Saturday, August 17, 2013

Prevent Gout by Eating Fruits and Vegetables

Gout is one of the most critical and frequently recorded diseases in the history of medical world. Acute joint pain, inflammation, swollen skin, redness and warmness of the skin are some of the most common unbearable symptoms of the disease. Gout is sort of a metabolic arthritis which is caused by the uric acid build up in the joints and the tendons. The main source of the high uric acid build up in the body comes from the high purines foods are mostly acquired from the foods that we ingest. Avoiding these high purine foods and ensuring the foods that help in reducing the uric acid level from the blood should be maintained in the daily diet to prevent the further attack of gout.

Here are some foods that help in reducing the uric acid level from the blood and thus help in preventing the attack of gout. These foods complement the systematic gout treatments prescribed by the healthcare professional.


Cherries are said to be on top of the food remedies for the gout. Studies have proved that regular consumption of the cherries can effectively reduce the uric acid level in the blood and can help in the treatment of the gout. Eating 30 to 40 cherries a day help in preventing the recurrent gout attack.

Fresh vegetable and fruit juices

Fresh vegetables and fruit juices are good for preventing the gout attack. If you can drink the juice of carrot, beet and cucumber regularly you can effectively prevent the gout problem. For getting the best result, you can mix 300 ml of carrot juice, 100 mil of beet juice and 100 ml of cucumber juice and can drink it as many times you want to have it. This is an excellent cure for the gout problem.

French Beans

The inclusion of the French beans may startle you because beans are high purine foods. However, French beans are exception and the juice of the French beans helps in reducing the pain and swelling of the affected joints.


The active compound found in the apples is known as Malic Acid which can effectively neutralize the effects of the uric acid present in the bloodstream. Eating an apple every day helps in preventing the gout.


Bananas are good for the gout patients. Eating 8 to 10 bananas for consecutive four days helps in reducing the pain and swelling of the affected joints. Eating bananas on regular basis helps in curing and preventing the attack of gout.


Lime contains Vitamin C which helps in strengthening the tissues of the surrounding joints. Doctors suggest the gout patients to drink fresh lime juice every day. It can effectively reduce the pain and swelling of the joint areas. Moreover, the citric acid present in the lime juice helps in eliminating the purines and the uric acid deposits in the joint areas. For ensuring the best result, the gout patient should drink one glass of fresh lime juice in the morning and in the evening.

These are the best food remedies for preventing and treating the problems of gout. It is always wise to rely on the natural remedies alongside the doctor prescribed medicines. However, you should always consult your doctor about the regular food diets.

Why Do My Ankles Swell? Seven Possible Answers

Tired feet and swollen ankles happen to just about all of us at one point or another in our lives. Sometimes it's easy to see (or remember) the causes and other times it can be a mystery. One thing is for certain, the condition should never be ignored. Here are seven reasons your ankles may be swollen.

1) Arthritis: Any of several forms of arthritis can attack your joints. When it occurs in the ankles and feet, it could be one of the first signs of rheumatoid arthritis, which attacks the smaller joints in most cases before it attacks the larger ones. Osteoarthritis and gout can also be culprits.

To find out which type of arthritis is causing the problem, the doctor will do several tests. X-rays, MRIs and blood tests can help. In the case of gout, you may be asked for a urine test as well. This problem can occur in one ankle or both.

Osteoarthritis and gout may be helped by a few home remedies, though you have to be careful if the diagnosis is RA. Counter irritants such as capsaicin can trick the brain into not issuing a pain signal. For gout, drinking cherry juice and/or eating cherries can be beneficial.

2) Heart Problems: If both ankles are swollen, heart disease may be part of the problem. The heart moves the blood around the body. If it is having problems, locations at a distance from the heart are likely to have sluggish movement, and edema may occur.

This can be checked in many ways. The pulses in your ankles will be taken, and one of several ultrasound tests may be required. You may need to do a stress test, as well. Depending on the results, you may need a procedure such as angioplasty and medications will probably be required. Ask the doctor if you can take Omega-3 fatty acids and garlic supplements. These can help reduce bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol and perhaps lower blood pressure.

Heart disease will change your diet and lifestyle. Foods high in fat, cholesterol and sodium will need to be avoided. Fresh fruits and vegetables plus whole grains will be emphasized as will lean protein and fat free dairy. You will also need an exercise routine suitable to your condition.

3) Kidney Problems: When the kidneys are in trouble, swelling can occur in all extremities, especially the ankles. Blood and urine tests will determine how far the problem has progressed. Kidney disease will mean an even more vast change in your diet. You'll have to watch the proteins you eat, as it is hard for the organs to filter out the waste from them. You may have to restrict fluids and avoid some fruits and vegetables. Your doctor will give you a list of foods you can and shouldn't eat.

Herbal remedies are tricky with kidney disease. There are a few that may work with what your doctor prescribes, but you will have to work together to find the right combo. Dandelion root and parsley are two that could be beneficial.

4) Pregnancy: Being pregnant changes many things in your body. It is expected that your ankles will swell a little bit, but even that should be reported to your doctor. If they swell a lot or it starts fairly early in your pregnancy, it could be a serious and sometimes fatal condition. Pre-exlampsia and toxemia in pregnancy are both possible. Your doctor will check your blood pressure and your urine to help diagnose the problem.

Herbally, there are no treatments for these conditions. The doctor will probably order complete bedrest and prescribe medications that will help lower your blood pressure and prevent seizures. If these don't work, you may have to deliver the baby, even if it is premature. Following the doctor's orders are important for both you and the child.

5) Shoes: What footwear you choose can have an impact on your foot and ankle health. High heels and shoes with little ankle support can cause strains and sprains in the area. If you must wear high heels, have a professional help you choose those that are right for you.

6) Sprains: Damage to the ligaments in your ankle will cause the ankle to swell, sometimes dramatically. What treatment is used depends on the severity of the sprain. Minor injuries can be treated at home with home remedies, but severe sprains will require medical help.

RICE is the first and best treatment. This acronym stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation. Counter irritants such as capsicum can help as well.

7) Standing: If your job requires you to stand for long periods of time, particularly on concrete or other hard surfaces, you are likely to have inflammation. Proper shoes and rubber mats may be the best way of dealing with the pain and inflammation. Talk to your doctor about anti-inflammatory medications. For the shoes, go to a professional to find out what is best for your feet.

If you see inflammation in any body part, it is a cause for concern. As you can see, it may mean something serious. When you see the doctor, make sure to give a complete medical history and a list of all medications and supplements you are using. This will help you avoid some of the side effects and herb/drug interactions that may occur.

Taking Back Control With a Natural Protocol for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Last year, both my father and my mother's brother were diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, a debilitating autoimmune disorder where the immune system mistakenly attacks the tissues of the body, creating extensive inflammation, pain, fatigue, and a significant decrease in one's quality of life.

Their symptoms had doctors thinking everything from gout to Lyme's Disease, but eventually the increasing pain and systemic effect of the disease led doctors to diagnose and prescribe the standard pharmaceutical protocol for RA, which is a cocktail of chemotherapy drugs such as Methotrexate or Humira and is designed to inhibit the overactive immune system. The side effects of either drug are astounding - severe toxicity of the liver, lungs, and kidneys, headaches, mouth sores, internal bleeding, hair loss, low white blood cell count, and extreme fatigue are all associated with Methotrexate. Side effects for Humira include severe upper respiratory infection, lupus-like symptoms post-treatment, thus indicating lasting immune system inhibition, and most frightening of all, central nervous system disorders such as multiple sclerosis. This is on top of the steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed to manage the inflammation and pain, which we know come with their own side effects.

I don't know about you, but one look at these side effects would send me running to find natural methods to combat RA...and that is exactly what I did to help my dad and uncle.

After a few months on the drugs, they both experienced a decrease in the progression of the disease, but only slight changes in joint pain, and a new debilitating symptom - intense, overbearing fatigue. My uncle had been biking 20 miles at a clip several times a week at age 60 before he took the drugs designed to fight the disease, and, after taking them, he barely had the energy to get up in the morning. My father, at 58, was experiencing the same fatigue, and constant, unrelenting pain in the saddle joint of his left thumb which stopped him from riding his Harley, his passion, because he could not squeeze the clutch handle without excruciating pain.

Being a Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified health Counselor, and an Internationally Certified Aromatherapist, I had an idea of where to start looking for natural methods to manage the disease. I learned that there are several factors that play a role in creating an environment where this disease can manifest. One is free radical damage. Free radicals are molecular combinations of oxygen and other atoms that "kidnap" electrons from healthy cells in our bodies. The removal of this electron causes oxidative damage where the robbed cells essentially rust. This causes degeneration of the body's tissues, inflammation, and a state of acidosis. This is why anti-oxidants are so important in our diet. As we age, our body stops producing as many free-radical fighters and thus the oxidative damage will grow continually worse and lead to numerous "age-related" conditions. Acidosis was another factor I found to play a crucial role in RA. Acidosis is a condition where the body's pH has become too acidic and leads to a very unhealthy internal state. Acidosis creates an environment for many diseases as well as autoimmune disorders. Diet plays a major role in this - the consumption of natural, whole, fresh foods helps to stabilize pH.

So, after much research, I came up with a protocol of my own for my uncle and father:

First, 4-6 ounces of NingXia Red daily. NingXia Red is an essential-oil enhanced, whole-fruit puree supplemental drink comprised mostly of Lycium Barbarum (a specific wolfberry fruit) which has amazing, clinically tested antioxidant powers. According to testing developed by Tufts University, the wolfberry has the highest levels of naturally occurring S-ORAC (Super-Oxide Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) - thus it has an unsurpassed ability to fight free-radical damage in the body. This unique fruit boasts an nutritional profile usually unheard of in fruit which includes 15% protein by weight, 17 trace elements, 4 major minerals including calcium and potassium, 6 essential fatty acids, 18 amino acids, the highest vitamin C content of any fruit or vegetable, as well as zeazanthin, polyphenols and beta carotein - all of which balance Ph in the body. The wolfberry even contains a natural anti-inflammatory called beta-sitosterol!

Second, therapeutic-grade essential oils. My uncle chose to use essential oils consistently in his daily life to replace other toxic household products, while my father used one oil specifically blended to decrease pain and heal tissue. It is called PanAway and is a blend of clove, helichrysum, wintergreen and peppermint essential oils. (Note that not all essential oils are medicinal quality -the oils I recommended to them are currently used in Beth Israel Medical Center in NYC and the Cleveland Clinic.)

Third, daily supplementation of MSM. MSM is a truly a miracle substance! It is a naturally occurring mineral derivative of sulfur and has an amazing ability to eliminate pain and inflammation - naturally. The form of MSM they took is called Sulfurzyme and it is a blend of MSM and dried wolfberry powder.

As a result, my father is back on his motorcycle and my Uncle Bob, after exactly 8 weeks of a committed regimen of my recommendations, was able to wean completely off his medications! Both of their stories are amazing and I am on a personal mission to spread the word to other arthritis suffers. There is an answer and it is free of debilitating side effects!

Bad Blood Circulation and RA - Is There a Link?

Rheumatoid arthritis is renowned for its galore of symptoms that manifest in many different ways. Bad blood circulation is yet another burning symptom that confines sufferers to their painful state while making them numb.

The link between bad blood circulation and rheumatoid arthritis is not very clear from a medical stand point. However, the number of complaints from rheumatoid arthritis sufferers alone stands as enough evidence to say that there is a clear link.

Bad circulation, as a matter of fact, can ruin your life forever if not treated properly. The common cause behind bad blood circulation is known as blockages in arteries. The arteries could block this way due to simple factors such as smoking and stress as well as due to eating habits that have to do with milk and carbohydrates. As a result, plaque deposits cause blood pressure to increase which can eventually result in fatigue and heart disease.

If you observe having rashes that don't heal and if you feel needles and pins in hands and feet or if you experience numbness after working on something, you are most likely experiencing bad blood circulation. If such conditions continue to occur on a daily basis or regularly after a particular activity, consulting a medical practitioner would be ideal.

Many people hold different beliefs about what can cure conditions such as bad blood circulation and rheumatoid arthritis. While the main focus lies in western medicine, more and more people seem to be drifting away from it to follow traditional medicinal remedies, nowadays.

If you've noticed symptoms of bad blood circulation for a while and if you have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at the same time, it may be a worthwhile effort to check out the alternative forms of cure.

When it comes to rheumatoid arthritis and bad blood circulation, many people believe that western medicine does not offer cures; rather it is a way of temporary relief. If you search the internet, you will find many website that sell alternative herbal remedies for rheumatoid arthritis and bad blood circulation. However, you should also be very careful in pursuing such treatment methods off hand because many claims made by websites on the internet cannot be taken for granted.

If you are focusing on alternative medicine, it is best to consult a qualified alternative medicine doctor. Expert knowledge always serves well in making decisions with regard to your health. This way, you could easily follow through advices, discuss about possible repercussions and decide on what you'd like to do about your condition.

Apart from professional assistance, other non-harmful home remedies can be put in to use in order to ease bad blood circulation and relieve your rheumatoid arthritis pain. Primrose oil, being one such component, is most famous for its anti inflammatory properties that combat rheumatoid arthritis. It also carries properties that can improve blood circulation while preventing inflammations of the arteries. Isn't it great to have a single remedy for both conditions? Well, for your information, primrose oil is not the only multifaceted component that can ease your pain. So maybe it's time that you consulted an alternative medicine doctor to explore your options in depth?

Stop Arthritis and Joint Pain by Eating Right

Doctors usually give people who suffer with joint pain painkillers. However, painkillers do not always work for some people. In an attempt to stay away from drugs and medications joint pain sufferers tend to turn to supplements or some type of alternative means to control their pain. Nevertheless, did you know that a growing majority of people are having success with curing their joint pain just by eating right?

When you eat the right foods, curing joint pain forever is a definite possibility.

Foods that are good for inflammation of the joints are oranges, limes, grapefruits, and lemons. These citrus fruits contain vitamin C, which is known to help people with arthritis. A good habit to form is to try staying away from too much sugar. Sugar is known to cause inflammation. Instead of drinking juice in the morning, try squeezing a lime or a lemon into a glass of water. Lemon or limewater is not only good for your joints, but it is a very refreshing drink to get your day started right.

Other foods that can benefit your joints are foods rich in bioflavonoid, which have the ability to expel toxins from the joints. Foods that are rich in bioflavonoid are apples, berries and cherries. The best way to take advantage of these joint pain-relieving foods is to blend them up into a nice refreshing smoothie.

Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and kale are also good for joint pain. You can prepare them by microwaving, sautéing, or steaming. Also, try cooking with lots of onions and parsley. Onions and parsley are good with alleviating pain in the joints.

Eating healthy foods will help to cure your pain, but it will also do wonders for your over-all health.

Remember; do not overcook your greens. Boil or braise them in as little water as possible. Five to ten minutes of cooking is all you need to have your greens maintain all the nutrients you need to alleviate the pain while still maintaining taste.

Use oils such as olive oil and grape seed oil that contain Alpha-linolenic acids (ALA), which is known to sooth joint pains. These oils contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Taking some form of omega 3 supplement such as fish oil or flaxseed oil is also recommended.

Discover Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

At least four different scientific reviews concerning the effectiveness and safety of popular natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis have been published since 2004. In search of natural healing rheumatoid arthritis sufferers have tried herbal remedies, nutritional supplements and alternative non-invasive therapies such as chiropractic care.

According to figures compiled by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a division of the National Institutes of Health, as many as 62% of all adults use some form of alternative therapy. 33% of them suffer from back pain, neck pain, joint pain or arthritis. These figures suggest that use of natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis is common and it is the "common usage" that prompted the scientific reviews.

Devil's Claw, Feverfew, Lei Gong Teng and Cat's Claw: Natural Healing Rheumatoid Arthritis?

In 2005, researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital reviewed the evidence concerning the safety and effectiveness of the botanicals Devil's Claw, Feverfew, lei gong teng and Cat's Claw. The results were as follows.

Devil's Claw appears to have natural anti-inflammatory activity and there is evidence supporting its use in the treatment of chronic low back pain and osteoarthritis pain affecting the hip or knee.

But, for effective natural healing rheumatoid arthritis sufferers may want to look elsewhere. Devil's Claw can interfere with several prescription medications including Ticlipidine and Warfarin. It increases the production of stomach acid and can aggravate conditions, such as peptic ulcers and acid reflux.

Feverfew, lei gong teng and Cat's Claw have been used historically by native healers as natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis, as well as other health conditions. According to the researchers at Massachusetts General, test tube results indicate that feverfew may be very active in modulating immune system responses, but "human studies have not proven it useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis". Adverse side effects of feverfew may include stomach upset and mouth ulcers.

Apparently there is clinical evidence supporting the effectiveness of lei gong teng and Cat's Claw as natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis. To quote the researchers, "Current experience...finds them to be efficacious in the treatment of RA." However, in their final conclusion they make this warning, "...many studies done to date are scientifically flawed. Further systematic and scientific inquiry into this topic is necessary to validate or refute the clinical claims."

There are safe and natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis, but both lei gong teng and Cat's Claw are accompanied by detrimental and sometimes dangerous side effects, which are detailed below.

Unwanted Side Effects

The majority of current research concerning lei gong teng focuses on its potential as a male contraceptive. Components have been found, even at low doses, to lower sperm counts and cause temporary infertility. Because of its immuno-suppressive activity, it can increase the risk of infection.

Since immune system suppression and increased risk of infection are complications associated with prescription medications often used to treat the condition, when looking for natural healing rheumatoid arthritis sufferers may want to avoid lei gong teng, particularly if the reason behind the search is the risk associated with the use of immuno-suppressive drugs.

Great caution should be practiced when using Cat's Claw. When collected randomly in a natural setting, the positive effects of the botanical can not be scientifically or medically guaranteed. Because there are at least two different "chemo-types" of the plant and numerous other plants known by the same name (some of which are toxic), chemical evaluation is necessary to determine its safety for human use.

In some cases, even when the chemical composition has been confirmed, serious allergic reactions, including inflammation of the kidneys has occurred. In at least one case, kidney failure has occurred. If the wrong chemo-type is used loss of coordination, reduction of the speed and force of the heart beat and sedative effects similar to those of narcotics can occur.

The safest chemo-type was originally marketed as an immune booster, while one of the other types has immuno-suppressive activity. It is unclear which chemo-type has been used in the research concerning its effectiveness as one of the natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis, but it is likely that it was the least safe variety, since the most popular theory is that RA is caused by inappropriate immune system responses and immuno-suppressive drugs are a popular treatment choice.

The Safest Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

As with most people who search for natural healing, rheumatoid arthritis sufferers are surely looking for safe, effective alternatives, with no detrimental side effects. For many years, researchers have been studying the role that omega-3 fatty acids (a dietary component found in fatty fish and fish oils) play in rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

In March of 2007, researchers at the University of Adelaide in South Australia published laboratory results concerning the possible reasons behind the effectiveness of omega 3 fatty acids as natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis, since clinical trials have consistently reported positive results with no detrimental side effects.

The researchers began with the understanding that omega-6 fatty acids (found in large quantities in the average diet) increase the activity of immune system cells that cause inflammation. Their goal was to see if omega-3 fatty acids could block the inflammatory activity caused by an omega 6 fatty acid. Their conclusion was that EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids do, in fact, negate the immune system response to omega 6 fatty acids and thereby reduce or inhibit inflammation.

The researchers concluded, "These results help fill the gaps in our knowledge regarding the mechanisms of action of n-3 PUFAs, thus allowing us to make specific recommendations for the use of n-3 PUFAs in the regulation of inflammatory diseases."

In a meta-analysis, similar to the review of natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis conducted in 2005, researchers in Canada reviewed clinical studies related to omega-3 fatty acid supplementation for joint pain. The results were published in May 2007. In brief, the analysis showed that patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis who received dietary supplementation of omega 3 fatty acids for 3-4 months reported a reduction in joint pain intensity, minutes of morning stiffness, number of painful or tender joints and the need for pain relieving drugs.

The conclusion: "The results suggest that omega-3 PUFAs are an attractive adjunctive treatment for joint pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis."

When searching for natural healing, rheumatoid arthritis sufferers can rest assured that omega-3 fatty acids are 100% natural (as long as the manufacturer of the product includes no additives or preservatives) and 100% safe (as long as the manufacturer distills and purifies the fish oil to remove contaminants).

In general, people also find that they get many extra health benefits from fish oil, including improved ability to concentrate and a reduction in depressive feelings.

To conclude, of all the natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis, there is the most evidence supporting the safety and effectiveness of omega 3 fatty acids derived from the flesh of fatty fish.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center's website:

"Most clinical studies investigating the use of omega-3 fatty acid supplements for inflammatory joint conditions have focused almost entirely on rheumatoid arthritis. Several articles reviewing the research in this area conclude that omega-3 fatty acid supplements reduce tenderness in joints, decrease morning stiffness, and allow for a reduction in the amount of medication needed for people with rheumatoid arthritis."

They go on to state that:

"....New Zealand green lipped mussel ( Perna canaliculus ), another potential source of omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to reduce joint stiffness and pain..."

We hope you've found this article on the natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis informative.

Detoxify and Fight Arthritis Naturally With Diet and Alkaline Water

To fight arthritis naturally and effectively, and make any progress toward recovery, you have to reduce the acids in your body. To begin, you must detoxify and then maintain a proper balance. A few changes in diet can help, but drinking alkaline water will help neutralize the acids leading to a much more thorough, natural and long-term detoxification and balanced body. Achieve this and you can live the pain-free quality of life you deserve.

Diet changes you can do right now to help you achieve a pain-free life

  • Reduce or eliminate the amount of animal protein in your diet such as meat and dairy products. These are very acidic and contribute to the cause of Arthritis. By reducing the amount of acid in your diet, it will help you raise your body pH bringing you closer to a higher state of alkalinity.

  • Eat more alkaline foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Organic or home-grown is best since they contain no pesticides or preservatives. Arthritis cannot thrive in a balanced body where alkalinity is higher than acidity. These types of foods help you to detoxify and fight arthritis naturally at the most basic level-the cellular level.

  • Exercise regularly. We all know it's good for us, but besides the fact that it helps tone your body and burn calories, it helps your body detoxify by releasing toxins, but you have to sweat in order to release them.

How alkaline water helps you achieve and maintain a proper balance

  • In order to effectively cleanse and detoxify your system, you need to be properly hydrated. This means your cells must have the ability to take in fluids properly in order to clean them up. Regular water will not penetrate your cells adequately because the molecule clusters are too large. You can tell when you drink a large glass of water and you feel it sloshing around in your stomach-this tells you it's not being absorbed. Alkaline water has much smaller molecule clusters so it is easily absorbed by your cells.

  • Your cells are the life-blood of your body so they are taking in nutrients all the time. However, they are also taking in pollution and this is what turns into acid. Cells are designed to absorb and release, so when they are clogged, the release, which is the process by which you detoxify, does not occur effectively. This results in a body accumulating too much acid (acidosis is the medical term).

  • Water is a natural purifier and the most natural way to cleanse and detoxify the system, but you need to drink a minimum of one-half your body weight in ounces per day. However, keep in mind, tap, distilled, reverse osmosis, well and most water that is bottled is acidic, therefore you are only adding more acid to your system. Alkaline water is pure and mineral rich so it cleanses with every drink. Just changing what you drink can change your health and help you fight arthritis naturally even more than a drastic change in diet.

Don't rob yourself of the quality of life you deserve by living with a crippling disease. Whether you have rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis or another form such gout, lupus, bursitis, tendonitis, scleroderma or carpel tunnel syndrome, you can fight arthritis naturally by drinking alkaline water.

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Importance of Omega 3 Fats - Omega 3 Fats in the Diet

In order to have a healthy diet you may need to add Omega 3 fats to your food plan. Adding fats? Yes adding fats but these are good fats and can reverse, prevent, or alleviate some health concerns. Omega 3 fats include DHA docoahexaenoic acid is high enough amounts will support retinal health and brain function. EPA eicosapentoic acid aids in the reduction of inflammation as in Arthritis.

Omega 3 fats are important for the production of prostaglandins a hormone like substance that is needed for such things as control of smooth muscle contraction. It also helps to lower blood pressure and body temperature as well as reducing inflammation. Other physiological functions that are regulated by prostaglandins are blood clotting, nerve transmission, kidney function and inflammatory and allergic responses. The production of other hormones is also aided by prostaglandins.

A diet rich in Omega 3 helps cell membranes to function properly. Other health issues such as cancer, heart disease, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, diabetes, and ADD/ADHD can be positively affected by consuming Omega 3 fats. Brain and retinal health is supported by Omega 3's. DHA in high amounts will benefit brain function. Alzheimer's, Macular Degeneration and memory are also improved with adequate amounts of Omega 3 fats either in your diet or in supplement form.

Although there is no recommended daily allowance (RDA) of Omega 3, it is recommended that approximately 2% to 4% of your daily caloric intake. This can be achieved by adding flaxseeds and wild salmon to your food plan. Eating Hoki fish, native to New Zealand, will also add Omega 3's to your diet, if it is available to you. The Hoki fish is also found in cold, fresh water.

There are many foods that are rich in Omega 3 fats. Spinach, Brussell sprouts, Collard Greens are dark green vegetables that have high amounts of Omega 3's. Walnuts, salmon, scallops, halibut and shrimp are also rich in Omega 3 fats.

Omega 3 fat supplements are available in capsule form. They are also available in concentrates. The concentrated forms are available over the counter or by prescription. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to determine if Omega 3 fat supplements are something you should consider adding to your dietary regimen.

It is extremely important to look at labels. The best supplements are those that are of pharmaceutical grade and those that have been molecularly distilled (purified of toxins). This increases the safety of their consumption and the potency (quality) of the supplements.

Three Natural Remedies For Treating Osteo Or Rheumatoid Arthritis

When it comes to the treatment of either osteo or rheumatoid arthritis generally a doctor will prescribe medication to help relieve the symptoms associated with these diseases. However, the problem with many prescription medications is that they cause unwanted side effects in the users. Instead it is worth considering using natural remedies for Arthritis of which there are many available.

In fact in this article we are going to take a look at just some of the kinds of natural remedies available for helping to treat arthritis. So in the future you may find yourself having far less pain and joint stiffness and swelling to contend with.

Natural Remedy 1 - Fish Oil

This contains the Omega 3 fatty acid and which contains properties that can help to reduce the inflammation caused by this disease. This type of natural remedy should especially be used by those people who suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis. However, you must make sure that the type of fish oil supplement you take is one that has been molecularly distilled. This will ensure that all the impurities in the original fish oil such as mercury; lead and PCB's have been removed.

Natural Remedy 2 - Alfalfa (Medicavo Sativa)

This particular remedy contains large amounts of minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium all of these have a neutralizing effect on the blood. Plus you will find that it works wonders at helping to remove toxins from the body as well. However, as this particular remedy contains amino acid it is recommended that it only be taken in tea form and three to four cups can be drunk each day for a period of two weeks. Then you need to stop drinking the tea for a week before then drinking it again for two weeks. Again this particular remedy contains properties that along with reducing stiffnes to the joints improve their flexibility.

Natural Remedy 3 - Garlic

For many centuries now this has proven a very effective natural remedy for many diseases and infections. The garlic contains a substance known as allicin which has anti inflammatory properties and so helps again to bring down the swelling and reduce the pain felt. Although you should really take it in its natural form if you don't want to end up with garlic breath then make sure that the garlic tablets you take do contain allicin so they should be the kind where the oil has been extracted from the garlic.

Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis Effectively

Rheumatoid arthritis is suffered by millions of people around the world without them actually understanding the symptoms of the disease, let alone knowing how to manage it.

This is worsened by the fact that many people do not feel the need to consult with their doctors to learn more of this potentially debilitating condition - although they crave to get the most effective treatment.

Managing the disease can actually be quite easy. But only if sufferers seek help from their doctors to gain the knowledge they needed to fight it. Yet most seem content to stay in a state of ignorance and go on with their everyday life as if things are fine and dandy - albeit slightly crippled from the affects of the disease.

The following is some essential information about this type of arthritis - including tips on how to manage it effectively. This should hopefully help uninformed people gain more insight into the disease. Understanding how to manage rheumatoid arthritis, means knowing what it is and what the symptoms are. This is very important.

This disease is actually caused by an inflammation on the membrane that lines the joints. Though it mainly affects women, men are not immune either. Some obvious symptoms of this type of arthritis are stiffness, pain, and swelling of the joints on the body. Mostly, these joint inflammations can be found in the hands, wrists, fingers, elbows, feet, neck and knees.

When the disease strikes, it can severely limit the movement of the person affected - as it will cause severe swelling and pain. Performing daily activities often becomes very difficult. However, is not all doom and gloom if you suffer from this type of arthritis, as there are many treatments and health supplements that can be taken to help cure the disease.

One highly recommended supplement is Omega 3. Due to their natural anti-inflammatory properties, Omega 3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation, pain in joints, and swollen joints. Apart from soothing the pain caused by the arthritis, it also protects the joints from further damage and boosts the overall immune system.

For an effective management of rheumatoid arthritis, it is encouraged to include and increase the consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids in your diet. One of the best-known sources of Omega 3 supplements is fish oil. Taking fish oil supplements on a regular basis can help to effectively manage the disease the natural way.

If you would like to know more about the positive effects of fish oil supplements to counter the effects of arthritis, check out my website.

Discover The Absolute Best Source of Essential Fatty Acids

The best source of essential fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA and docosahexaenoic acid or DHA, is fish or fish oils. There are numerous fatty acids in the human diet, but the best essential fatty acids for those concerned about their health are EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega 6 fatty acids are also essential, but in "civilized" countries, the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 is unbalanced. In other words, most people in developed countries consume too much omega 6 and not enough omega 3.

The "ideal" ratio would be somewhere between 3:1 and 5:1, but in evaluations of typical modern diets, the ratio is often as high as 30:1. In other words, while we should be eating only three times as many omega 6 fatty acids as omega 3 fatty acids, many of us are eating 30 times as much omega 6s.

Much of this imbalance has to do with the popularity of beef, pork and chicken and the relative unpopularity of fish, the best source of essential fatty acids classified as omega 3. In addition, fast foods and commercially processed foods that contain fish often have added fat, such as margarine or butter. This again throws off the balance.

There are many reasons why omega 3s may be referred to as the best essential fatty acids. Omega 3s play a role in numerous functions of the human body, but one important focal point is the role that the omega3 to omega6 ratio plays in the inflammatory process.

Inflammation is a natural function of the immune system, but in "inflammatory diseases", such as rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, the inflammation is described as "inappropriate". One commonly held theory about rheumatoid arthritis is that it is caused by a "dysfunctional" immune system. However, recent studies seem to indicate that an imbalance in the omega 3 to omega 6 ratio may be at fault.

Numerous clinical studies have shown that adding fish oil supplements (the best source of essential fatty acids classified as omega3) to the diet of patients who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis reduced pain, inflammation and morning stiffness, while improving mobility. Although researchers have not evaluated the individual diets of patients before treatment, it is very likely that their intake of omega 6 was much higher than their intake of omega 3, the best essential fatty acids.

In the human body, all of the essential fatty acids are used to create compounds that either increase or decrease inflammation. Omega 3s are referred to as the best essential fatty acids, because the compounds derived from them decrease or "down-regulate" inflammation.

Drugs for treating diseases accompanied by chronic inflammation have drawbacks, because they can block immune system functions that fight infection and so can lead to the development of other diseases or numerous minor infections. Supplements containing the best essential fatty acids (omega 3s) naturally reduce inflammation in the body without affecting other necessary immune system functions.

The best source of essential fatty acids DHA and EPA omega3s is oily fish (not white fish, which is commonly used in processed and fast foods) or supplements that have been derived from the flesh of oily fish. Because eating fish on a daily basis is risky due to high levels of contaminants like mercury, daily fish oil supplements that have been distilled to remove contaminants are preferable.

Fibromyalgia Food & Diet Research

The generation of excess free radicals and/or a deficiency in antioxidant status may play a pathophysiological role in numerous illnesses including fibromyalgia. Research has shown that FM patients have signs of increased oxidative stress as measured by protein peroxidation. In addition, decreased levels of red blood cell magnesium, plasma selenium, and thiols (essential in antioxidant handling of free radicals), have been observed. Magnesium deficiency results in the loss of red blood cell glutathione, selenium is involved in glutathione peroxidase activity, and thiols are a class of organic sulfur derivatives (including glutathione and alpha Lipoic acid) that act as reducing agents.

Diet can have a profound effect on antioxidant levels in the human body. The effect of a vegetarian diet on antioxidant levels has been the source of considerable research in recent years. Plasma total antioxidant status can be significantly increased in people following a vegetarian diet and after consuming a meal high in fruits and vegetables. Vegetarian diets are associated with increased magnesium intake and glutathione levels.

The first objective findings that indicate a vegetarian diet may benefit fibromyalgia patients come from a 1993 study published from the University of Oslo, Norway. They placed fibromyalgia patients on a 3-week vegetarian diet and measured peroxide levels, plasma fibrinogen, and serum lipid before and after the diet. At the end of the study, there was a decrease in serum cholesterol that was positively correlated with reduction in body weight, mean serum peroxide levels fell, and mean plasma fibrinogen levels decreased, and subjectively, seven of ten fibromyalgia patients reported an increase in health status in the form of improved well-being and reduced pain.

More recently, there have been three published studies examining the role of the vegetarian or vegan diet in the treatment of fibromyalgia. The first study (Hanninen et al., 2000) addressed the potential role of antioxi9dants from a vegan diet in fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The University of Kuopio, Finland, researchers examined living foods (LF), a type of vegan diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, seeds, sprouts, and nuts. The results of this study showed that significantly higher levels of serum carotenoids (lutein, lycopene, alpha carotene, and beta carotene) and flavonols (quercetin, kaempherol, and myricetin) were found in the LF groups fibromyalgia patients who consumed the LF diet reported significant improvements in joint stiffness, pain, and general health. The authors attribute the beneficial effect of the LF diet to the increased antioxidant and lignin levels as well as to the positive change in intestinal micro flora.

Researchers in Finland also investigated the effect of a 3-month uncooked vegan diet on fibromyalgia symptoms. Again, the diet was understood to be rich in lactobacilli based on the findings of the previous LF investigators. Those on the vegan diet reported a significant decrease in pain and morning stiffness and improvement in sleep quality and general health. Patients in the vegan diet intervention group also lost weight over the 3-month trial. Prior to commencing the diet, 50% of the fibromyalgia patients had a body mass index (BMI) of 25 and greater, but after 3 months on a vegan diet, all had a BMI below 24.

The most recent investigation into a raw vegetarian diet also had beneficial results (Donaldson, Speight, & Loomis, 2001). All subjects in this study were fibromyalgia patients who participated in a dietary intervention using a mostly raw, pure vegetarian diet. Subjects were instructed to consume fresh fruit, salad, raw vegetables, carrot juice, nuts, seeds, whole grains, tubers, flax seed oil, and extra virgin olive oil. They were instructed to avoid alcohol, caffeine, corn syrup, dairy, eggs, all meat, refined sugar, and hydrogenated oils and were given an unlimited quantity of dehydrated barley grass powder (Barley Green). A live instructional or video presentation was made available to all subjects. No further motivational encouragement was given. Validated instruments such as the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (GIQ) and the SF-36 Health Survey were used in follow-up assessment.

Twenty subjects returned surveys as requested over the course of the 7-month trial. A 33% improvement was noted in FIQ scores after 2 months, and this increased to 46% after 7 months. Quality-of-life scores increased over the course of the intervention, particularly in the areas of recreation, health, socializing, and participation in organization. SF-36 results were significantly higher compared to general population norms, however, after 7 months, the general health, vitality, role emotional, and mental health scores were no longer different. Significant improvement in the areas of physical performance, exercise tolerance, flexibility, and range of motion were recorded by a physical therapist. Handgrip strength and isometric shoulder endurance did not improve.

Vegetarian and vegan diets have been and continue to be of interest to those investigating other rheumatic disorders. Previous studies have shown that vegetarian or vegan diets can be of value in reducing RA symptoms. Most recently, a 1-year controlled study involving RA patients showed that a vegan diet (free of gluten) improved symptoms, possibly related to a diminished immune response to exogenous food antigens. The combined studies suggest that changes in the gut immune system can influence the course of rheumatic symptoms.

By Deirdre Rawlings, ND, PhD, MH, CNC.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Truth About Rheumatoid Arthritis Cures

Has a cure for rheumatoid arthritis finally been found? A quick look around the internet finds scores of over-the-counter medications guaranteed to bring relief! Keep looking and you'll find more prescription medicines, new medical procedures, announcements of new surgical procedures and natural herb supplements than you can imagine.

All claim to effectively treat RA. Some use the term "miraculous." Among them are a $50,000-per-innoculation under development by scientists at England's Newcastle University. A custom vaccine will be individually engineered for each patient.

Such a rheumatoid arthritis cure will have to halt what RA does - turning the sufferer's immune system against his or her own body, attacking the patient's joints. If the vaccine is approved, technicians will harvest white blood cells from each patient. Cells will be "reprogrammed" by therapy that includes a patented cocktail of Vitamin D, steroids and other compounds. The altered cells will be injected into one of the patient's arthritis-inflamed joints - with the expectation that the altered white blood cells will suppress the immune system's attacks on the sufferer's own body.

If it works, a historic rheumatoid arthritis cure will come in a single dose. The target date for use on humans is 2013.

But will such a rheumatoid arthritis treatment work? Or will it destroy patients' immune systems, making them susceptible to infection? If it does work, will its effectiveness wear off, requiring additional $50,000 treatments?

And who will this shot help? Only those who haven't developed full-blown RA yet? Or just those with mild cases? Will the effect only be localized - requiring expensive vaccinations to every affected joint? Will it work for patients with advanced cases? Will there be side effects?

While the prospect is exciting, RA sufferers have heard it all before. There are so many rheumatoid arthritis cures and treatments out there that it's easy to get cynical. Physicians state bluntly that there's no cure. But they may also suggest ideas that have worked for others.

One is to put up a high fence and sunbathe au natural in your own back yard. Preposterous? No, rheumatoid arthritis responds well to sunshine! When sunlight falls on your bare skin, your body creates its own vitamin D, which works far better than any health food supplement or daily multivitamin.

Fifteen minutes in the sun three times weekly gives most patients a potent dose of vitamin D. Will more sunshine help? The best advice is to take it slowly - five minutes at a time for the first week, extending to 20 minutes until you have a nice "base tan." Then you may find yourself sunbathing for an hour or more at a time. Some rheumatoid arthritis patients say the treatment is addictive! Plus, it's free!

Other rheumatoid arthritis treatments include regular doses of omega-3 fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid and Boswellia. Similar success is reported with glucosamine chondroitin, ginger, magnesium, copper supplements, beta-carotene rich foods, vegetarian diets, curcumin, green tea extract, guggul, lyprinol, folic acid as well as large doses of vitamin B6, C, and E.

Some sufferers say their condition eased when they quit smoking, cut back on coffee... and drank small "doses" of alcohol! The bottom line? Until scientists announce a miracle cure, the rheumatoid arthritis sufferer needs to keep reading, keep experimenting to find what works - and avoid feelings of being overwhelmed. There is hope!

Effective Home Remedies for Arthritis

People throughout history have found that there are various remedies that one may create in the comfort of the home in order to effectively treat certain medical diseases and conditions. There are millions of people that have arthritis around the world. Many people with arthritis do not have medical insurance, or the financial means to acquire medical help to assist them in living life easily with their condition. For these individuals, there are many effective home remedies. Here, you will find many of the effective home remedies for arthritis that have proven successful to many people for numerous years.

An effective and common home remedy for arthritis is consuming garlic. Garlic has been known to alleviate the symptoms of swelling and inflammation for hundreds of years. There are many ways that you can consume garlic. You may purchase garlic pills at your local health food store, or you may choose to cook with garlic. Many people simply sprinkle garlic over their food once it is prepared. However you choose to ingest garlic, it is an important factor is reducing the pain that is associated with swelling in arthritis.

An effective home remedy for arthritis is potato juice. You simply make a juice from potatoes and then consume the juice. Many older arthritis patients bring this home remedy for arthritis to us from many generations of effective use. It is believed that potatoes play an effective role in eliminating the pain that is associated with arthritis. You may also choose to implement more potatoes into your daily diet to reduce the symptoms that are associated with arthritis.

An effective home remedy for arthritis includes creating a rice bag to alleviate inflammation and reduce pain that is a result of inflammation. This is a basic bag of rice that you can create using a strong material. Many people simply take an old sock, pour in a large amount of rice, and tie the sock into a tight knot. The bag can then be placed in a microwave for about a minute. Once the bag is done in the microwave, you can apply it to swollen and/or sore joints. The heat is the same as a heating bag, only inexpensive. This is a great method for alleviating pain with arthritis.

The next effective home remedy for arthritis is quite simple and can be done by anyone. This is simply to soak in a hot bath. The heat that the water contains will help to effectively soothe the symptoms of arthritis by soothing inflammation and providing more freedom in joint movement. Many people may even place a small amount of vinegar in the water to help sooth the pain of arthritis. If you are comforted by cool water, you may choose to sit in a tub of cool water rather than warm water.

There are many effective home remedies for arthritis. You can choose one, or all. The most important aspect of the home remedy is that it provides relief to you.

What Are Palindromic Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Palindromic rheumatoid arthritis disease is whereby you experience periodic episodes of pain, swelling, warmth, and stiffness of joints. You have recurrent attacks of transient inflammation in and around the joint. The pain is usually focused on two or three joints. The pain can be very severe and it is difficult to find relief.

Palindromic Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Palindromic rheumatoid arthritis is usually characterized by episodic articular, or periarticular pain. Joints that are affected are usually your fingers and knees. The pain may be intense but it does not stay for more than two or three days. The attacks can end as fast as they begin.
You can easily spot the specific pattern in these recurrent episodes of pain. In 60% of the cases of palindromic rheumatoid arthritis, pain-free periods may last for several weeks or months. In some cases, these attacks recur after years.

Rheumatoid factors in Palindromic Rheumatoid Arthritis

There are certain rheumatoid factors that may be present in some of the Palindromic rheumatoid arthritis patients. Some these rheumatoid factors include:

* It is the large joints that are most commonly afflicted in the recurrent episodes of attack.

* However, in the swelling of the periarticular tissues such as heel pads and finger pads, soft tissues are also involved.

* Aside from pain and swelling, the Palindromic rheumatoid arthritis patient may feel nodules just below the skin in subcutaneous tissues.

* Blood tests: If they indicate an elevation of the ESR (Erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and CRP (C-reactive protein) level, it is a rheumatoid factor.

Treatment for Palindromic Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is difficult to treat palindromic rheumatoid arthritis. One of the main reasons is attributed to the transient nature of the episodes of pain and attack.

Even the anti-inflammatory medicines may not be very effective. However, what is usually prescribed are disease-modifying drugs such as hydroxyxhloroquine or methotrexate for Palindromic rheumatoid arthritis patients.

In all these cases, the treatment is symptomatic. As such, they do not address the root cause of palindromic rheumatoid arthritis. More research is now being conducted for this special form of rheumatoid arthritis disease. Hopefully, with more light shed on this disease, there can be a cure some day.

Which Fruit and Vegetable Juices Relieve Arthritis Pain?

Arthritis is a growing disease in this country (over 41 million Americans are afflicted), and many rely on drugs and surgery as a cure. The disease, arthritis, covers actually over 100 rheumatic diseases (inflation of the joints). The two most common forms are osteoarthritis (cartilage deterioration of the hand and foot), and rheumatoid arthritis (the auto-immune system breaks down causing inflammation of the joints).

Arthritis differs from other diseases in that it is not always chronic; it could flare up some days and remain subdued on others. Flare-ups are generally related to weather conditions, such as barometric pressure and cold temperatures.

If you suffer from arthritis, it is generally recommended that you avoid the following: "nightshade" vegetables (vegetables that grow at night, not during the day), such as potatoes, eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes; tobacco; coffee; caffeinated tea; salt; artificial colors; and preservatives.

Conventional medical theory says there is no cure for arthritis; only treatments to reduce the pain and inflammation (such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and a supplement called glucosamine). These provide short-term relief, but create long-term problems such as deterioration of the liver and stomach.

There are surgical procedures available including joint replacement. But these should represent the last resort. Any surgical procedure is a high risk approach, which could result is less than optimal outcomes.

Of growing interest amongst homeopathic doctors is the consumption of juices from certain fruits and vegetables. (See "Natural Physicians Healing Therapies" by Mark Stengler). Juices which contain phytonutrients help the body to regenerate cells, especially around joints. Vitamin C is also helpful, since it contains an antioxidant, which aids in the reduction of inflammation and swelling of the joints.

A List of Fruits and Vegetables

The following is a partial list of fruits and vegetables that could alleviate the symptoms of arthritis.

Black Cherry Juice: 2 glasses daily.
Vegetables containing anti-inflammatory nutrients: parsley; broccoli; carrots; apples; pineapple; ginger. Try mixing these together for maximum benefit.
Fish Oil: at least 3 grams daily (consult a physician) for at least 12 weeks.

A daily diet of juices (fruit and vegetable) will help prevent arthritis. As the saying goes: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

An excellent juicer is the Sharper Image Super Juicer. It is easy to use, easy to clean, high quality (700 watt motor), and very efficient juice extraction. This juicer is priced under $100, and is an excellent choice towards living a healthy life through juicing.

Eliminating Certain Foods From the Diet Can Reverse Arthritis

It has been found over the years that eliminating certain foods from the diet and including others can help you eat away arthritis.

This is one of the good news messages out there of the quick growth of healing called alternative or natural healing medicine.

Looking To Alternative Methods

People today are taking a closer look at healing through alternatives methods to the tune of 20 billion dollars annually. The thought wave is the high cost of drugs and their side effects in the treatment, with the many different side effects, is not worth the cost or trouble when severe damage may be done. Natural healing medicine is a lot less expensive and there are no side effects in most cases when taken as directed.

The Arthritis Foundation

The Arthritis Foundation for many years has been warning the public that arthritis is an incurable disease and only by using what they recommend can symptoms be suppressed. They tell the public that the disease is always there ready to flare up at any time. To make you feel even worse if you have it the Arthritis Foundation tells us the the disease will be epidemic in the future unless proper funding actions are taken now to limit its impact.

Rheumatologists Say

According to rheumatologists associated with the foundation the cause of the disease remains unclear, while only theories and not fact continue to mount. Arthritis today has become a collective name for the hundred or so many different varieties of arthritis. According to the foundation there are no drugs out there today that can cure the disease. Perhaps they are making these dreadful predictions to keep the research money rolling in and their jobs secure.

The Arthritis Foundation admits that people who are over weight provokes osteoarthritis and includes fish oils, fasting and food allergy as possible treatments for arthritis. They flatly state, however, no diet or food has any important beneficial or causative effect on the disease of arthritis.

Much Information Emerges

Much new information began to emerge in the late 1970's from research institutions, medical centers and universities that has made the informational seeking public re-evaluate almost everything we previously knew about the destructive disease. This intensive research continues today and finally its ideas are sinking into the conventional wisdom of arthritic treatment.

Today there has been convincing clinical proof from various branches of medicine that various foods are a contributing cause of arthritic disease. More importantly there is now convincing evidence that healthy joints are dependent on gastrointestinal health and well being.

Double Blind Study

There was a double blind study done in late 1979 by Dr. Anthony Conte, a Pittsburg nutritionist, and his associate Dr. Marshall Mandell, a well know allergist, that provide evidence that arthritis can be in may cases, an allergy related disease that can be treated by simply avoiding certain common foods.

Another research study was done by a Dr. Robert Stroud, a prominent rheumatologist at the University of Alabama School of Medicine, stating that patients with arthritic disease respond very well when certain foods are completely eliminated from their diet. He also discovered that during a fast arthritic symptoms completely clear up and become non-existent. This should prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that arthritis is food related. Unfortunately you cannot fast forever.

Expansion On The Food Allergy Theory

In recent years scientists have expanded on the food allergy theory using diet to treat rheumatoid arthritis. In an ongoing experiment Drs. L.G. Darlington and N.W.Ramsey from Epsom General Hospital in England took 100 patients and treated them to a special diet only treatment. After 7 1/2 years patients were still doing well with most signs of rheumatoid arthritis gone. The doctors also found the foods you eat can influence your digestive tract, the bacteria in your gut and inflammation, all of which ultimately affect arthritis.

New Information Found

What has been found in the last decade is that arthritis is not the incurable disease we once believed. Doctors aand scientists today are now saying that many forms of arthritis are aggravated by foods we eat. While food allergies do not cause arthritis, they may, along with poor eating habits and genetic susceptibility, encourage your body to attack its own joints.

Other studies have drawn a connection between leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis. Some arthritic individuals have sieve like gastrointestinal tracts that allow partially digested food to seep into their own bloodstream. This is how food allergies and possibly allergy to your own body, called autoimmunity, happens.


This confirms what folk healers have said for years, that certain health destroying foods are a primary reason for arthritis. By replacing them with certain health restorative foods, we can encourage remission of this disease together with elimination of stiffness, pain, and inflammation.

Heart Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Limiting the Risks

You may have seen some of the articles and research, which show that people with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) have a higher risk of developing Heart Disease. This may have you worried and thinking you'll have to take yet another medication. There's good news though; you may not need any medication to prevent or control Heart Disease.

If you haven't heard the news already, people have been stopping and even reversing their Heart Disease simply by changing their diet. Dr. Dean Ornish has been doing this for years and has written several books, including Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease. Dr. T. Colin Campbell also wrote a great book called The China Study where he discusses his extensive research on how diet affects illnesses like Heart Disease and autoimmune diseases.

These doctors and other experts have proven how effective a plant based diet, void of meat, fish, and dairy, are in creating health. While changing to a plant based diet can be difficult let's take a look at some of the benefits.

  1. Lower cholesterol levels in vegetarians and vegans vs those who eat animal products: Avg American Cholesterol = 210; Avg American Vegetarian's Cholesterol = 161; Avg American Vegan's Cholesterol = 133

  2. Lower rates of Heart Disease in countries who eat little to no animal products

  3. Lower rates of Arthritis in countries who eat little to no animal products

  4. Lower rates of cancer in countries who eat little to no animal products

Those are some pretty compelling reasons to change to a plant based diet, however Vegetarian and Vegan are a couple of terms that can be intimidating. You may have some questions or concerns beyond how healthy it is. Here are some of the thoughts I had when switching to Vegetarian, and now to a Vegan diet:

  • Will I ever be able to eat at a restaurant again? Most restaurants have at least a couple of Vegetarian items on their menus. You may be more limited in your choices, but you'll certainly be able to go out to eat. As a Vegan, there are fewer options available. Sometimes you just need to ask for no mayo or no cheese. There are more restaurants offering Vegan options though, such as at hotels and casinos owned by Steve Wynn, who now requires a Vegan menu at all of his restaurants. I also recommend trying Thai, Indian, Chinese, Korean, and Mexican restaurants, they typically have several Vegetarian and even Vegan options.

  • What do I say when people ask why? I've personally given up meat, and am in the process of giving up dairy because I feel better when I eat this way. Some people do it for animal rights reasons while others to be more "green". I've found that I don't really have to defend my choice very much. It's hard for someone to argue how something makes me feel.

  • How do I eat this way at home? No meat Monday is a growing trend and can be a good place to start. Taking one or two days of the week to prepare new meals with new ingredients is not as overwhelming as going "cold turkey" and will help you get used to meals without meat. You can even find tons of Vegetarian and Vegan recipes on websites and blogs all over the internet. As you become more comfortable with meatless meals, it will be easier to give up meat altogether.

There's more and more evidence on how effective Vegetarian and Vegan diets are in preventing and reversing Heart Disease. If you're concerned and want to limit your risk of developing Heart Disease, give a meatless lifestyle a try. It's a much safer option than drugs or surgery and once you get the ordering and cooking down, it's easy to follow.

What Food is Bad For Arthritis?

The links between diet and arthritis have been the subject of a lot of talk, but very little conclusive advice can be found on what food is bad for arthritis. The recommendations may differ among different types of arthritis, and for the most part, foods that aggravate arthritis may vary on a case by case basis. In the end, each sufferer from arthritis must be responsible for cutting out foods which make the condition worse.

For most types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, there is no real set of dietary instructions. In the case of gout, a low purine diet is advised, and sufferers should avoid meat, beans and alcohol. There is, however, plenty of unproven advice on the relationship between food and arthritis. Many recommend avoiding foods belonging to the nightshade family, such as tomatoes and peppers. Others recommend cutting down on packaged snack foods and reducing consumption of saturated fats, which often requires cutting down on meat consumption. Some feel better when they remove glutens from their diet, and others when they eliminate dairy products.

While none of these recommendations has been supported by scientific evidence, doctors recognize that an individual may find that certain foods can aggravate arthritis. On an individual basis, these common culprits can be foods to test with to see if elimination improves the condition. For those who suffer from arthritis, figuring out which foods aggravate the problem can take some real work. There are no universals, but certain foods are common aggravators.

The relationship between diet and arthritis can be very individual, but some general recommendations can be made. Maintaining a healthy diet is important, and weight loss can help ease some pain of arthritis. Losing weight can be especially effective in osteoarthritis of the knee. Omega-3 fatty acids can help limit arthritis inflammation. Limiting consumption of fat, cholesterol, sugar, and alcohol is a good idea overall.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis on the Body

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that causes chronic inflammation of the joints such as knees, hips, ankles and hands. It is accompanied by high levels of pain and can cause severe disability issues. More likely to strike women than men, the condition is commonly occurring in those over the age of 40 although it also affects much younger people. It affects about 1% of the population and can be dependent on a host of factors that include weight, environment, smoking and genetics.

Contrary to common belief, the affects of rheumatoid arthritis go beyond merely affecting joints and causing restrictions on a person's mobility. In fact the condition can have significant and widespread effects on the whole body. One such effect can be seen on skin with the development of rheumatoid nodules. These are lumps of tissues that can occur, usually under the skin in areas such as the fingers, forearms, elbows and heels. They can even occur in the lungs and heart or appear as ulcers.

Rheumatoid arthritis's effects on the body can be detected in the eyes as well. Inflammations in the eyes, especially in the white area, can turn the eye red and cause pain. Vision loss and an increase risk of Sjogren's syndrome are some of the other ways the disease can take its toll on the eyes. The heart and blood vessels are yet another set of organs that could be affected by this condition and thereby place people under heightened risk of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and stroke. Inflammation of blood vessels is another common complication that could also prove to be of a serious nature.

The effects of rheumatoid arthritis can also extend to blood cells. It can affect the body by lowering levels of red blood cells, causing a condition known as anemia, which in turn causes fatigue, accelerated heart beat, dizziness and insomnia. Lung problems are yet another way in which we can witness the effects of rheumatoid arthritis on the body. Inflammation of the lungs that can be attributed to the condition may cause pleuritis and fluid collection. Some complications that may arise as a result include collapsed lungs, infections and coughing up of blood. What is worse is the tendency for some rheumatoid arthritis medication to cause lung problems that could result in shortness of breath, cough and fever.

Most medication available for its treatment tends to suppress the immune system and this could in turn cause complications by increased disease and illness arising from a suppressed immune system.

Life can be difficult at best for those living with this condition. The constant pain coupled with the inability to move about freely and enjoy life as well as the pain and difficulty in getting the most basic chores done without pain or restrictions can, and often does, lead to high levels of depression in a significant percentage of people living with this condition. Thus rheumatoid arthritis doesn't only take a toll on a person's body; it also takes a toll on a person's mental health.

Arthritis Pain Relief with Aromatherapy

Arthritis pain relief is felt the most when aromatherapy is used in conjunction with other forms of therapy, including massage and occupational therapy. An advantage with using aromatherapy for arthritis pain relief is that unlike drug medications, aromatherapy is generally safe, all-natural, and produces very little or no side effects.

If you have arthritis, the pain from achy joints, swollen muscles, and overall stiffness can get you down. This is especially so that you find the pain so bad that even simple tasks such as dressing yourself up is not easy to accomplish on your own.

Aromatherapy uses plant and flower derived scents for treatment of health ailments. As a therapy that induces relaxation and overall well-being, it should not be scoffed at for the purposes of pain management. In fact, aromatherapy for arthritis pain relief has been shown to provide substantial therapeutic benefits for those that have tried it.

Aromatherapy can also be easily down from the home. You can now find specially blended aromatherapy oils specifically to treat the symptoms of arthritis, including for rheumatoid arthritis.

Most of these specially blended aromatherapy products are combined into a topical vegetable oil, cream, or lotion that can be applied to the skin. Essential oils are very powerful. They must always be blended into some kind of base before they are used. Most aromatherapy blends contain roughly 3 per cent essential oils in a 97 per cent base. Any more than this ratio can cause irritation. When you need to have some arthritis pain relief, simply apply the oil, cream or lotion onto the affected region.

Some of the best essential oils for treating the symptoms of arthritis are eucalyptus, camphor, thyme, lavender, rosemary, ginger, lemon, and angelica root. Try to find aromatherapy blends that contain one or more of these essential oils.

You can also find aromatherapy blends that are for steam inhalation, applied as compresses, or added to bath water for a relaxing and comforting hot bath. When used in hot compress treatment, you can help reduce feelings of inflammation, joint stiffness, and overall muscle tension.

Arthritis pain relief with aromatherapy is an option that you should really consider. Get these specially blended oils at your local health food store or order them through the web. There are several stores and sites that you can obtain your supplies from.

Fight Cancer, Help Rheumatoid Arthritis and Prevent Heart Disease - How Olives Can Help

It seems the olive tree predates us all. One of the earliest known references to it dates back more than 4000 years. Olives have been found in Egyptian tombs from 2,000 years BC. Here are some very good reasons why fresh black olives should be included in our healthy diets.

Olives are a good all natural source of dietary fibre. They're also rich in vitamin E a noted antioxidant. Olives seem to protect against breast cancer because they contain substances called poly phenols that are believed to help us to ward off cancer. Poly phenols give the olive its taste and aroma. They are good for digestion and even have anti-ageing properties.

Olives contain mono-unsaturated fatty acids which act as heart protectors, they have a good amount of vitamins A, E, D and K, and provide relief for rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Olives are rich in good fats, especially oleic acid, an omega-9 mono unsaturated fatty acid. They are also excellent sources of minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorous, zinc, iron), vitamins and beta-carotene, flavanoids, and fibre.

People who regularly consume Olives were found to have a lower rate of cancer, especially breast cancer. Studies show that women who eat Olives more than once a day have a 45 percent reduced risk of developing breast cancer. Women living in countries bordering the Mediterranean, particularly Greece, Spain and Italy, are only about half as likely to die of breast cancer as women in Northern Europe and the United States.

Those who include fresh olives daily in their diets tend to have a decreased incidence of coronary heart disease and certain cancers. The mono unsaturated fatty acid content of olives can help to lower LDL (the "bad" cholesterol) levels and it also prevents the build up of dangerous arterial plaque on artery walls.

Black olives contain iron and have very few calories. Olives are thought to have laxative qualities and to stimulate the appetite and aid the liver.

Ripe, black olives are the healthiest, particularly those cured in water or with sea salt. Green, unripe olives do not have the same level of mineral content and also might be treated with lye. Ripe black olives contain high amounts of heart-healthy, oleic acid which is also thought to have rejuvenating qualities.

Methotrexate for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Methotrexate for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Methotrexate Side Effects

Methotrexate is one of the most common forms of treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis and is arguably the most important medicine used to treat RA today. It is the staple of RA treatment since it is effective at reducing disease activity for a large percentage of patients and most people with RA will go on this drug at some point or another.

Because of it is prescribed so frequently it is all too easy to forget that this is a serious toxic chemical. Let's take a quick look at 12 facts about Methotrexate so that you do not lose sight of what you are dealing with.

1. Methotrexate's brand names include Methoblastin, Trexall and Rheumatrex. It is called a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) and attmepts to decrease pain and swelling associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis. In doing so, Methotrexate can prevent damage to joints and therefore reduce the likelihood of disability. Symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis may improve within 3 weeks of starting treatment (which is precisely how long it took for me) but it may take 12 weeks or even 6 months of treatment for full benefit to be realized. Some patients do not see any benefit at all from Methotrexate.

2. Although Methotrexate was only approved for RA treatment in the US in 1988, it had already been used to treat cancer and psoriasis.

3. It still remains unclear exactly how methotrexate decreases arthritis activity. It is known that Methotrexate interferes with certain enzymes which play a role in immune system function. Methotrexate prohibits the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase, thereby affecting the production of a type of folic acid, which is required for actively growing cells.

4. Typically, Methotrexate is taken once day a week for RA. The starting dose for most adults with rheumatoid arthritis is 7.5 to 10 mg and this dose can be increased to 20 to 25 mg each week. Around 25mg/week tends to be towards the upper oral limit according the to Rheumatologists that I have consulted with. Methotrexate is also available in an injectable form which can be self-injected by the patient.

5. Folic acid supplementation is required if you take methotrexate. Doctors vary in their approach with how this is prescribed. Sometimes the Folic acid is taken daily, in other cases it is taken in a larger dose 8 hours before and 8 hours after the weekly methotrexate pill.

6. Methotrexate can cause an abnormal functioning of the liver. Therefore, it is very important to have blood tests on a regular basis to test for liver functionality. At a minimum, doctors will ask for blood tests every 8 to 12 weeks. However, there is a greater benefit to the patient if the tests are done as frequently as every month to allow not just the liver health to be reviewed, but the inflammation levels of CRP and ESR as well to view the overall disease activity. (Part of my strategy for curing my RA was to be copied on the monthly blood test results and using the CRP and ESR to guide me as to how my holistic methods were performing. I strongly recommend you get your blood tested monthly for this benefit alone!)

7. Avoid alcohol whilst taking Methotrexate since alcohol increases the risk of liver damage significantly.

8. Besides the aformentioned side-effects on the liver, Methotrexate may also cause fatigue, nausea and vomiting. Personally, I found the fatigue on Methotrexate to be quite severe so that I felt tired most of the time. However, side effects may be dose-dependent and some patients have reported no side effects at all.

9. Methotrexate should not be taken if you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant. Methotrexate can cause birth defects and/or complications during pregnancy. Do not fall pregnant whilst on methotrexate and for at least 3 months after you stop taking methotrexate. In fact, to be sure it is best to wait even longer (my Rheumatologist told me to wait 6 months - that stuff is not to be messed with!).

10. Some medications may alter methotrexate function. So, tell your doctor of all the medications you take (both prescription and over the counter). Also, NSAIDs, though often prescribed together with methotrexate, can affect the level of drug activity.

11. If it works at first, it doesn't mean that it will work forever. Treatment for RA often needs to be changed because the body can build resistance to a treatment. Some people find success with methotrexate at first and then later find that it stops working. Then, alternative drugs are tested or even a combination therapy is proposed where more than one drug is used at the same time.

12. Whilst on Methotrexate it is still possible to heal your body through natural methods. This was something that I discovered myself, by remaining on Methotrexate whilst I implemented my holistic experiments until I was able to reduce my inflammation to zero. So the great news about Methotrexate - is that unlike NSAID's and antibiotic drugs, it doesn't seem to interfere too heavily (if at all) on the delicate environment of your intestines (which is where the real cause of Rheumatoid Arhthritis really lies). This means that your determined efforts to get well naturally whilst on Methotrexate will not be undermined by the drug side effects. Finally, some good news huh?!

I hope you enjoyed this article and I'm sending you wonderful vibes of healing!

"The best doctor gives the least medicines" - Benjamin Franklin

Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief

Before we look at what relief measures are available for those with rheumatoid arthritis it is best that we understand what the condition is all about and how it is caused. Rheumatoid arthritis is an acute and progressive disorder where the synovial membrane that lines the joints suffers from a state of inflammation. This then spreads across the area and erodes the cartilage causing the much dreaded pain and stiffness that comes with the condition. Further complications of the condition include Anaemia, Pericarditis and joint infections. The pain and stiffness that ensues leave sufferers frantic for some or any kind of rheumatoid arthritis relief.

Given that there is no known cure to completely alleviate the condition, rheumatoid arthritis relief comes in two forms. One is to alleviate the symptoms and the other is to prevent the condition from worsening and causing further complications or pain. Treatment for the former however does not always mean that it takes care of the latter. It is because of this that Rheumatoid Arthritis is treated by one specific type of medication and supplemented by others as and when required. Because of the absence of definite rheumatoid arthritis cure, most sufferers look to other ways and means of comfort.

Non drug treatments geared towards rheumatoid arthritis relief are many and varied and will provide mixed levels of success at best. Let's now take a look at a few of these. A common practice in rheumatoid arthritis relief is the use of hot and cold treatments. A hot treatment is basically done by applying heat and is best for chronic pain whilst a cold treatment is usually best for acute pain. Examples for hot treatments include having a hot shower or bath in the morning, use of a moist heat pad over affected areas and applying heated oil on to the affected areas and massaging.

Regular and suitable exercise techniques will also help gain some relief. This is by way of increasing general fitness levels and by enhancing the quality of movements in the affected joints. Massages done right can also offer varying levels of comfort. Topical creams that contain salicylates or capsaicin, which caused reduced sensitivity to pain, can also be used over the affected areas. Another method of treatment is electrical stimulation. This is done by sending an electrical current that is painless to large nerve fibres. This will then generate heat and the resulting heat will provide release from pain. This type of treatment needs to be specified by a physician. A close tab on what you eat can also help towards relief although the effects of a diet on relieving pain are still to be proven. One way a diet can help is by assisting in weight loss as more weight means more pressure on the joints.

Finally, given the lack of a permanent cure, the ultimate freedom from the pain and discomfort might rest in one's attitude and approach to the condition. Thus a positive attitude and relaxation methods might also prove to help a sufferer get by in life despite the pain and complications brought about by this condition.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis - An Unusual Form of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis is a relatively unknown form of RA. Arthritis is a collective name used to classify a condition that causes a certain set of symptoms. Of the various forms of arthritis that are known, this is considered one of the most common.

A patient afflicted with RA will generally have the factor for the disease present in their blood. The production of this factor increases as the disease progresses and it destroys the joints and muscles. However, this factor is absent in some people who display the other classic symptoms of arthritis, People who display other symptoms of arthritis but test negative are known to have seronegative rheumatoid arthritis.

While it has been suggested that people with this form of RA have a mild form of the condition, this is untrue. People with the condition often suffer just as much as people with normal rheumatoid arthritis do.

Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis often proves problematic. In a way, it means that patients test negative when subject to regular RA tests. This often leads to misdiagnoses. Doctors are reluctant to diagnose a patient with a condition as serious as RA if they are not absolutely sure of it.

The problem with this is that early treatment is essential with rheumatoid arthritis. Damage to the joints and bones can be stopped or at least slowed down using drugs. Once the damage has been done, however, it is permanent. Thus someone suffering from RA should start using such drugs as soon as possible. If a doctor does not diagnose the disease properly, however, then that patient is not likely to receive such medication until much later.

This is why it is important that you know the signs and symptoms well. You should also take the time and effort to find out if you have a family history of arthritis. This information will help doctors diagnose you with the condition if you have it. The worst possible thing is having rheumatoid arthritis and not receiving proper treatment for the condition.

Signs And Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of seronegative rheumatoid arthritis are identical to those of normal arthritis diseases. Most patients complain of swelling and inflammation in the joints. The knee and hip joints in particular are most often affected. Patients may also find nodules growing under their skin. These nodules appear on certain parts of the body, and greatly aid in the diagnosis of the disease.

In certain cases, rheumatoid arthritis has been known to affect other organs such as the eyes and the lungs. Some patients suffering from RA also experience extreme dryness in their eyes and mouths. If left untreated, dryness in the eye can lead to corneal damage, resulting in impaired vision.

If you find that you are experiencing any of these signs and symptoms, then you must be sure to inform your doctor. This will help greatly with the diagnosis, and your doctor will be better able to determine if you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or not.

Living With Rheumatoid Arthritis - What You Don't Know Could Be Costing You More Than You Think!

Living with rheumatoid arthritis can be really very difficult as it is accompanied by intense pain and discomfort. What are their effective treatment methods and the potential side effects? Find out the expert facts in this article.

Living with rheumatoid arthritis is not a joyful situation as it involves a lot of pain and aches. The pain increases with the severity of the condition. Therefore, it is essential that you have a proper diagnosis well in time, so that you can take the appropriate action and treatment method as early as possible.

Although a cure for rheumatoid arthritis has not been found, there are a number of treatments that are available. They all primarily work to counter inflammation, as it is one of the root causes of rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatment methods

The following types of treatment methods are generally prescribed for those living with rheumatoid arthritis --

1) Prescription based Cox-2 inhibitors -- these work by inhibiting the action of Cox-2 enzyme in our body, which are responsible for creating inflammation and exasperating the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Cox-2 inhibitors are known for their fatal side effects.

For example, Vioxx was a popular Cox-2 inhibitors brand manufactured by Merck. It was taken off from the market due to its fatal side effects such as heart attack and stroke, which were reported by tens of thousands of rheumatoid arthritis patients. In fact, thousands of lawsuits are still pending against it till today.

2) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs -- the popular anti-inflammatory over the counter prescription drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen come in this category. They are effective for the short term management of inflammation, and they provide effective pain relief. But when taken for long periods of time and in high doses, they can cause side effects such as stomach problems, gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers.

3) Corticosteroids -- they are also an effective means of combating inflammation, but they are prescribed only for short periods of time due to their potential side effects such as weight gain, bruising, eye problems like cataract, high blood pressure, diabetes, thinning of the bones which might lead to osteoporosis, etc.

Due to the serious side effects of the above mentioned treatment methods; they might not be the best alternatives for people living with rheumatoid arthritis. Natural remedies such as that involving the use of omega-3 supplementation in the diet have proven much more effective and safer form of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Omega-3 fatty acids are powerful natural anti-inflammatory. They improve the brain and cardiovascular health, sharpen the memory and boost concentration, and provide many more overall health benefits. Unfortunately, over the recent years the average Western diet has become highly deficient in these essential omega 3 fatty acids.

Here is a word of caution though; Omega 3 fatty acids are also natural blood thinners. So, in case you are taking blood thinner medications such as aspirin, then you should consult your doctor before you use omega-3 supplements for alleviating the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

A lot of evidence has been found that omega-3 fatty acids effectively help to overcome the symptoms of those people living with rheumatoid arthritis. They help to reduce the tenderness in joints, reduce inflammation, decrease morning stiffness and also reduce the need of taking prescription based drugs for the purpose of pain relief in rheumatoid arthritis.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that are required by the body anyway for its vital functions, health and well-being. Purified Fish oil and its supplements are among the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA.

The green lipped mussel found in New Zealand is also an amazing source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is very effective in reducing joint stiffness and pain in the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and is used along with fish oil to form the best omega 3 supplements for treatment of people living with rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis Pain and Stiffness Eased by Cleansing, Nutrition and Self Acceptance!

Conventional medicine treats arthritis symptoms, not underlying causes, but you can do better than that.

Most doctors consider arthritis to be an autoimmune disease that triggers inflammation, stiffness and pain. There are many variations including tendinitis, rheumatoid, fibromyalgia, lupus, osteoarthritis, and gout. Over-the-counter and prescription drugs focus on treating symptoms, but all drugs have negative side-effects. At the bare minimum, since drugs must be processed by your liver, they'll put a strain on this already overworked organ.

What causes arthritis and can it be helped by natural remedies?

Since the resources of our modern health system have focused on treating symptoms with drugs for so long, no one knows for certain what causes arthritis pain and other symptoms for every person.

However, over the years a body of knowledge has built up that can help ease symptoms naturally and address what appear to be underlying causes.

The best natural remedies start with internal cleansing to remove built-up toxins, with the next step being improved nutrition - eating foods known for their healing effects. The third significant factor, and it could very well be the most important, is to take an honest look at the body-mind connection to your stiffness and pain.

What does 'body-mind connection' mean? There is an important connection between your emotional state and the state of your body's health. Some practitioners believe that a lack of acceptance and love for ourselves is the main factor behind all disease and discomforts.

If you have arthritis, or any condition, ask yourself what was going on in your life in the one to two years before you developed symptoms? Are you open and flexible to considering new ideas, or are you closed and judgmental?

Arthritis has a significant body-mind connection - between how rigidly you view yourself, your life and others and how your body manifests these rigid attitudes in pain and stiffness. Notice what happens as you develop a softer, more accepting opinion of yourself and others and cultivate a more positive outlook on life. If you suffer from osteoarthritis you probably have a tendency to feel victimized and blame others for your unhappiness. Osteoarthritis can indicate that you are feeling unloved and criticized. Instead of looking outside yourself for happiness, love and validation, practice being more loving and accepting of yourself.

If you've had arthritis for years, the contributing factor of a build-up of waste (toxins) in your body's tissues can be removed through nutritional cleansing which, over time, may provide a significant easing of stiffness and pain as your body systems normalize.

Once you've removed toxins through cleansing, you can find noticeable improvement if you practice these 10 healthy eating habits:

*Eat more whole, raw, unprocessed foods.

*Switch to fresh, local, organically grown foods to clear impurities.

*Juice fresh celery and carrots with a few sprigs of fresh parsley and drink daily to neutralize wastes circulating in your system.

*Ginger has strong anti-inflammatory properties, but take the extract with food to avoid potential heartburn. Dose: 1 tsp fresh root or 1 g. powdered root added to food. Or steep two tbsp. freshly shredded ginger for 15 minutes to make a potent tea.

*Curcumin reduces inflammation and enhances the effects of anti-inflammatory medications. It is the active ingredient in Turmeric, which is used to make curry. Use 1 tsp in your food every day.

*Take a balanced blend of Omega 3-6-9 oils every day to help manage arthritis symptoms. Omega-3 fats from fish and fish oil supplements lower inflammation to reduce joint stiffness. Take 1 g. EPA/DHA oil supplement daily. Increase your consumption of fatty fish and omega-3 eggs. Stop taking the oil two weeks before having surgery.

*Supplement with Vitamin D! A recent study found that women whose diets were highest in vitamin D had the lowest incidence of rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin D helps balance the immune system. In northern climates between mid-October and the end of March, supplement with 1000 IU daily.

*Colorful berries - blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and two other foods - acai berries and cherries act like aspirin in their anti-inflammatory abilities. Eat as many as you want, unless you have a history of kidney stones, in which case, avoid them.

*Eat more fresh pineapple which contains bromelain, a compound with anti-inflammatory properties.

*Take a good quality probiotic supplement to improve your digestive health.

Note: Consult with your doctor if you take blood thinners like warfarin or Coumadin before using ginger, curcumin and Omega 3-6-9 oils daily.

An arthritis-friendly diet avoids these foods:

*Canned salmon and tuna - acids in these foods react with acids in metal

*White rice, milk, dairy products, red meat, caffeine, citrus fruits, paprika, salt, tobacco and everything that contains sugar.

*Nightshade vegetables (peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, white potatoes). These foods contain a substance called solanine, to which some people, particularly those suffering from arthritis, are highly sensitive. Solanine interferes with enzymes in the muscles and may cause pain and discomfort.

*Iron supplements, or a multivitamin containing iron. Iron is suspected of being involved in pain, swelling and joint destruction. Consume iron in foods instead. Good sources include blackstrap molasses, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, fish, lima beans and peas.

*Acid-forming foods which damage nerve tissues such as:

* Manmade and processed foods

* White wine

* Coffee

* Orange juice

* White flour

* Animal proteins

Other important strategies for easing or eliminating arthritis:

*Get regular moderate exercise, which is essential for reducing pain and retarding joint deterioration. Regular activity that does not put stress on affected joints, but strengthens surrounding bones, muscles and ligaments is valuable for many types of arthritis. Bicycle riding, walking, Tai Chi and water exercises are good choices. Avoid running, weight-bearing or impact exercises.

*Do an activity you love such as swimming, a hobby or interacting with people who are joyful.

*Learn how to do Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to neutralize energy blocks in your body. Work with an experienced practitioner for maximum benefit.

*Choose and use positive affirmations several times a day. E.g. "I am loved. I now choose to love and approve of myself. I see others with love." (From Louise Hay's book "You Can Heal Your Life").

*Honor and value yourself by making your well being a priority every day.

*Simplify your life - get your priorities straight.

*Resolve whatever conflict is stealing your energy and enthusiasm for life.

*Look for and accept the lesson from everything that happens to you - 'good' or 'bad'.

*Forgive others for what they did or should have done.

*Most of all forgive yourself.