Sunflower seeds are small in size, and are flat and oval in shape. The kernel of the seed is beige in color and is covered up with a black or gray colored shell. They have a tender texture and nutty taste. They can be eaten in raw state as well as in roasted form. It can be eaten as snacks or can be spread over salads, soups, cereals and desserts. Sunflower seeds nutrition helps to cure various diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, asthma, high blood pressure, and so on. It can also lower the risks of various forms of cancer.
Sunflower Seeds Nutritional Value
Here, we have mentioned about all those components of sunflower seeds nutrition that enrich the quality of the seeds and are highly beneficial for human health. They are as follows:
Good Quality Fats: Most of the fat content of the seeds are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. These unsaturated fats obtained from sunflower seeds provide protection to the heart. Those people who are advised to follow low fat diets can take sunflower seeds to meet their fat requirements of the body. Such fats are helpful in reducing the levels of "bad" cholesterol or low density lipoprotein (LDL) while maintains the levels of essential cholesterol which is also known as high density lipoproteins (HDL).
Proteins: Sunflower seeds are excellent source of vegetable protein. It provides the body with amino acids has a vital role in building and maintenance of the healthy tissues and repairing the damaged ones. This is necessary supply of proteins particularly for vegetarians and vegans who do not eat meat and other such products.
Antioxidants: They are considered as on of the best source of vitamin E. This vitamin acts as an antioxidant in our body and helps to get rid of all the harmful free radicals. It facilitates free flowing of the blood by reducing the chances of unwanted clotting. It also reduces inflammation associated with arthritis and asthma. Selenium is another component of these seeds which works along with vitamin E as an antioxidant and control growth of cancerous cells. Thus our body gets protection from diseases like cancer and similar other health problems.
Vitamin B: There are different forms of vitamin B that can be obtained from sunflower seeds. Folate is naturally occurring form of folic acid which is responsible for cell growth and reproduction. It has a vital role in the formation of DNA and RNA. It is also necessary for the formation of hemoglobin in the red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. It can also prevent us from various heart diseases. Other forms of vitamin B like niacin, thiamine, etc. are also present in the seeds and helps in production of energy from the food that we eat.
Minerals: They can supply some of the most essential minerals to our body which include copper, zinc and iron. Copper helps to enrich our body with energy as it plays a role in carrying oxygen to the red blood cells. Iron is a component of hemoglobin and is required to carry oxygen from the lungs to each and every cells of the body. While zinc is one such mineral that strengthen our immune system and helps in healing up the wounds as well as fighting various infections.
Other Nutrients: One of the rich source of phytosterol, a plant based compound is sunflower seeds. Research studies have shown that it can prevent us from cancer and many more harmful diseases. It supplies good amount of fiber to our body that is beneficial for lowering the cholesterol level, controlling the blood glucose levels and also prevent constipation.
Now that you have gathered the knowledge of sunflower seeds nutrition and their importance in human health, you must start including them in your diet. It can bring significant improvement in your overall health and reduce the risk of several health problems. Most importantly, if you are looking for an easily digestible, less expensive form of proteins, then sunflower seeds are the right choice for you.
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