most common of which includes rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout. Contrary to popular belief, arthritis can be managed quite successfully. All you need to do is enlist the aid of certain medications formulated specifically to deal with the symptoms of the disease and adopt some healthy lifestyle changes. Be free from the ties that bind you with arthritis and live life the way you used to! Here are some surefire strategies that can help you deal with arthritis:

o Keep excess weight off! Those extra pounds just add stress to your already inflamed joints so you better do something about it! Eat a well-balanced diet and make sure that you have enough of the nutrients needed to reduce the pain associated with arthritis. Getting enough vitamin C will help your body repair damaged tissue while substantial amounts of vitamin D will help your body absorb calcium, protect your bones and prevent bone loss. And don't forget to get enough calcium - it will help strengthen your bones.

o Give those joints some work out! To reduce arthritis flare ups, you need to adopt a moderate exercise routine. This may help you increase your flexibility and stability and may also aid in strengthening your joints. However, people with rheumatoid arthritis should refrain from exercising during flare-ups to prevent further damage. A word of caution - you should only exercise to the point where you feel mild discomfort. Do not over-exercise!

o Sleep it off! You should be getting enough sleep - it would be great if you can put in 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night.

What you put in your mouth has a great deal to do with your arthritis. Eat the wrong kinds of foods and you are sure to suffer from the consequences of your actions. Eat the right kinds of foods and you'll be spared from the pain. There's just no getting around it - your diet can determine your fate! To help you in dealing with your problem, here is a list of some of the foods that can be your ally in your fight against arthritis.

Bananas - These golden fruits enjoy the status of being one of nature's "perfect foods". Bananas are better known for being one of the richest sources of potassium but do you know that they are excellent arthritis fighters as well? Bananas contain high amounts of vitamin B6, folate and vitamin C - some of the nutrients needed to keep your joints and bones healthy. They are also a great source of soluble fiber so they can play an important part in your weight loss efforts as well!

Green Pepper - Vitamin C can be of great help in controlling the symptoms of arthritis but if you are not very fond of eating citrus fruits, you can reach out for a green pepper instead. A single green pepper can provide you with 176% of your daily needs for vitamin C while the red and yellow varieties can provide you with more than twice that amount! And not only that - sweet peppers are also known as excellent sources of vitamin B6 and folate.

Salmon - Salmon is one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids, also known as the "healthy fats". It also contains calcium, vitamin D and folate - some of the nutrients that help in the fight against arthritis.

Shrimp - The mighty shrimp can be one of your best bets in conquering arthritis pains. You can get about 30% of your recommended daily amount for vitamin D in just three ounces of cooked shrimps. That's much more than what you can get in a cup of milk! Shrimps also contain essential omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, iron and vitamin B12.

If you are serious in your desire to control your arthritis, be sure to include these wonder foods in your diet. They can sure help you a lot!

Arthritis Treatment Options

Think the only thing you can do to help your arthritis is to take pain medications? Think your arthritis is only going to get worse as you get older? With today's medical advances, there are a wide range of arthritis treatment options available to those suffering from the condition.

Depending on the form of arthritis you suffer, doctors can prescribe medicine that can ease your pain, as well as actually keeping the disease from progressing.

For mild arthritis pain, most people generally start by treating their symptoms themselves using over-the-counter medications. There are a wide variety of creams, liniments, patches and oral anti-inflammatory and analgesics to choose from. Arthritis creams generally contain some combination of menthol, capsaicin and salicylate.

When applied to the painful area, these creams or liniments can relieve the aches and pains. However, these creams are temporary and must be reapplied often. The medicine in some of these creams can also be purchased in a patch form that gives a concentrated, continuous release of medicine so you don't have to reapply as often.

Oral analgesics, such as acetaminophen, are medicines taken by mouth that can help to reduce the pain of arthritis. Doctors often also recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, as an arthritis treatment to help reduce the inflammation and fever associated with arthritis.

For more severe arthritis pain, you may need to see your doctor for a stronger form of arthritis treatment. For the aches and pains of osteoarthritis, which results from the normal aging process, your doctor can prescribe prescription strength NSAID, or even a narcotic pain medication if he feels your level of pain warrants it.

For some suffering from osteoarthritis, joint replacement surgery is an option your doctor may suggest. Most often joint replacement surgeries replace the joints in the knees and hips with plastic or metal joints.

Although this procedure is considered a major surgery and a successful recovery requires intense therapy, many are well pleased with the results of joint replacement when they find they can return to their normal activities with little or no arthritis pain.

For those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, which results from the body's immune system turning on the body and destroying the cartilage that cushions the joints, there are several prescription medications available.

For this condition, your doctor may prescribe an immunosuppressant medicine or a disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug, both of which can help slow the progression of the disease. These are also several new rheumatoid arthritis treatments which have been very successful in decreasing the symptoms of the condition.

These medicines, called biologics, generally come in an injectable form and are injected either once weekly or every other week. These medicines have been proven in clinical trials to help improve physical function as well as keeping joint damage from becoming worse in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

From mild to severe arthritis, there are arthritis treatment available for all. While some medicines simply relieve arthritis pain, some can actually help keep the condition from becoming worse.

If you suffer from the pain of arthritis, see your doctor to find an arthritis treatment that is right for you.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Easing Fibromyalgia Pain

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a soft tissue form of rheumatoid arthritis. When it strikes a person with a previously very active life will become plagued with constant pain and fatigue. Usually, a patient will complain of feeling achy all over and being tired constantly.

Criterion to classify the symptoms of fibromyalgia have been delineated by the American College of Rheumatology. These criterion are:

Chronic widespread pain for three months or more of the 18 defined tender points on the body, pain at 11 of these sites when a pressure of 9 pounds is applied, chronic fatigue, non-restfull sleep (sleeping and awakening feeling like you haven't slept at all).

Patients with fibromyalgia have an abnormal response to pain stimuli. They feel normal pain more intensely. This type of response is thought to be due to abnormal pain processing paths in the central nervous system.

Treatment of Fibromyalgia

The first step in the diagnosis procedure is performing a thorough medical history on the patient. No specific laboratory tests exist that verify the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. However, certain lab tests can eliminate conditions that have very similar symptoms to fibromyalgia, such as lupus, hypothyroidism, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatment of fibromyalgia involves educating the patient as to how to manage the condition. A rheumatologist can prescribe pain medications and muscle relaxants. Sometimes anti-seizure and anti-fatigue medications are needed. Lastly, a exercise routine of low impact aerobics can elevate endorphin levels in the brain and condition muscles. Text module Give your module a title. Titles can only be one line, so keep it short.

The first step in the diagnosis procedure is performing a thorough medical history on the patient. No specific laboratory tests exist that verify the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. However, certain lab tests can eliminate conditions that have very similar symptoms to fibromyalgia, such as lupus, hypothyroidism, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatments to Ease the Pain of Fibromyalgia
Consult your physician before following the below recommendations.

Change your diet to include raw fruits and vegetables. A juicer is a good investment so you can make fresh fruit and vegetable juice without the commercially added additives. Some holistic practitioners believe fibromyalgia is a rheumatic disease mainly caused by eating pork and pork products, Stay away from ingesting pork and pork products, or limit the amount you eat. Perform a mild detox bodily cleansing by ingesting a teaspoon of cold pressed olive oil at night and a cup of hot water every morning. Some fibromyalgia patients report reduced pain when they eliminated allergens from their diet. Common foods associated with fibromyalgia pain include corn, wheat, dairy, soy, citrus and nuts. Within a few weeks of eliminating the allergen foods patients reported a decrease in fatigue, breathing issues and pain.

The effects of antidepressants should be re-evaluated at regular intervals to determine whether benefits outweigh adverse effects. Older tricyclic antidepressants seemed to have a big impact in relieving pain, fatigue and restless sleep, while selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Prozac had smaller effect on relieving pain. A newer class of treatments called serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) were tied to a reduction of pain, restless sleep and depression. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors appeared to help reduce pain. Mirapex has been shown to help patients with fibromyalgia live a more normal pain free life. As with all prescription medications, Mirapex has potential side effects you should ask your doctor about. Pregabalin is a newly approved drug that calms nerve cells, and has proved helpful to fibromyalgia patients. the brand name for pregabalin is Lyrica. Medical practitioners have analyzed 18 previously published studies and have found strong evidence antidepressants led to improved symptoms and quality of life. A dietary supplement called MSM or Methyl Sulfonyl Methane is an organic sulfur which eases the pain of arthritis and muscle soreness and aids in body detox. The usual starting dose are 1000 mg or 2000 mg daily (again, check with your doctor before starting the regime). As the detox effects of the MSM begin you may feel slight flu like symptoms which will dissapate after several days.

Infrared Heat Therapy
Home infrared saunas are extremely useful for relieving pain of all kinds. The following conditions' symptoms are relieved through the use of infrared saunas; relief from pain for forms of arthritis decrease in the stiffness of collagen tissues relief of muscle spasms and joint stiffness increased blood flow and circulation, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, coronary artery disease, ear, nose and throat conditions, skin conditions.

Brisk walking of up to an hour is helpful. Get a mini trampoline for exercise. Get a massage to ease fibromyalgia pain. Massage induces muscle relaxation. Some forms of massage are more aggressive than others. When using massage to relieve fibromyalgia pain have the masseuse use a moderate touch so as not to cause muscle soreness. For instance, deep tissue massage can be painful and would not be recommended for relief of fibromyalgia pain. Exercise to ease fibromyalgia pain. Stretching in a warm pool have been shown to help decrease pain. You must be careful not to overdo it, though. Very low impact exercise is recommended. Practicing yoga gently stretches and works the muscles and relieves pain.

Stress and Body Detox
The flushing of toxins from the lymph node areas and from the skin can provide improved health. With the elimination of these poisons from deep within the body, the organs can then do their job correctly. if you lead a stressful lifestyle cutting back on some activities to relieve stress can benefit fibromyalgia. Research has shown that in as many as 20% of fribromyalgia patients, life stress contributes to their pain. It is important to cultivate regular sleeping habits to encourage restful sleep.

Try Feldenkrais For Your Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a long-term inflammatory disease that affects both tissues and organs, but mainly attacks joints. The disease produces inflammation in the lining of the joint (synovitis), and often leads to the destruction of cartilage and deformity in the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis can also produce inflammation in the lungs, heart, kidneys, and eyes, and can produce nodules, most commonly in the tissues just under the skin. Although the cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, an auto-immune system explanation has the most credibility. A genetic component may also exist. RA is a painful and disabling condition, which causes considerable loss of function and mobility. It is diagnosed by its signs and symptoms, and also with blood tests (rheumatoid factor) and X-rays.

Rheumatoid arthritis pain always shows signs of inflammation, with affected joints being swollen, warm, painful and stiff, particularly on awakening in the morning or following inactivity. With time RA almost always affects multiple joints, most commonly the small joints of the hands, feet, and spine, but larger joints like the hip and knee can also be affected.

Once inflammation occurs, the pain can become chronic, and treatment will likely be necessary. Various treatments are available. Early and effective rheumatoid arthritis treatment can improve the prognosis and may help prevent the joint and bone destruction associated with RA. If physical therapy, orthotics, and diet changes have failed you and you have maxed out your meds, the Feldenkrais Method can be used to treat all problems for which surgery isn't necessary. Feldenkrais uses simple, gentle movements to reorganize posture, flexibility, strength and coordination. Based on the neurological processes by which we learn movement skills, it is a novel approach to rheumatoid pain relief, using the power of the brain to help the body function more efficiently. More efficient use of self creates environments within which chronic pain can heal. Many sufferers are better in a matter of weeks. Let Feldenkrais help you to have fun with life again.

Tests For Arthritis - Which Ones Are Right For You?

Identifying arthritis, or inflammation and swelling of the joints, can be a complex process. Doctors use several different tests to correctly identify the type of arthritis and prescribe an accurate treatment program. Doctors include a comprehensive physical examination and history of the patient and the patient's family as well as certain blood tests.

Doctors also use x-rays to accurately see the bones and joints. Although x-rays are reliable way of viewing the bone structure they are not accurate in identifying arthritis. Most people over the age of 65 have changes in their joints without having the accompanying joint pain, swelling and inflammation of arthritis. In fact, the cartilage and joint damage seen in an x-ray are often more severe than the patient's rating of pain and disability. The doctor will use x-rays with other findings and tests to identify the arthritic condition or modify a treatment program.

Doctors also use arthrography, a test in which dye is injected directly into the joint during a special x-ray procedure. The process is done in the radiology department, often by the radiologist. The test results are sent to the doctor and not given to the patient at the time of the procedure.

Computerized Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are tests that physicians use to assist in the identification of joint degeneration or the involvement of soft tissue or other organs. The CT scan takes pictures in slices of the body and are then fed back to a computer for interpretation. These x-ray pictures show bone but also show muscle and organ systems as well.

The MRI uses radio waves in a magnetic field. The radio waves react with the water in the body and send back images to a computer. An adult is approximately 60% content so the MRI can be fairly accurate over the entire body. This test is the best for viewing soft tissue and organ system changes.

Sometimes doctors also use arthrocentisis to evaluate the fluid that is normally found in the joints. Synovial fluid analysis is done in a laboratory. In an inflammatory response this fluid can increase in amount and get thicker causing swelling of the joint.

Isotope Bone Scans are test done in the radiology department of the hospital. A small dose of radioactive isotope is injected into the blood stream and taken up by the bones. A special camera is used to see the bones and most accurately evaluate the inflammation in the joints.

In gout the fluid also has urate crystals - this is a conclusive test for gout. The lab will evaluate the thickness of the fluid. Because there is an increase of the synovial fluid which causes pain and swelling with arthritis, the removal of this fluid for the test will also decrease pain and improve mobility for a short period of time.

If the disease has progressed the doctor may recommend an arthroscopy, or a small surgical procedure in which an incision is made over the joint. A small tube and camera are inserted into the joint so the doctor can view the damage and sometimes also repair or remove cartilage. This surgery is done in the hospital, usually under a local anesthetic to reduce the surgical risk to the patient.

Some arthritic conditions also cause soft tissue and organ damage. One organ that can be affected are the lungs. Doctors will order Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) to assess any damage that may have been done. This will help to identify arthritis and modify treatment programs.

Another organ that can be affected is the heart muscle. An Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) is used to assess any muscle damage, help to identify problems and change treatment programs

Although there are no conclusive tests for arthritis, used in combination, these tests give physicians an accurate clinical picture to make a diagnosis. Without a correct diagnosis any treatment plan would not help to stop the progression of the disease or lessen pain, swelling and disability. To Identify arthritis the doctor needs a comprehensive physical exam, family history, testing and the cooperation of the patient.

Natural Supplements For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a serious and often crippling condition. While it usually strikes in middle age this disease can also attack young people and leads to stiff, aching or damaged joints. Natural supplements for rheumatoid arthritis can alleviate many of the symptoms of arthritis and even help the body repair damage done to joints.

A condition referred to as a systemic inflammatory disorder Rheumatoid arthritis can affect any part of the body, but usually attacks the joints destroying cartilage. Supplements containing specific vitamins, minerals, and herbs can restore cartilage, reduce inflammation, and increase the flexibility of joints.

An important natural herbal supplement for Rheumatoid arthritis is powdered freeze-dried tissue taken for a type of mollusca called the Green lipped mussel found in New Zealand. Research has found that Green lipped mussel powder inhibits inflammation in the body. Due to this anti-inflammatory element supplements containing this powder are also useful in treating other similar conditions such as psoriasis, and asthma.

Another good supplement for reducing the inflammation and increasing mobility of the joint are Omega-3 fatty acids. Essential fatty acids are an important factor in the diet since the body needs these to function properly. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in salmon, tuna and other seafood, but natural supplements can provide a concentrated daily amount. Researchers have found Omega-3 fatty acids specifically reduced inflammation in joints as well diminished the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Natural supplements for Rheumatoid arthritis will also usually contain essential vitamins and minerals. A deficiency in manganese, copper, and selenium are thought to accelerate the damage done to joints by conditions like arthritis. Vitamin compounds such as the B-6, and B-12 can help relieve the effects of stress and boost the immune system. These supplements offer natural relief from the damage and pain caused by Rheumatoid arthritis.

What's Good For Arthritis?

Arthritis is basically the breakdown of cartilage. The joints gradually lose cartilage, which is a gel-like, shock-absorbing substance that prevents adjacent bones from grinding against each other. Cartilage naturally protects the joint, allowing for smooth movement, and absorbing shock when pressure is focused on the joint. With damaged or weakened cartilage, the bones rub together, causing pain, stiffness, and swelling. Arthritis is more likely to occur as you age. Most commonly affected joints are those in the fingers, knees, and hips. As a joint continues to lose cartilage, the friction of the bones rubbing together can cause pain and joint instability.

Some vitamins and herbs are thought to be helpful in preventing or healing arthritis. Herbs, and other healing food, considered useful, include: alfalfa, angelica, black cohosh, blackberry, black pepper, blueberry, Brazil nuts, broccoli, burdock, celery, cherry, cod liver oil, coriander, cranberries, cumin, echinacea, fennel, feverfew, figs, fish, flaxseed, garlic, ginger, grape seed extract, green tea, hawthorn, horseradish, juniper, kelp, lemons, molasses, oats, onion, oranges, oregano, peanuts, peppermint, pineapple, primrose oil, red pepper, rosemary, salmon oil, shavegrass, stinging nettle, sunflower seeds, tea, thyme, turmeric, willow, and yogurt.

Vitamins (or foods rich in these vitamins), thought to be helpful, include: B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyrodoxine), B12 (cobalamin), B complex, beta-carotene, C, D, E, folic acid, multi-mineral, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, and zinc.

Avoid consuming foods which promote arthritis, such as: alcohol, artificial additives & preservatives, artificial colors, aspirin, drugs, unhealthy fats, fried foods, meats, processed foods, roasted nuts, salt, soft drinks, sugar, and white flour.

If you are suffering from arthritis, try to limit consumption of caffeine, citrus fruits, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, and wheat. Also avoid exposure to tobacco smoke.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Try to consume a high fiber diet. Get regular moderate exercise, and maintain a healthy weight. Muscle building exercises are helpful, but avoid aerobic exercises which can do the body more harm than good.

Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional.

Natural Treatments to Combat Rheumatoid Arthritis

Natural treatments to combat arthritis are getting more popular with patients of this crippling disease. There are in fact a number of different natural treatments that you can practice at home.

One of the worst symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis is the pain and inflammation especially when you consider the ineffective conventional treatments for this form of arthritis.

Here are some natural treatments that you can practice at home.
Cold compresses: these compresses will reduce inflammation and pain. This is useful for flare ups. You should apply for 15 minutes and then take a break for 30 minutes. You can use ice packs for this method.

Heat pads: this treatment will improve blood flow and relax muscles. This method can be used to help muscle and joint stiffness. You can take a warm shower or use a hot tub for this treatment. You can also apply a warm damp towel or a pack warmed in the microwave. Be cautious and do not use a pad that is to hot.

Yoga and meditation: Yoga and meditation can relax your mind and help you to reduce pain and have more control over your body. It can also help you to sleep better. When you sleep well your body will be able to heal itself. You will have more energy and be able to move better.

Breathing exercises: when you do deep breathing exercises you can make yourself more relaxed and feel better emotionally. You will need to do this by breathing from your abdomen. A simple way to do this is:
o Exhale so that all the air is out of your lungs
o Inhale through your nose, counting slowly up to 5
o Hold your breath for up to 2 minutes
o Exhale counting up to 5
o Repeat while closing your eyes

Eat a healthy diet: One of the important ways to combat any disease is to make your body strong and healthy. You can do this by eating right. To do this you should cut out junk food and sodas, or at least drink diet soda. Drink more water, you should drink at least 8 glasses per day. Replace refined foods with whole grain foods and eat more fruits and vegetables. When you eat right you will strengthen your immune system and help your body to heal itself naturally.

It is difficult to cure Rheumatoid arthritis but you can get relief from some of the symptoms by using these natural treatments that you can practice at home.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Understanding Arthritis

At present, there are approximately 37 million Americans who are unduly suffering from the pains brought about by arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. But what exactly is arthritis and why is this troublesome disease so painful to bear?

Arthritis refers to a wide range of joint problems, which bring about pain, swelling and stiffness. In layman's terms, arthritis simply means the inflammation of a joint. While this disease can strike virtually anyone regardless of age, arthritis is more common among older people.

There are many types of arthritis. At present, there are approximately 100 different types of arthritis and each one has its own set of symptoms. As to what triggers the onset of most of these, no one really knows. However, there seems to be an apparent connection between them and heredity, hormonal imbalance and/or other immune system problems. Among the most widely known forms of arthritis, which affect the majority of the population, are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout and lupus.

- Rheumatoid arthritis is primarily brought about by the inflammation of the membrane lining the joints. Its symptoms include pain, stiffness and swelling in multiple joints and strikes the hands, wrists and feet. This type of arthritis is not an inevitable component of the aging process and is noticeably most common in women aged between 30 and 40.

- Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, is caused by the breakdown of the joint cartilages as brought about by old age. As we age, it is inevitable that the cartilages will eventually be worn away causing the bones to rub against each other. This constant friction aggravates the joints and leads to the hardening of the bones beneath the cartilages and the formation of bone spurs around the affected joints. Osteoarthritis commonly manifests in the fingers, hips and knees.

- Gout develops when the body fails to metabolize purines (naturally occurring chemicals found in certain foods such as liver, kidney and anchovies). In cases of gout, uric acid crystals begin to accumulate in the affected joints bringing about the onset of burning pain, stiffness and swelling. Gout commonly affects the big toes, ankle, knees, wrists and elbows and was observed to be more common in men than in women. This disease commonly affects overweight and physically inactive men over the age of 35.

- Lupus. If gout is more prevalent in men, lupus tends to affect women more than their male counterparts. It is a unique medical condition wherein the body's own immune system attacks the body's healthy cells. Among the symptoms of this disease are joint pains, mouth sores and fatigue.

The advent of arthritis may be impossible to avoid. The best that anyone can do is try to prevent the onset of undue pain which accompanies the disease. This can be done by following these simple suggestions:

- Adopt a regular exercise routine. Regular exercise may help relieve or prevent arthritic pains. Moderate physical activities strengthen the muscles around the joints, help nourish the joint cartilages and facilitate the elimination of metabolic wastes. However, it is best to avoid repeated jarring activities such as high-impact aerobic exercises. These can only aggravate the pain.

- Try to maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight puts on more stress on the joints. Maintaining a healthy weight, on the other hand, can help retard the onset and progress of arthritis.

Will Herbs Benefit Arthritis Discomfort?

Should you suffer discomfort via arthritis, this post presents helpful pointers regarding Graviola health supplements. It is packaged in capsule shape along with natural powder as well as liquid.

Whilst science has yet to create all of us relief from joint disease, there are various styles of various treatments which often can deliver arthritis pain reduction. Although one particular person will benefit through magnet treatments and the other might even see reduction as a result of acupuncture, Graviola supplements tend to be demonstrating themselves to generally be the innovator of the group in relation to arthritis pain aid.

Lots of arthritis people have added a dietary supplement of Graviola extract to their diet plans and are confirming it has the ability to bring about arthritis pain relief of pain. In consequence, much study is being undertaken about how herbal supplements can benefit patients with arthritis. Graviola extract has been shown to cut down redness and to slow down the continuing development of joint destruction in arthritis clients.

Lots Claim that this natural health supplement should help combat cancer cells. This particular organic nutritional supplement performs extremely well as a recouping agent, setting up healthful cells to be better. It can assist our body to endure other cancer remedies for example chemotherapy and radiation.

There were three or more particular investigation organizations who have separated important chemical substances within the plant seeds and leaves which may have demonstrated important anti-tumorous as well as anti-cancerous actions towards varied different kinds of cancer cells that have published eight scientific studies for their results.

The majority of dietary supplements can be found in liquid, powdered as well as tablet type. Many people go ahead and take capsule method of the herbal nutritional supplement for arthritis pain aid. Capsules tend to be simple and tasteless. On top of that they are quite low-priced. Specific nutritional supplements can be found in extended aid or even time release type. This is often ideal for the person that is trying to possess supplements within their system during the course of the day with regard to arthritis pain comfort.

Your best bet is to focus on Graviola dietary supplements. Everybody who has arthritis is motivated to be hands-on in order to find the arthritis pain relief cure, which runs best for him or her. If they do deliver arthritis pain relief for you personally, you are going to be joining the list of many other arthritis patients who're benefiting each day from natural supplements.You will be aware in a few weeks if they are doing the job in your case. If they really do not perform, you actually are no worse off in comparison with at the time you began.

An awesome place for arthritis information is the Arthritis Foundation which you'll go to at: There's also many Web sites you can go to that will make you stay current on all of the most up-to-date news and arthritis information. You may also take a quiz to find out exactly what well being your joints are in. Through these numerous methods of info, you can study about all of the various forms of arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation is full of arthritis facts, as well as drug treatments, alternative treatment plans, possible arthritis pain remedies, and the way to comprehend your lab tests, and even more.

Your very best supply of arthritis info ought to always be your medical professional. A medical expert contains the experience and knowledge to reply to the questions you have, therefore don't think twice to question. It is exactly what she or he is generally there for. Quite a few subjects do not want to occupy their doctor's time frame along with steer clear of asking them questions with regard to concern with appearing unreasonable or unaware. Any smart medical professional will persuade one to seek advice and he or she will certainly do all they can to help keep you up to date with many of the most current arthritis details.

Do You Have Degenerative Arthritis?

With 10 million or more people with arthritis, the majority of them will have degenerative arthritis. This arthritis is called Osteoarthritis. Degenerative arthritis occurs when joints are overworked, rub against each other, experience excess friction, and slowly degenerate.

Most joints rub against each other, but bone joints have a protective layer called cartilage. This cartilage has no blood vessels or nerves so it cannot receive nutrients directly. This cartilage serves as a cushion or pad between bones so that bones don't wear out and so you don't feel pain.

Cartilage should not wear out if its surfaces remain lubricated with oils that you eat. But if you are not eating the right oils or the proper amount, then your cartilage can become dry. Under these conditions you will slowly deteriorate the cartilage, which will lead to degenerative arthritis.

Once your cartilage becomes damage or grinded down, it is hard to regenerate it. Cartilage is not a living tissue and does not receive its nourishment directly from blood vessels. It is made up of mucin, albumin and sulfuric acid. It absorbs oils and nutrients by osmosis.

Osmosis is the movement of oil from an area of high oil concentration, passing through a membrane, into an area of low oil concentration. So, if the cartilage is deficient in oil and you don't eat the oil it needs to minimize cartilage-to-cartilage friction, then degenerative arthritis will occur over time.

Eating oil that is high in vitamin D and iodine is what is necessary for good cartilage strength and function. Oil such as cod liver oil is ideal as lubrication for cartilage function. Fish oil is another good oil to eat. When you eat cod liver oil, this oil passes through the joint lining into the joint cavity. Once in the cavity, this oil is absorbed into the cartilage through osmosis.

Once the cartilage is properly lubricated, it has an elasticity and lubrication so that when it rubs against other cartilage little friction and cartilage degeneration occurs.

There is another process that can affect the integrity of the cartilage. Calcium can deposit on the bone near the cartilage and break into the cartilage and wear it down.

To prevent this condition, calcium must be kept in solution in the lymph liquid. This is done by maintain a balance diet.

Degenerative arthritis is a process where the cartilage at the end of bones in joint structures slowly degrades. This degradation occurs from the lack of the right oil in the diet and through calcium build up in the bone joint. Joint degeneration starts to occur after the age of 20 and can continue if the right diet if not followed.

Eating the right food to prevent degenerative arthritis is difficult to do if you have been brought up eating the wrong kind of food. But as an adult, you can now make a choice as to whether you will have Osteoarthritis when you get older by continuing to eat the wrong kinds food.

What is a Good Osteoarthritis Diet?

A good osteoarthritis diet is one that centers on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This is an anti-inflammatory diet that can help you eliminate the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition that affects the joints of the body and causes the cartilage to deteriorate. People who suffer from osteoarthritis usually suffer from intermittent pain as well as joint stiffness. 

Inflammation occurs around the joint with the breaking down of the cartilage. Many doctors will prescribe an anti-inflammatory drug to take care of the effects of osteoarthritis. However, these drugs are not without negative side effects. Many people today are seeking a more natural way to combat this condition that affects over 20 million Americans, many of them over the age of 50. 

Eating vegetables and fruits as well as whole grains is a good way to have keep inflammation at bay. You should also incorporate proteins into your osteoarthritis diet so that you can replenish the proteins you are losing when it comes to this condition. The cartilage is comprised of proteins that are depleted when you have osteoarthritis. 

A diet that is comprised of healthy foods that feature essential vitamins such as Vitamin D and A, both contributory helping with osteoarthritis inflammation can help you with this condition. In addition to helping you combat the effects of osteoarthritis, a good diet can also help you maintain an ideal body weight.

This is important because many people who suffer from osteoarthritis suffer from this joint condition because of the fact that they are overweight. This is especially true when it comes to people who suffer from knee osteoarthritis as well as those who suffer from back osteoarthritis. Losing weight is often one step towards eliminating the pain that is caused by this condition. 

In addition to eating a healthy osteoarthritis diet that will reduce inflammation, you may also want to take a natural supplement that will give you the vitamins and minerals that you may be lacking. One of the factors that is contributory to osteoarthritis is age. While we cannot do anything about aging, we can replenish vitamins and minerals that are essential to our health and which deplete in our bodies as we get older.

By taking a natural supplement for osteoarthritis, we can replenish our bodies with the nutrients needed to combat this potentially debilitating condition. By starting to eat right and take supplements early, you may be able to avoid getting this painful condition and lead a healthier and more fulfilling life. 

Before taking anti-inflammatory drugs or pain medication to combat the symptoms of osteoarthritis, you may want to consider a good osteoarthritis diet along with supplements to help combat the inflammation and pain that is caused by this condition. It is often best to seek out a natural remedy for a condition that to become reliant on medications, many of which have harmful side effects.

By dieting for osteoarthritis, you are not only helping yourself with regard to this condition, but you are also helping your body.  Maintaining an ideal body weight is important in all aspects of health, including the treatment of osteoarthritis. 

Promote Your Healthy Eating Campaign With These Fruit and Vegetable Shaped Stress Toys

Over the past two decades healthy eating has declined drastically as well as the health of the general population. Fresh fruits and vegetables have given way to processed foods, fast food and an overall ignorance of healthy eating and why it is important. Your health organization is undoubtedly looking for ways to promote the message of a healthy diet and one of the best ways to get the word out is with promotional gift theme-shaped promotional stressballs.

Stress toys are small, squishy items that people will use to relieve stress, be it physical, mental or emotional. Stress relievers can be made in the shape of virtually anything and can be imprinted with your message of healthy eating. Most people love getting stress balls and will most likely hold on to them for years, ensuring that your message is a lasting one. In this article there will be some ideas for stress ball shapes that are sure to make your campaign a memorable one.

Carrot- This versatile root is loaded with essential minerals as well as the all-important carotenes, which are converted to vitamin A in the intestines. Sweet and delicious, carrots are also used by some farmers to color butter.

Orange- Aside from being a sweet snack, oranges are rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. An orange-shaped stress buster has a nice sized printing area for your message of good health.

Garlic- Besides being a tasty spice and side dish, garlic is rich in germanium. Germanium-rich foods have been shown to be essential to optimal health, helping to combat food allergies, fungal overgrowth, viral infections, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.

Apple- Before it was a computer, the apple has been long known to have excessive health benefits. It is full of potassium, which helps to combat high blood pressure. Eating an apple can curb the appetite, as well as clean the teeth. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is an old phrase which still rings true today. Another stress ball shape that has a good-sized printing area.

Artichoke- The artichoke has Arabic origins, and was introduced to the west via Italy. A member of the thistle family, artichokes are concentrated with iodine, which benefits the intestinal tract and heart. It has also been shown to help reduce cholesterol and reduce blood-clotting time. Print the stress ball version with your logo and message today.

Tomato- In actuality, the tomato is really a fruit. Tomatoes are a staple of the Mediterranean diet, which is known to be one of the healthiest in the world. They are high in a carotenoid known as lycopene, which can be very helpful in warding off both cancer and appendicitis. Like the other round fruits, the tomato-shaped stress toy has a good-sized printing area to better get your message across.

Red Pepper- Popular in both eastern and western cuisine, the sweet red pepper is rich in vitamin C as well as carotenoids, potassium and calcium. They are also a good source of bioflavenoids, substances that protect blood capillaries from breakage. An excellent choice for a stressball that would promote good health.

Banana- Bananas have been called "nature's perfect food". They are naturally enriched with potassium, which may lower blood pressure and keep cholesterol from building up in the arteries. Have you ever had a leg cramp up? Chances are you aren't eating enough bananas. Their long and slender shape lends itself well to having a good size slogan on your promotional squeeze ball.

These are just a few suggestions for promotional stress balls that can enhance the healthy eating campaign of your health organization. There are many other types of promotional products available to increase the visibility of your message, from personalized pens, custom mugs or even tote bags imprinted with the name of your organization and your healthy eating slogan. To find out more about how promotional gifts can increase the awareness of your campaign, get in touch with your promotional product supplier. They will be happy to help.

Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis

There are over one hundred different forms of arthritis, though most people are familiar with only a few of them. One of the most commonly heard terms is rheumatoid arthritis, which is an inflammatory disease that affects joints and causes them to become crooked and appear as if fingers are growing almost sideways. This type of arthritis affects over two million Americans every year.

While it's unknown exactly what causes rheumatoid arthritis, it is known that the condition damages the synovial tissue that connects bones and joints in the hands, feet, and anywhere else in the body where bending is allowed. With this condition, the synovial tissue, or membrane, losses its smooth surface and texture and begins to develop extra tissue that is called pannus. This formation causes an excess of enzymes that will eventually destroy surrounding cartilage, bone and other soft tissues associated with joints, and the result is painful.

Inflamed areas, especially in tendons, can cause shortening, and if tendons rupture, joint strength and stability is severely impaired. While in most cases, rheumatoid arthritis strikes older people, it is also found in those as young as twenty years old. Most cases of this type of arthritis develop between the ages of 20 and 45, though that's just the norm. In many scenarios, the condition runs in families, suggesting a strong genetic link.

Since many different types of arthritis mirror signs and symptoms, it's important to write down your symptoms, their duration, and the course of the symptoms as far as length of time you've been feeling them, in order to help your doctor determine which form of arthritis you may be suffering from. Most people don't realize they have developed rheumatoid arthritis because it starts off feeling like a flu bug.

However, eventually, multiple joints are affected, usually on one side of the body. The most common areas of attack are joints in the fingers, at the base of the fingers, wrist, elbows and knees. Ankle joints and bone joints of the feet may also be affected.

Many people who hit their forties feel morning stiffness that eases as the day progresses, but most types of arthritis also starts off that way. One of the best ways to distinguish normal aging and stiff joints from rheumatoid arthritis is experiencing warmth in the joint area.

Another indication that arthritis may be present is the appearance of reddened and swollen joints that feel tender and painful when touched. Flare-ups may last for several days, or several weeks, and may often grow worse in winter months.

Determining the course of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis depends on many different factors, such as symptoms and the stage of development of the disease. Taking an active part in the treatment of symptoms is one of the best things you can do if diagnosed with this type of arthritis.

Exercise and joint strengthening exercise throughout your life will help keep many forms of arthritis at bay, and mediations and other treatments may ease pain and swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis. However, it's important for people to follow the course of action prescribed by a rheumatologist for optimum benefits.

Pain Relief for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis. In the United States alone, it affects about seven million individuals, most of them women. People of all ages can get this disease, but it usually manifests itself when one reaches his or her middle age. As with most other forms of arthritis, such as gout, osteoarthritis, and psoriatic arthritis, the rheumatoid version can cause extreme pain, limiting one's mobility and adversely affecting the patient's quality of life. Naturally, the issue of pain relief is a welcome topic for arthritis sufferers.

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by swelling and pain, and can affect the joints in the ankle, knee, foot, hand, and wrist. It has also been known to affect the spine as well. There is still some mystery as to what causes this disease, but science has been investigating the hormonal, environmental, and genetic factors that contribute to the condition's occurrence. What is known is that somehow, something goes haywire within the body's immune system and instead of protecting itself, it turns and attacks the joints -- hence its classification as an autoimmune disease.

The 19th-century French artist Pierre-August Renoir and comedienne Lucille Ball are only two of other famous people who have been victims of this disease. Like other patients, they most probably suffered from symptoms such as inflammation of a joint (which feels hot or tender to the touch), possibly fever and loss of weight, and a decline in the level of energy. But most of all, one's waking moments are characterized by unremitting pain, the most common symptom. That's why pain relief is not only desired but essential if one is to at least able to go on functioning in the most optimal way possible.

There are several pain killers prescribed by doctors for rheumatoid patients. Probably the most common medication is something called NSAIDs, the acronym for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. NSAIDs do not inhibit the progress of the disease, but they do a lot to reduce swelling and the associated pain. However, some NSAIDs, such as COX-2 inhibitors, have come under fire from the public because of significant side effects that they can cause, including kidney and heart problems. Corticosteroid drugs taken orally are prescribed in cases where the pain and inflammation are very severe; but again, there are potentially serious side effects associated with them, so they should not be taken without your physician's approval.

Because of the growing concern over side effects, many patients are turning to natural and alternative therapies to manage their symptoms. Natural treatment regimens for rheumatoid arthritis abound; involving substances ranging from gold to herbs to marine products. For instance, dandelion capsules and celery seeds are reputed to reduce uric acid levels in the body, and this is good because excessively high uric acid levels can exacerbate symptoms. Herbs like dong quai, boswellia, and sarsaparilla have anti-inflammatory properties which reduce swelling. There is also growing evidence that dietary supplements containing chondroitin and glucosamine are beneficial for arthritis sufferers -- but many medical experts caution their use for in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, saying they are only to be used by those suffering from osteoarthritis. Other natural therapeutic methods used to treat the disease include acupuncture, massage, and hydrotherapy.

Medical experts cannot emphasize strongly enough the importance of a healthy diet for those suffering from the disease. Studies show that patients usually do not have healthy eating habits, and that this disease occurs very rarely in cultures that do not thrive on fast food and other fatty foods. A diet based on whole foods, vegetables, fruits, and certain types of seafood is recommended; one that is rich in sugar, refined carbohydrates, saturated fat, and sugar is not. Surprisingly, some foods that are healthy can actually aggravate arthritic pain in some patients; these include dairy and wheat products, and vegetables like tomatoes and eggplants.

Exercise is another important factor in creating the foundation for arthritis management. Physical therapists will generally recommend exercises that are "joint-friendly," such as walking, riding a stationary bicycle, swimming and other water activities. Moving an affected joint in its full range of motion is recommended, as long as you keep the movement smooth to avoid inflicting pain. Exercise is good, but it should not be overdone because it will worsen the pain, not relieve it.

There is no cure as yet for rheumatoid arthritis. But with the right diet, exercise, and treatment, a large measure of pain relief can be achieved. It is a manageable condition that should not prevent a person from living a good-quality life and continue to function as a contributing member to society.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Differences Between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid are two of the most common forms of arthritis, and it is important to differentiate between the two.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is more widespread, affecting thousands of individuals worldwide. This disease is primarily an inflammatory condition that affects the tissue that covers the joints throughout the human body. Over time, the inflammation can gradually spread to the major organs of the human body and has the potential to become a debilitating condition.

Historically, scientific research has attempted to identify the specific cause of rheumatoid arthritis, but a definite cause has yet to be discovered. Currently, the culprit is believed to be a genetic factor that predisposes an individual to the disease. Certain events are also believed to trigger its symptoms.

Rheumatoid arthritis can be treated with a number of medications, such as NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as DMARDs or disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, both of which can be prescribed by a qualified physician. Popular examples of such medicines are Methotrexate, Enbrel, Arava, Celebrax, and numerous others. Although these drugs have been known to produce positive results, it is also imperative to bear in mind that these products have been reported to trigger negative side effects that can impair rather than improve one's condition.

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is more prevalent among older patients, as this condition results from the wear and tear of the joints brought about by age. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage's water component increases, whereas its protein component decreases. Constant stress or use of the joints, such as being overweight or contracting joint injury, can also trigger this disease. In addition, such factors as joint infections, pregnancy, hormonal disorders, diabetes, and others can lead to osteoarthritis. Treatment can range from localized injections of hyaluronan and glucocorticoid to surgical joint replacement procedures.

Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

The symptoms of Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis can help patients differentiate between these two types of arthritis.

For example, if both sides of the joint are affected, and if the joint appears to be inflamed as indicated by a distinctive swelling or reddening in color, the disease is most likely rheumatoid arthritis. In such cases, the patient typically experiences some fever, fatigue, and a sensation of stiffness throughout the body that lasts for 15 minute intervals or more. Different types of vasculitis, or a condition in which the veins and arteries are affected, can also develop as a consequence of rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally, people with this disease have a higher risk of getting a heart attack or a stroke.

Also common among rheumatoid arthritic patients are renal amyloidosis and fibrosis of the lungs. Inflammation of the kidney and the lungs are direct or indirect targets of rheumatoid arthritis.

In contrast, osteoarthritis does not target the organs of the human body. In the majority of cases, osteoarthritis only occurs as a result of old age.

It is extremely crucial for arthritic patients to distinguish between these two types of arthritis. Knowing which type of arthritis one suffers from will lead a person to get the appropriate treatment for his/her condition. As always, consulting a physician is imperative for a more definite diagnosis and subsequent treatment. A qualified doctor can prescribe the necessary medication and therefore point you to the right direction. In case of side effects from the use of prescribed drugs, contacting your doctor immediately is a must.

The Proper Diet to Prevent Dry Eyes Syndrome

Dry eyes syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis sicca is the inflammation of the particular part of the eye called conjunctiva or the tear gland. Due to the rising presence of pollution in the environment, there is an increase in the number of cases of dry eyes syndrome. Eye doctors often encounter this condition among their patient. Dry eyes syndrome deprive us of simple pleasures like watching Television, reading a book, or surfing the Internet, because our eyes get stressed out faster. Our eyes are the ones we cannot afford to lose. People usually make a mistake for taking this kind of eye condition for granted.

Tears are important in safeguarding the eyes from irritation and infection; in dry eyes syndrome tear production is altered, making our eyes vulnerable to threats. The eye condition often leads to far more serious conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, sjorgren's syndrome and several allergic reactions. There are many available treatments for this kind of disease; they could either be medications and herbal remedies. Ophthalmologist suggested besides from drugs and herbal means, it can be prevented with the proper diet.

Increase Water Intake

Water helps in flushing toxins out of the body, and also helps the conjunctiva in the lubrication process. Tears are consisted of mostly water, they are also important in flushing out toxins in our body. Dehydration is a major cause of dry eyes syndrome, and water has the capability to combat such condition. Water is essential in all of the body's processes. Intake of 10 glasses of water a day is recommended.

Fatty acid diet

Omega-3, a fatty acid found in fish and seafood, are highly recommended to fight dry eyes syndrome. Ophthalmologist suggests fish like tuna, albacore, trout, sardines and mackerel, to patients in fighting this kind of disease. Vegetables and certain plants are also abundant source of omega-3 to combat dry eyes syndrome. Flaxseeds, walnut, canola, and soybeans are the plant world source for omega-3 fatty acids.

As we grow older, our bodily processes are also affected. Proper diets along supplements are needed to boost our immune system, protecting us from various diseases. This kind of eye condition is only one of the diseases that arise due to improper diet. Foods are considered as barometers of our health.

Different Diet Options Used For Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a systemic and chronic inflammatory disease that can cause permanent disability if not diagnosed and treated at the earliest. There is no cure for the disease itself. However, various treatment options can help in relieving the pain as well as the symptoms of the disease.

Similarly, the patient's diet can also play an important role in the management of Rheumatoid Arthritis, as it can help in relief of everyday problems associated with the disease. A specific diet is not considered as an alternative to medication, however, or treatment as in certain other diseases. It can only help in better management of the symptoms associated with the disease. Certain food items have been identified to minimize the symptoms associated with this disease, whereas some food items might worsen the symptoms, so it is always wise to follow a certain diet if you have been diagnosed with the disease.

The first important diet consideration must be aimed at weight reduction. Scientific and medical studies prove that people who are overweight are more likely to suffer from the symptoms of this disease. Weight loss takes the excess pressure off the joints, consequently reducing pain and improving the quality of life.

Omega-3 fatty acids are also said to be of immense benefit to Rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. Patients can include fish oil supplements that will help in fighting off inflammation of the joints. 3 grams of omega-3 fatty acids in a day are recommended to Rheumatoid arthritis patients. This will also protect the patients from cardiovascular diseases that are part of the risks associated with the disease.

A diet rich in vegetables, cereals, legumes, olive oil, fruits etc. which is often called the Mediterranean diet is another diet recommended for rheumatoid patients and has helped many patients in improved body functioning. In some patients a wholly vegetarian diet had considerable effect in reducing on-going pain, morning stiffness and other common symptoms associated with the disease, as more greens rather than meat will help in protection against tissue damage.

Vitamins are also said to be very helpful in this disease. Vitamin E is said to reduce pain and joint destruction. Selenium is also said to be very helpful in reducing swelling and stiffness of joints. Folic acid supplements are said to be helpful in common side effects of the medications. Food allergies might also be found out, in order to reduce certain symptoms associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Best Alternative Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet

Can eating the right foods relieve RA symptoms? Some research shows that fish oils reduce joint inflammation - but the unfortunate reality is that despite years of study, no conclusive evidence shows that any foods make RA symptoms flare up or decrease.

In other words, there is no effective "rheumatoid arthritis diet." Research does show that weight reduction does help, since being overweight causes extra stress on RA sufferers' weight-bearing joints. That increases joint pain, stiffness and inflammation.

Beyond that, each patient is different. While there is no rheumatoid arthritis diet, doctors do advise patients to avoid any food that seems to make symptoms worse. At the same time, they caution against fad diets, such as excluding whole food groups. For example, a popular misconception is that gluten, found in wheat, is detrimental to RA. No research backs up such a claim. Nevertheless, scores of RA patients are shunning wheat products.

Researchers at the University of Oslo in Norway have studied food-related antibodies (proteins that defend the body as part of the immune system) as relate to the RA diet. They discovered that RA patients' intestinal fluids had higher levels of proteins from milk, cereal, eggs, fish and pork than the general population.

Food allergies happen when your body mistakenly detects that something you've eaten is harmful. Immunoglobulin E antibodies come to your defense, setting off a chain reaction that causes such symptoms as joint aches, swelling and rashes.

One theory is that antibodies and some proteins form immune complexes in the patient's intestine. These circulate throughout the body, causing joint inflammation. The body remembers and reacts the next time that you eat the food that caused the problem.

The obvious solution for RA patients is to avoid foods that seem to make their condition worse. On the other hand, if certain foods help a patient's symptoms to improve, it only makes sense to adjust your diet accordingly.

However, according to the Arthritis Foundation, there's no recommended "arthritis diet."

Nevertheless, almost half of all people with RA report that they feel better from excluding "suspect" foods that they are convinced made things worse.

Saturated fats may increase inflammation in some people. So, RA sufferers may want to steer clear of bacon, steak, butter, and cream, which may possibly increase prostaglandins in the body, which some doctors believe cause inflammation, pain, swelling, and joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis.

Other findings show that meat may be detrimental to RA patients since it contains high amounts of arachidonic acid, a fatty acid that the body converts to prostaglandins. As a result, some rheumatoid arthritis sufferers insist that a vegetarian diet has made their lives more livable. However, other RA patients report receiving no benefit whatsoever from a meatless diet - except for inconvenience.

What about Omega-6 fatty acids found in corn oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, wheat germ oil, and sesame oil? They contain linoleic acid. Some nutritionists believe that consuming too much Omega-6 fatty acids may provoke rheumatoid arthritis.

And the list goes on.

The bottom line is: What works for you?

Discovering the Difference Between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

Arthritis can be a very complicated and even painful illness to have. There are several different types of arthritis; in fact about 150 of them have been identified. However, of these many varieties the most common types are both osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

If you believe you have arthritis, it is important that you speak with someone about it so that you're aware of the treatment options available to you. You may find that there are more natural remedies for arthritis; however, a true diagnosis is the only way to determine this.

Many times people confuse both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, though they are two completely different types. By reviewing the information below you should be able to easily establish the differences between these common types.

Let's start with the basics by first describing what each of these types of arthritis are.


Osteoarthritis (also known as OA) is described as a serious breaking down of your bone cartilage. Many get this medical condition as a result of trauma, aging, or advanced wear and tear. You will find that the parts typically affected are the hips, lower spine, hands, and knees. In recent studies it has been shown that women can suffer from such symptoms in their hands as early as their twenties and can even cause deformities in your fingers.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (also known as RA) is described as an anti-inflammatory disease that affects the soft tissues around your joints and the linings of your joints. This has been categorized as an autoimmune disease and progresses over time.

More advanced types can seriously affect all of your other organs in the body and several joints as well. Due to the severe inflammation, you will find that it typically leads to more damage to the joints.

RA is also known as one of the more crippling types of arthritis. Should you feel you could have this you should seek your doctor for advice on treatments for rheumatoid arthritis.

Causes of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a disease that is mainly centered on age. It is basically caused due to the increase of water content and the progressive degeneration of the protein found in your cartilage. Some of the factors that can increase your chances of getting this type are injuries to your joints, problems with being overweight, constantly using and stressing of the joints, and your family history.

Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Causes of RA continue to be a bit of a mystery for medical experts. There is really no underlying cause for the abnormal autoimmune response that comes with having this disease. There are some theories out there that would suggest the link to the disease could be genetic predispositions.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

If you're suffering from this disease you will probably feel in most in the joints that bear the most weight which would include your knees and hips. You will likely feel pain in the affected joint if you've used them repetitively.

Many patients complain of more stiffness in the mornings which can last up to thirty minutes and joint pain that can get worse throughout the day. Your joints can swell, have warm feelings, and even become stiff.

Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

RA will target your smaller joints in your hands, feet, and wrists. Patients find that their stiffness is worsened after having a rest typically first thing in the morning. The stiffness can last about thirty minutes or more. Most complain that they are most affected in their knuckles and wrists.

As you can see there are lots of differences that make these two most common types of arthritis stand out. If you feel that you have any of the above symptoms you may wish to speak with your doctor to find out what treatments and/or natural remedies are available to ease your pain.

Arthritis Caused By Aluminum Poisoning

Heavy metal poisoning has become a major health problem in recent history and will inevitably become much worse, as more countries become industrialized nations. Metals and industrial bi products seep into the water and enter the food chain.

Heavy metals have a density of over five times that of water, which means the human body is unable to successfully break down the foreign bodies and is forced to retain them. The accumulation of heavy metals trapped in the body causes toxicity to poison the bloodstream, leading to damaged kidneys, lungs, nervous system and other organs.

What is Heavy Metal Poisoning (Toxicity)?

Heavy Metal Toxicity is the level of toxic metals that has been absorbed by the body in numerous ways which usually depend on the type of metal. The four main toxic metals are aluminum, lead, cadmium, and mercury. These metals can cause various complications and indeed in many cases lead to illness and disease.


Aluminum is the most common toxic metal & is found in almost everyone's body. Whether it is under your arms, in your teeth, or even on your skin, aluminum is found more than any other metal. Sources: Aluminum foil, antacids, aspirin, toothpaste, dust, auto exhaust, treated water, nasal spray, milk products, salt, commercially-raised beef, tobacco smoke, anti-antiperspirants, bleached flour, cans, animal feed, ceramics, canned food, cosmetics, and even cigarette filters.

Symptoms of aluminum toxicity.

Symptoms are thought to include Brittle Bones, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis as aluminum is stored in the bones. Kidney disease and malfunction may also result, as the kidneys filter aluminum. ADHD, ADD, Hyperactivity, memory disturbances, and learning disabilities.

How To Get Tested?

Getting tested for heavy metal poisoning is relatively easy and can be detected through a hair-follical test, you will need to speak to your doctor in order to get tested.

How To Treat Heavy Metal Toxicity.

Although there are supplements available which claim to rid the body of these damaging metals, ones best course of action would to detoxify the body naturally.