Thursday, July 25, 2013

Natural Treatments to Combat Rheumatoid Arthritis

Natural treatments to combat arthritis are getting more popular with patients of this crippling disease. There are in fact a number of different natural treatments that you can practice at home.

One of the worst symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis is the pain and inflammation especially when you consider the ineffective conventional treatments for this form of arthritis.

Here are some natural treatments that you can practice at home.
Cold compresses: these compresses will reduce inflammation and pain. This is useful for flare ups. You should apply for 15 minutes and then take a break for 30 minutes. You can use ice packs for this method.

Heat pads: this treatment will improve blood flow and relax muscles. This method can be used to help muscle and joint stiffness. You can take a warm shower or use a hot tub for this treatment. You can also apply a warm damp towel or a pack warmed in the microwave. Be cautious and do not use a pad that is to hot.

Yoga and meditation: Yoga and meditation can relax your mind and help you to reduce pain and have more control over your body. It can also help you to sleep better. When you sleep well your body will be able to heal itself. You will have more energy and be able to move better.

Breathing exercises: when you do deep breathing exercises you can make yourself more relaxed and feel better emotionally. You will need to do this by breathing from your abdomen. A simple way to do this is:
o Exhale so that all the air is out of your lungs
o Inhale through your nose, counting slowly up to 5
o Hold your breath for up to 2 minutes
o Exhale counting up to 5
o Repeat while closing your eyes

Eat a healthy diet: One of the important ways to combat any disease is to make your body strong and healthy. You can do this by eating right. To do this you should cut out junk food and sodas, or at least drink diet soda. Drink more water, you should drink at least 8 glasses per day. Replace refined foods with whole grain foods and eat more fruits and vegetables. When you eat right you will strengthen your immune system and help your body to heal itself naturally.

It is difficult to cure Rheumatoid arthritis but you can get relief from some of the symptoms by using these natural treatments that you can practice at home.

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